not at all prepared screamed he writhed there in pain, when he felt a twinge a squeeze inside him making him walk between groans with an armbar with his arms t Huang pped behind his body.
he was being impaled jumping when his fingers found his point that made him scream between walking...
when he least realized it amid the groans his own penis getting harder harder.
at that time he walked the place being driven amid mutilated decapitated bodies as to his groans feeling to see stars while his finger, sticking non-stop behind him was making him see stars feeling pleasure.
he was taken amid the sack ing of what appeared ubus league warrior of the assassins who were subjugating had already dominated seve Huang l enemies...
he tore out the rest of his clothes showing him with erect penises to everyone from above.
- Nobody touches what's mine. "Growled for all. no one will take my place in the league of murderers...