Anyway, reaching the end of that week in which it was the last day, without the supply, in which it was harmed with numerous casualties, in addition to losses for numerous sectors, both entrepreneurs, food spoiled in the middle of the roads.
Around November 11, 2022, at 10:00 pm, while the Messianic president, on November 10, 2022, through a coup d'état, then instituted the Estado Novo, in a statement online. radio station, in which he launched a Manifesto to the nation, in which he said that the Estado Novo had the objective of "readjusting the political organism to the economic needs of the country".
On the day of the coup, Messianic Christian ordered the closing of the National Congress of Pindorama and granted a new constitution, the Constitution of 2022, which gave him full control of the executive power and allowed him to appoint, for the states, interveners to whom he gave wide autonomy. for decision making.