While you are here thinking of ways to make the lives of humans worse. – Riyjin Tsuki said. – You should be ashamed. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- All my life, I faced you, do you know why you lost? – Riyjin Tsuki questioned.

- No, but I know you're a cocksucker. – One of them said in the audience. – Apparently he will tell us. – The demon said.

- It's true, but your plans are easily discovered, they don't change. – I know that lead to talk and convince, that's what changes. - He said.

- Creating conflicts and dividing the nation, they are easily convinced, just someone who speaks for all. - He said. – You have to induce one person to play, and everyone will join the conversation. - He said.

- Recently, I entered the branches of the immortals, finding that bringing the end times in a traditional way is not effective, the end, it is time consuming, it is hard work. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Now, if you make an effort to finance population growth, reduce investments in education. – Invest in the integration and dimensional migration department, if the number of mystical beings on Earth increases. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Convert the desperate into demons and followers. – Riyjin Tsuki said. – Now, if we influence more births and racial mixing, force governments to lose money. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Now, induce other worlds in decay to be sacrificed. - Riyjin Tsuki said, taking the front, taking the microphone from Jezebel 's hands .

- I have an integration department in need of social workers from other dimensions, who need them to bring Earth and various human dimensions. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- I found out that I have a Kong and a Queen for those who don't know is a giant ape with OCD, who can't get a job, if we spread it and take it to other cities, soon we'll have more magical beings than humans. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- You are not united. – Riyjin Tsuki said. - They don't help each other, just give me a chance to unite them all. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Invest in more soul services, continue with the life-buying trade, the more humans lose their jobs, if we influence America to go into recession, countries are left with low budget, they are out of jobs, they will lay off more people, so they needed jobs. – Riyjin Tsuki said. – Buy their lifespan, until they dry up. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- That's right Delphi. – He was being cheered and praised by everyone there.

- As bad as the situation seems to you, it's not as bad as theirs, don't give up, don't even think you lost. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Yes, that's right, we can all, we will only use ignorance and human disagreements. – One of them shouted from the audience.

Hip, hip, hurray. – Then everyone shouted clapping and got up to see their new companion.

- We are going to manipulate them, use lies, make them attack each other, make them kill themselves with lies. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Yes, prince of lies. – They were there repeating. - Prince of lies.

- You just need to follow the American dream, follow it, make them kill themselves, in a few years of conflict, letting them kill themselves, the worlds and other dimensions auctioned will be yours. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- Influence humans to go into the jungles, be more racist, prejudiced, soon they enter wars, conflicts. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- They must create more diseases, bring them from the animals they eat, diminish their truths, create more insecurities. – Riyjin Tsuki said, amid applause and ovation.

- I want you to sign papers for the release of an alliance, leaving everyone committed to helping each other. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- That's the example. – Jezebel said. – If we have more deities, more converts, we will make the proportion of magical beings, demonic beings to humans and the human population with diseases and more plagues that will be caused by themselves. – Jezebel said.

- More demonic beings, mestizos, less humans will be born, with all disabilities, with bad health plans, with converts. - Tenebra said.

- Imagine with more disabilities that lead to death, caused by diseases, with a decrease in births of children, while those who are born are either disabled, sick or mutants, or even magical and demonic. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

- And I sign below. – Amasteus climbed towards the podium. – My godson and convert. – Taking their joined hands up in victory, they didn't need the son of Amasteus anyway, who already fled long ago.

So, there didn't seem to be any problems with Trigon 's cowardly escape which was of no use, Riyjin Tsuki saved the convention as he showed well converted and engaged in futures of humanity's end.

Then, each of the demons who were representatives of the clans, as they went towards a conference room, signing contract papers and mutual help.

- Where we accept to support conversion and finance social resources and programs for conversion and unification of the end of human influence. - Another said.

That hour, heading to the headquarters that would be in Argyropolis Lovecraft County. – We will now finance and leverage the city's growth. – Jezebiah said. – The future home of demons.

- Distilling a magical compound that would gradually convert the human population into demonic beings. - He said.

- Succubus cabarets throughout the city, scattered at key points to entertain and distract humans. – Another said.

So, social projects were financed and using demonic money to support them, schools, hospitals and security were supported by Delphos, which had demons as partners.

From that day forward, Argyropolis Lovecraft County, in addition to searching other cities and states, funding what humans would not do, the state in short is being funded by demons.

Overall the end times in the long run than now, was something inevitable, but he could push into another dimension.

Then, later they found Trigon hiding in the hotel, sucking his finger in a fetal form, if his curiosity about whether everything went well, Darkness-Star at that hour, who was waiting for him at the entrance, thought it was a good thing, without recovering their alliances, that he would not let him speak.

At that time, when he didn't even ask, but everyone was in high esteem towards Riyjin Tsuki who was being well valued by all the demons.

Returning to the hotel, Riyjin Tsuki laughing was telling everything to Darkness-Star who was returning from a meeting with some interested in conquering other worlds, when they stayed cuddled on the couch watching television, later that hour, receiving visits from their new partners.

- You're a great negotiator. – Darkness-Star praised him.

- Thank you darling. – Riyjin Tsuki said.

They would return to Argyropolis Lovecraft County afterwards.

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

There was a news item that ran on the news.

The worst psychopaths weren't from his rogues gallery, but his associates, those charming cockroaches, who had charisma, were friendly, look like conquering heartthrobs, businessmen and executives in the laboratory branches.