- Following in uniting them to heal, healing is controlling the flow of energy, you pull them, and if you don't have enough energy, you pull the energy around you and around you, to control the flow of blood, the cutting is a way of controlling energy and sewing with energy. – Jezebel said.

- So, I would use the control and pull the energy in one stitch, the same goes for cuts, it would be like I was sewing, but concentrating the energy in and out, in one stitch? - Tsuki tried.

- Yea. – All of them said.

- You will start with the hamsters, with minor injuries, channeling energy and pulling. – Jezebel said.

- Come on. – Jezebel started pulling the little animals, placing them on Tsuki's lap, giving small cuts. – Now you can start. – Concentrate, channel the energy imagine sewing, but concentrate on closing the wounds. – Jezebel said.

- Well, let's go. – Tsuki said.