Tsukino Miki Hikaru sent or sent the messages directly to the most loyal henchman of all the employees of all the businessmen and mobsters, who owed to the tax authorities and who were hunted and that their savings disappeared, in addition to that their money disappeared, along with the bribe money from all over the world.

- Invest in my city, bring the money to me, bring everything, here is a tax haven. – Tsukino Miki Hikaru sold the idea.

So, all the interested parties who had no alternative, that is, all the businessmen who owed the tax, came to their city.

It was where crime arose and spread through those streets and that in the future would only serve as a den of villains in its gallery, in which these establishments were on the most frequented streets they always opened from 7 pm, they were between the Golden Valley, Central City , Star City and Ruby City had a street in Lovecraft County.