- I think it's fair. - Lilith said.
- Well, that's convenient. – Jezebel said.
- Let's go then. - Lilith said.
While on the original Earth in various historical periods these temples were destroyed, in an alternate reality these temples were never destroyed, in which each of them, never forgotten, was the great Kingsman and was a subdivision of the temples of Zarathanis .
The realm of each galaxy can use this as a way to take over other realms and add them to a forced alliance.
Then there were the kingdoms of Ur, where the ziggurat is a religious temple and astronomical observatory that Mesopotamian societies built, the most famous being that of Ur, where they still exist in that dimension of Ur...
Since Ur, during the reign of the religion of Ur- Nammu , being that it was the center of the cult of the Moon-god, in which they also worshiped besides Sin (or Nanna ), and among the rivers of blood, besides Zariel , in which there was the ziggurat was part of the religious complex, surrounded by a wall, which included the temple store, the residence of the high priestess and a royal palace.
After the great dimensional migrations, on some planes, headquarters were created that are derived from the religion of Um-Mu, such as a base of Ur or on various planes of Ziggurats.
When they had a dimensional seat among the mystical peoples, when he could look at those temples, roaming inside, until they could enter the negotiating room, the large room sitting at that large table among the papers being presented by the priests.
There was also a kitchen for preparing the god's meals, in which the pattern of time was later repeated in other cities, perhaps so that the monumental buildings could be seen more prominently .
In which each of the representatives and an entourage that had among them waited towards the stairs of the portals of the temples, in which they went to the center of the temples, towards the tables where they were there to sign.
There was no great consequence, in which everyone was asked by the priests if they accepted the norms and rules of the contract.
Everyone accepted, then signed, when they started to organize the procedures, productions and transports, then left.
Back to Earth.
There was an abandoned city, which stood where was a dimensional passage like a station, and Riyjin Tsuki bought it, a long time ago, this city was a large abandoned coal and gold mine city, which was forgotten after there was no more source, people left that region, becoming a ghost town, in which the government abandoned it.
Recently, Riyjin Tsuki Delphos bought it, with the intention that it would then be used to be the headquarters of Ur, called the New Ziggurats, being that it was on the other side of the entrance between the highways , which was between the Argyropolis Lovecraft reservations that were abandoned at the time of the great recession.
In which they founded a few months ago as if it were an interdimensional colony, in addition to the headquarters and factories and transport stations for the benefit of the Delphos company that began to employ natives of the mystical regions who would be the porters, towards distribution.
About that...
In another city.
Riyjin Tsuki, finished presenting a batch of documents where Trigon without thinking signed, then from the alliances, it seems that they received a visit from Tenebra and Jezebel who were arriving there through the portals in Amasteus' office room, which were helping them to sign documents, to become partners, in which their mediator, the priestess of Zarathis , Esmeraldina.
They were at that hour, denouncing Kingsman 's lawyer Reginald Correa towards the phone, he was called in on a check that morning, all his cases, jobs as lawyers started to be investigated, of course before the murder plot that morning in question , when he was taken hostage.
Due to the election for President of the United States of America...
Conservative politicians, as well as a large number of conservative citizens, elected a politician who did everything they wanted.
It didn't benefit them...
About that.
Riyjin Tsuki was involved in the administration of his state's integration project.
The integration and immigration department were closed and with them, more than a hundred planes were used to deport all immigrants from the country.
It appeared that the new law, in addition to many other laws that were passed, even though it was by a majority, the black federal judge was in favor.
At the same time that another extradimensional immigration department came to the state of Argyropolis Lovecraft County, which at that time, declared and assumed to be part of another world, interdimensional, in addition, they separated from the country in question.
At that time, everyone knew that it was not the color that denominated what they would do next, but the culture, since they were conservative and racist Christians.
Even though they are descendants of immigrants, who should defend women, blacks, immigrants, the poor and women, they voted 100 against 10, amid a major scandal and a crisis of tax evasion, embezzlement of funds for national security.
Then they voted to deport and hunt down all illegals in that country, sending them immediately to their countries of origin, without questioning and, to top it off, voting against immigration, same-sex marriage, revoking a right they would have had in less 10 years old...
Another consequence of the Tuigan War was the Fallen Star Pirates, who took advantage of Telflamm 's weakness . The pirates knew the planet had no naval power and entered to create a safe haven for them, heading towards the galactic sector of the Wave, 1364 DR, Telflamm humbly welcomed the pirates of the Dark-Shardkundilkkjaws flotilla under the command of Evgruth the Red. , and the significant wealth they brought.
time, an overwhelming number of pirates took over the ports of Telflamm , and their presence began to interfere with the Golden Path trade, as for pirates, crime levels and the ongoing refugee crisis turned public opinion against the ruler. Merchant Prince and the Coalition of Merchants. Telflamm 's collapse seemed inevitable.
The Shadow masters, meanwhile, underwent internal changes when their patron deity Samazkas lost his portfolio of intrigue to Rysaksun the Mad God, heading towards the galactic sector of the Banner, 1368 DR, the new young Guildmaster of the Shadow masters, with this , in which the Keshna Finlothleer , led the group into a more aggressive role in Tellflamm .
The thieves amassed guns and guns and apparently killed pirates on land and sea in a single night to prevent further interference in the planet's commerce, whereupon this massacre resulted in a large number of ghost ships that haunted the Sea of Shooting Stars.