He managed to get washed to another room, in a lighted penthouse was she supposed to be impenetrable? How he knew where to find each of his associates.

How would he discover the Dark Knight's true identity, other than DNA texts and how much the city of Hyujin Delphos , would be safe while he was entertaining Chinese mobsters, after all didn't need DNA tests his best kept secret? How the hell was he going to find out the identities of his allies? If so how did they get the cameras scattered around? And how long did it take to lock and or wash everyone out of unconsciousness?

- The cat ate your tongue, Tsuki Mikiy my cat? Huang Di chuckled humorously, his cynical smile and lips curled into a smirk a hungry expression as if from usual lighting and the fact

that he had a sinful smile of white Colgate teeth.

Contaminated with something darker and sensual and wicked that enveloped her body, waves of pain, pleasure and doubt were mixed in one layer. - Or maybe I should use your own title, hm? Dragon Crimson _ His voice was nothing more than a primal grunt when speaking of the vigilante's namesake, and it sent a shiver down Tsuki Miki's spine.

- I dont know what your saying. Not now you took my mask, my virginity and my total shame, - Huang Di laughed out loud, throwing himself on his back. - And I thought my jokes were bad. - Howled.

- Faster than Tsuki Miki could have predicted he said towards her. - Do not do it. Do not lie. For me. He enunciated each word with a touch of his lips, and it was all Tsuki Miki could do to keep himself from fighting back.

"You want sex, or nonsense talk," he growled.

- He remembered that he didn't need the suit to be better than Huang Di. He was still Dragon Crimson , with or without the hood and cape.

- I can see right through your handsome hot billionaire face with fire., Tsuki Miki. This life, it just doesn't fit you, you like to have wild rough sex. - Huang Di was crouched in front of him now, just inches between them.

His gaze was intense and appraising and very blue. - And, uh, you don't exactly have the most loyal group of employees. - He laughed. There was only one person outside of his inner circle who knew Dragon Crimson 's true identity .

- Coleman Reese. - He breathed. – He was a single person who would be enough to incriminate and enough to be an informant, even some of the criminals who in turn would be revealing Dragon Crimson 's Delphos company secrets .

- This is not difficult, to find each of his associates was not difficult, there were people like Coleman Reese who were easy to bribe, no need or even threat after all, they lived on the basis of money.

- But that makes no difference. - Said Dragon Crimson .

- Do not do? asked Huang Di.

- You don't think I would have foreseen this, Coleman Reese is a treacherous rat he is just like most rats in Hyujin Delphos 's sewers . - Tsuki Miki said. "I don't do anything I'm not two steps ahead of, and I don't fall head over heels in any game. – he said in his direction.

- This is the little mouse he was whimpering while the mighty Dragon Crimson was unconscious in our hands, and then we got that they were in our meeting they were terrified some of them thought it wasn't the real one, Dragon Crimson .

In which others fled with their tails between their legs. - He said with disgust. – And some were thinking it was a trap orchestrated by the great dark knight. – It said.

It was finding out where their associates would be, it wasn't difficult, but none of them were ready for us. – It said.

- I never tell anyone my plans. - Tsuki Miki said.

- It didn't take long, some grenades and even money that we diverted and some companies and police so we found out how to find them in their homes and hiding places.

For each of them and taking you from afar, we know that you set each one of them to be caught, they seemed to be prepared or rather waiting for your arrival. – It said. - That was at that time, you sent information, where we got them, too easy, and he sang to me, so...

As sweet as Commissioner Gordon has a signal lit and enough for us to catch him on the roof, we've taken every one of them and uncovered their bugs and destroyed every single one of them - He scoffed. - But we know it was too late, we can't stop everything from happening.

We can't prevent them from bugging each of our organizations, but we will be able to control you on the basis of blackmail and death for each of them, you may not like any of them or even trust them, but you're not good at dealing with death.

It's not the same, but we'll kill every single one of them if you don't behave. - Maybe it was the alarming lack of sleep, the recent fuck, it had to be, it definitely was, but Huang Di looked upset from lack of will.

With a lack of reaction or an angry expression or conflicting emotion and even the fear of dying for him from Reese's prison. Tsuki Miki frowned and constantly inched his way backwards. Huang Di was unstable at best.

Without the protection of his Kevlar, he wasn't comfortable with her closeness other than a good fuck. He looked up into that pale white face with full lips and firm features, slanted eyes with a heavily muscled body.

He had a firm physiognomy and his musculature of a sculptural body at that moment he felt a charge of animosity, mixed with tension and internal thirst for pleasure, which he possessed, he could accept to be fucked, but not humiliated the less expected he would take revenge arming against these shits, but he would discover their tricks and learn from the masters.

- Don't think that you can say everything you think, don't think I'm cornered, that I can't form a plan. - He said watching Huang Di's evil gaze.

While one look would have sent the most hardened criminal into the darkness, run in fear with their tails between their legs, or even go to prison or run as if fleeing hell while still he was hiding in a shadow, which earned him an open beam. from Huang Di.

- I would never think otherwise, even though I have an agreement with you, even if we are in partnership, I will never have complete trust, I know that you have plans, hidden plans and that you are hiding much more than you appear and I know that you are using your associates . - He said with a growl and touching her face and holding her chin.

- Do you want to talk or fuck? – asked Dragon Crimson . – I didn't come here to listen to this conversation, either you do something or get off the top. – He said with a growl.

- Don't be so nervous, Tsuki Miki. I just want us to have some fun? He oozed sinful air and danger, his stark white face seemed to be buzzing in. Tsuki Miki stifled a grunt.

- Then I suggest you find an amusement park. - He yelled in ill-marked fury. "This isn't funny and a fuckin' fucking deal. - Roared.

He wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye, and smacked his lips in open excitement.

- It just wouldn't be the same without you, Tsuki Miki. I thought we could stay and get to know each other a little. - That crimson smile widened, those hands were suddenly on top of him. A hiss of surprised breath escaped him as he felt hot fingers Delphosing around his biceps.

- Don't think that I won't know your steps, don't think that at any time I won't be able to discover your tricks. – It said.