- We may lose them later, but we'll keep their inventions and data they've accumulated. – Sasha asked.
- None of the inhabitants of Akropolis can age or be affected, what happens is the radiation leaks and reaches other planets that can age. – Darkness said.
– Could the beast of the end heal them if that happened? – Darkness turned towards a priest.
- The beast of the end can rewind time, in an instant, so it has the power to be reborn in the instant of time, but not prevent the inevitable, if it delays the explosion and repeats the exact moment. – Selenian said.
- In which the entity of the end, will be trapping them in a time stop, we will have time to evacuate the planet, even if they only last seconds, we only need the HD's, not them, if we transferred them, they will be eternal in them. – Huang-Di said.
- Then you can start. – Darkness said. – There is no other choice. – The new god said.
- Come on. - He said.
Then they went to monitor the environment they were in.
Technicians and scientists who tried to create a cryogenic box didn't last the time, in which they created a TOI-2337b, TOI-4329b and TOI-2669b showed that they have the smallest orbits ever discovered on planets around sub-giant or giant stars in the world. end of their "lives". TOI-2337b.
Zariel the great dragon of the end, when assuming the form of the white space dragon went towards space towards the planet, was prepared, while everyone was ready so that they could evacuate the planet.
At that time, each of the planets could be consumed by its star in less than 1 million years, occurring in a few months, in which that was a shorter period than any other planet ever observed under these conditions.
The moment in time, when everything changed, was repeated, yes, between the time stop, in which Zariel emanated with white waves around while eating the stars around, the agents of Akropolis and the priests evacuated the planet. .
This is how each of those planetary systems evolved over time, the area regarded as a new frontier in exoplanet studies.
Darkness was monitoring what Zariel was doing, the recordings of the time stop, in which the new god was showing the end-time entity on those planets approaching the end of their lives, before their stars engulfed them, and Zariel swallow it then, so as not to turn into a new wandering black hole.
There was a trap, while a shipment of drugs and weapons were received at the Cais da Cidade de Santana, in which one of those involved a small fish, named Roger Miranda, who was brother-in-law of Reginald Correa dos Kingsman , a lawyer, was caught when a unknown took him hostage in his escape, to use him in his schemes, on the night of July 27, 2022, at 22:00 pm.
In which someone made an anonymous tip, giving the address that would be the place where there would be a shipment of drugs in one of the illegal bays, he was convinced to wait along with a dealer for a shipment of drugs and weapons on the docks, while his family was taken hostage in his home.
The intelligence service in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, there was an organization to invade several buildings, violent acts began to erupt towards the civic party, the people were not orderly.
They broke into the forum with your help, managed to transfer all the money that was stuck in the bank inside the forum.
In the midst of the election year, when there was an organization of extreme violence, several attacks across the city, when the country.
In the middle of the election year, in which there was an extreme political division, with the fear that everything would get out of control, there was a series of conflicts.
In the midst of a drug trafficking raid, the police showed up soon after, in which one of the accomplices who were caught in the raid, in which they did not expect, were diverting attention from the real crime, when several police officers at their residences were ambushed, there were countless attacks, police massacres, joint attacks, when everyone was attacked.
This is what happened when a series of persecutions, when the inmates escaped from the prisons, mostly throughout the states, concentrating in the state of São Paulo, with several prisons were attacked, destroyed the front, a series of bombs were dropped towards the front doors of each of the federal prisons.
Without knowing it, of course, on the other side of the pier, towards the airport, a shipment of weapons, money, a sum of more than 700 million reais, being gold bars and drugs, were intercepted by bandits, in which the thieves managed to take the loading, in gold and many dollars that was from the national bank, while the money that belongs to the national treasury and BNDES, was a bank that belongs to the federal government the national treasury bank.
There was a series of robberies when even the one that dismantled the scheme of attacks towards prisons, when they took advantage of independence day, when they invaded several prisons throughout the city, freeing several criminals, when everyone was panicked, interrupted, when the city was taken over by crime.
They invaded the forum with the help of Reginald, using his OAB wallet, when he or did...
In the midst of invading the buildings of the OAB, the bar order was attacked, many lawyers, some police bases were attacked, in the midst of a dispute over territory, in which one slaughter followed another.
- You choose, or work for us, or we kill your whole family. - He said.
All were threatened, in which they invaded the houses, farms and farms of judges, when the police were attacked in their homes, in which their families were killed, in front of several police officers, and they were eliminating some police officers.
It was taken in a scheme resembling several cloned army cars, with vans and BOPE cars, armored cars, in addition to the FBI, and the federal police, were attacked, bombs, weapons that came from war zones, in which towards to the airport of the city of Guarulhos, where several shipments of weapons were intercepted, then stolen in several strong, armored cars, in which, in turn, several cars were with cloned plates.
Numerous federal police officers taking advantage of the widespread conflicts that were the members of various activist organizations amid the onslaught of independence.