It was more in the center of the seven circles there is a black staff whose red stone is on top and the golden book of memories where the dark lady's magic was kept. – Our tribe forbids you to stay in the circle or enter the containment area because we all believe that the line of the shadow realm is fine and they can be influenced by negative energy. - Said wisely

So, in what was showing with the staff pressed into the earth and the inscriptions around a hand mirror the size of a human face darkened by what could be dust was dark like the cave in which there was a key pressed in the closed book like if they kept their memories and didn't let them out.

The one that was thick and made of skin were strangely afraid of what skin it was and right next to it there was a statue of a monster a demon half human half vulture wizened wings black eyes were dusty and so to the sky of the cave and just beyond a transparent lake where luminous fish were seen.