- I liked the idea. – Sasha said.
– I could just use them, they are taken over by greed and desires. – Darkness said.
Meanwhile, in the galactic region.
They knew from reports that after the epicenter of the conflict migrated to the Avernus galaxy, the place became a real chaos, even though the many buildings that were on the edges of the Estifagan galaxies, in which they were destroyed as a result of the war, the that turned much of the layer into a ruined and inhospitable place.
The Fourth Blood War has often been described as a kind of philosophical war to determine whether law or chaos should have the final say over evil, but Asmodeus knew the truth as he was present at its beginning, he allied himself with Darkness. in the middle of the fourth war when realizing that the new god...
The ancient demon leaving his palace, headed for Akropolis.
He was expected, silently, he walked the halls to the throne room.
- I have spies. – Asmodeus said.
- Just looking. – Asmodeus said. – From what I've seen, you're just waiting. – Asmodeus said, that's what made him retreat and withdraw his troops, isolating himself and staying silent.
The war was simply the result of a violent first contact between demons using their influence between bets with Darkness and Sasha, at his side came Asmodeus, which after several acts of retribution became a wasted war.
- I realized that you are waiting for me. – Darkness said. “Oh, if I see it, it's Amasteus. - Asmodeus said, when approaching the palace, he was in the fortress of Darkness. – I know your game. – The demon said.
- What you want? – At that time, it was Amasteus who asked.
I want to play too. – Asmodeus said.
- And what do you want in return? – This time, was Sasha's question.
- Influence and a planet. – Asmodeus said.
- Let's make a contract. – Amasteus said.
- Well then. – Asmodeus said.
- You speak in front of everyone, you command armies, I've seen you declaring your power. - Tenebra said.
- I saw you talking in front of a whole room, you talk well, in several of your battles, you are good at intimidating heroes, I saw you swearing to destroy them in the middle of a world on fire. – Jezebel said.
- This is different, I don't respect them, in that case, I didn't need to intimidate them. - He said. – In this case it is different. - Trigon said.
- My jokes are horrible, they are out of time. - He said. – I have to speak and rant in front of more than a thousand demons. - He said.
- We know. – Jezebel said. – Have you made the speech yet? – The demon woman questioned him.
- I thought I'd start with a joke. - Trigon said.
- That's not so good. - Tenebra said. – But it's a start. – The woman said.
- How is this joke? – Jezebel questioned him.
- Then say one. – Jezebel asked looking towards Tenebra
- Let's see how bad this is. - Tenebra said.
- Let's try it with the driver. – Jezebel said.
Then, opening the window that separated. – Mr driver, do you want to hear a joke? - The woman asks him
A greenish elf was driving with his cap, chuckling, he said.
- I'm already laughing. - He said. - He can talk. - He said.
- Ring Ring. - Trigon said.
- Touch what? – The driver questioned him.
- My ass. – He was silent.
- I need to look at the road. – The driver lost his laugh.
- Let's try another one. – Tenebra questioned him.
- What's the difference between a demonic council and a sucker goat? Trigon tried .
- Which is? – The driver tried.
- They all take each other's heads off and suck blood.
- I thought the vampires did that. – The driver said.
- Misfortune. - Trigon enraged said, getting up and ripping the driver's arms, lucky for him, he had regeneration and an extra pair of arms to drive...
Then Jezebel lifted the window, not before healing the spare arms, the former ones, were jumping out the window and hitting people in the streets, before running, being lured to cling to another part of the driver who now had three pairs of arms.
About that...
Elsewhere in celebrations in United Kingdoms.
Moving on to the city of Golden Valle, there was a recent opening of events dedicated to the reanimated of President 's Day...
In the midst of this, also in the capital of the United Kingdom...
The one that was President 's Day, what is celebrated on this holiday?
In addition to that on that day in question, all the dead presidents rose from their graves and went to march alongside their countrymen towards a parade and marching bands, when in the midst of the great migrations, the dead rose from their graves .
Among those who rose from their graves were involved in the parades and fanfares, the dead presidents.
In addition to the commerce and its sales, in which in those days, there were numerous presidents walking in the celebrations.
At first glance, seeing the zombies coming out of their graves made everyone worried, in which in a matter of minutes, the desperate ran and were trampling people, the desperate killed those who didn't run fast, so it wasn't the zombies that killed anyone.
Today is the third Monday in February, which means that today is Presidents ' Day, on which originally United Kingdom 's Birthday , was created in honor of George United Kingdom and was celebrated on his birthday, February 22, however it became known as Presidents Day after it was moved as part of the Uniform . Monday Holiday Act of 1971.
So, when they went to see, in addition to the dead, zombies, celebrities, they went harmless, traveling across countries and in parades when they needed to show patriotism at all costs.
The same happened when Confucius and Shen Yun rose from their graves and went walking in celebration.
In the midst of the celebrations, in which they saw countless events of those days, then, a crazy old woman out of control got on a bus and attacked the living and the dead, destroying everything and tearing the zombies to pieces.
After driving nonstop to New Jersey she was arrested, it so happened that on that day in question, she killed the living, and shattered the dead, of course everyone who died who was relatively intact got up and walked around as if nothing had happened.
Riyjin Tsuki who wasn't hit watching the march that day, in question, he got in touch with other plans to see what they could do, so some interdimensional beings had factories and assemblers, some places that specialized in zombie maintenance, undead. , Lichs , some of them were transporting parts, I mean spare limbs in transplant banks.
In which, in addition to going to the IML, to replace parts that were destroyed, it looked more like a factory and a kind of workshops and dealerships similar to those of cars, of course, that you could do this with everyone from transplanted to donors organs that were not supposed to rise from their graves.
Unlike some who were left without their waists, living from the waist up, this is how they had to open America's first zombie maintenance service.
So those who spread out in dealerships and workshops all over the planet, developing body parts in labs with stem cells.
So from that day forward they could use it for motorcades, marches, but there were no laws they could blame to arrest elderly people for running over zombies, as even those who were alive got up from their graves and went to have an annual zombie parade. .
That Act permanently moved three federal holidays, which are now six, to Mondays in an attempt to create more three-day weekends for U.S. workers, where Labor Day, Patriots ' Day and Martin Luther King Days are always celebrated on Mondays, even if their dead presidents were walking around the cities.
So, they made a bill, called Terminator was against the law, they deserved due respect, the elderly lady, as the bill was proposed to serve as send those who practiced the terminator , should undergo a lifetime psychological treatment.
While several states still have individual holidays honoring the birthdays of the United Kingdom, Abraham Lincoln and other figures, Presidents ' Day is now popularly seen as a day to celebrate all US Presidents, past and present, which would be impossible to kill. again.
The Presidents ' Day holiday originated in 1880 to commemorate the birthday of George United Kingdoms, commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first president of the United States.