- These are the big jade snakes. – Jung said.

Then, in the midst of it, he said. - Do not make noise.

- Why do they fight in the open in the middle of the street? – Tsuki questioned.

- It's a Chinese dispute, on behalf of the former senator Kun. - He said. – At least initially. - He said.

- They tried to separate from the main government, but it was taken over by various criminal groups. - He said.

At that time, when one man saw each of the groups with 30 more men fighting in the open, where people hid in their stores and did not appear in the open, while they fought, destroying everything around them.

In the middle of nowhere, they stopped one in the middle of the street, almost ten meters away, until at that moment, when one of the men in black screamed, unexpectedly appearing countless machine guns from the bottom of the robes of each of them and each of them. one of the sides, firing bullets towards everyone who was in front of him.