Sokolov, 68 years old, has lived discreetly in England for about ten years, in 2002 he was convicted and imprisoned in Russia for being a double agent, they believed that there was a spy involved, in that, when he was handed over by another spy, and that he did not reveal his identity, and that he passed it on to British intelligence.

What he knew was that there was some information about Russian military and spies, and that they were operating in Europe, in which there was a probable money embezzlement scheme that would be involved in possible money laundering, and money that he discovered, being in 2012 he was released and moved to England, where he was almost killed last month.

His daughter Alexeev was discharged on April 12, and Sergei is recovering quickly, but he received a visa, which triggered a major diplomatic crisis worthy of the Cold War times, with one blaming the other, there was an espionage fight. , an undercover agent was trading information.