- A thousand years of darkness. The man called Ellis repeated.

Ellis Fulbring was an owner of several nightclubs and nightclubs that did illegal gambling and embezzlement and the dark illegal ventures besides drug dealing was really a big dark businessman, but in facade he was a benefactor and philanthropist distributing money. medicine in lower classes was in his fourth marriage aged seventy and a twenty-year-old woman in addition to manipulation clinics of several drug factories.

- The thousand years of darkness begins with the coming of the nightmare queen and the great shaman and the queen of doom, but we would like to gather later in the great fraternization to tell our stories and talk about the cave temples like lord Delphos proposed to spread the culture around midnight if you don't mind. - said the chief.

– Each shaman of a tribe will tell a part of the story but this is all too memorable to tell for each part.