
"Brothers, I brought you something to eat." Hielos went into the small tent.

The quiet tent suddenly became lively. The few people who were lying on the ground got up and quickly snatched the food from Hielos' arms like hungry wolves.

"Hielos, if you hadn't come, I would have starved to death." Matonis chewed the half-cooked horse meat in big bites. The meat that he usually looked down on was now indescribably delicious in his mouth.

"I got it from Antonios. Meno had them especially form a team, and at the risk of being attacked by the Persians, they dragged back dead horses from the battlefield." Hielos sighed and looked at the man lying in the innermost part of the tent and asked with concern, "How is Davos? Has he woken up?"

"He woke up, but he was in a daze. Whoever talked to him seemed to not know him and didn't say a word. Now, he seems to be asleep." Giorgris answered sadly.

"I think that he might have accidentally fallen into the River of Forgetfulness while sitting on the boat of Karon, and now he has lost his memory," said Olivos.

"Shut up!" Matonis reached out to press Olivos' head, but he pushed him away.

Hielos forcefully separated the two of them and scolded, "We are all from the same town in Sesarea. We are surrounded by enemies in a land thousands of miles away from our home. If we don't unite, I am afraid that we won't be able to return."

The tent fell silent.

Hielos felt the heavy atmosphere and said comfortingly, "I have seen a few warriors who have suffered heavy head injuries. At first, they were confused, and will be normal after a period of rest. Maybe by tomorrow morning, Davos will be able to greet everyone with a smile."

"Davos is also an old warrior, he fell while chasing!" Olivos had just said a few words in frustration, but when he saw Matonis staring at him again, he immediately shut his mouth.

"Hielos, did Cyrus the Younger win or was he defeated?" For a moment of silence, Giorgris couldn't help but ask the question that everyone was most concerned about and afraid of.

Previously, when they returned to the battlefield after chasing the fleeing enemy, they only found that the Persian army was still there, while the troops of Cyrus the Younger were nowhere to be found. Because it was getting late, the two armies did not have the desire to continue fighting. After a confrontation, the Persian army retreated.

Only then did the Greek mercenaries realize their camp had been looted. The soldiers were tired and hungry, so they naturally didn't have the energy to think and ask this important question.

"Cyrus the Younger is leading a cavalry. Whether they win or get defeated, he can easily leave the battlefield and meet up with us tomorrow. He can just fight another battle with the Persian king." Hielos said easily.

"But the Persian king has much more troops than us. If Cyrus the Younger is defeated, then there will be even fewer troops that will fight together with us tomorrow." Giorgris said worriedly.

"What's there to be afraid of? We have more than 10,000 hoplites! The Persians are as timid as rabbits! No matter how many people there are, they won't dare to fight us! I haven't killed enough today, and we can fight again tomorrow, just as well!" When Matonis heard this, he encouraged everyone in his way.

"Even if Cyrus the Younger is defeated, we have also defeated their left wing and killed many of their men. Tomorrow, the number of their soldiers will only be fewer than today!" Hielos was equally confident.

"These damned Persians have destroyed our camp, stolen our food, and stolen a lot of my silver coins! Tomorrow, we will defeat them and take back our things!" said Matonis angrily.

"That's right!" Everyone shared the same hatred, "Not only do we want to take back our things, but we also want to snatch their things."

"Oh!" Olivos thought of something and said excitedly, "I heard that all the women of Cyrus the Younger were also taken away, and only one managed to escape. It's the one I told you about last time… the woman of Miletus who is as beautiful as Aphrodite. I heard that Clearchus led her into his tent, and he will be happy tonight!…" Olivos swallowed his saliva and said wretchedly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hielos warned him.

"Olivos, if you have the ability, then defeat the Persian king tomorrow and take one of his women."

"Oh, this is a good idea! Matonis, you are smart for once."

"Damn Olivos, you want to get beaten again!"

While they were talking and laughing, a hoarse voice came from the innermost part of the tent, "Did you not think that Cyrus the Younger was not only defeated but also killed!"

Tissaphernes rushed to the Persian king's tent, and the eunuch, Masabadi, was already waiting at the door, "The king is waiting for you, go in!"

When Tissaphernes untied his sword to the royal guard next to him, he found that the eunuch that the Persian king trusted the most seemed to be a bit depressed, and he couldn't help but think, 'Is His Majesty badly injured?'

The large tent was filled with a strong fragrance, mixed with the smell of herbs.

Artaxerxes was lying on his side on his bed, wearing a gorgeous scarlet robe, and his chest was wrapped in a white cloth, and there was faint red blood seeping out. A beautiful maid was gently massaging his shoulder, and next to him stood the medical officer, Xethias.

Seeing Tissaphernes come in, Xethias immediately excused himself from the Persian king.

Artaxerxes asked him to wait outside the tent in case his injury changed so that he could be summoned immediately.

Tissaphernes watched the Greek doctor withdraw from the tent, then he half knelt and said with his head lowered, "Your Highness, I have lost the war, so I have specially come to ask you to punish me!"

Artaxerxes said nothing, and Tissaphernes began to feel uneasy, and he knelt on the ground without moving.

After a long time, Artaxerxes said, "You have lost the battle, Tissaphernes. But at least you still dare to attack. I heard that you led your cavalry to bypass the Greek hoplite defense and attack their rear, but you were defeated by their light shield soldiers and were almost hit by the javelins of the Greeks."

"Yes, Your Majesty. You know everything!" Tissaphernes secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Compared with those who have fled before the battle, you are much braver! Get up!" Artaxerxes was still a bit dissatisfied with the performance of the Persian army's left wing yesterday, and then he raised his voice, "I am not as lucky as you. Cyrus'spear stabbed me, fortunately, my armor is strong enough, so I can take this opportunity to stab him under the horse!"

Wasn't Cyrus the Younger hit by the spear thrown by the guard, Miseridates? Tissaphernes was surprised, but he didn't show it. Instead, he said with admiration and excitement, "Your Majesty, everyone used to say that Cyrus is brave. Yesterday, on the battlefield, when we were about to lose, Your Majesty, you took a huge risk that a king shouldn't have taken and personally killed Cyrus, the rebel! It gave us an unbelievable victory! Your Majesty, you are indeed the king of kings! You are the natural brave!"

Masabadi and Xetesia immediately expressed their admiration for the heroic performance of the Persian king.

Artaxerxes' face flushed and said angrily, "Cyrus has been competitive since childhood. As his elder brother, I have always given in to him. Last time at the coronation, he tried to assassinate me, and for my mother's sake, I forgave him! I didn't expect that he would think that my kindness was weak and easy to bully, and dared to launch a rebellion!! For the stability of the country, even if he is my brother, I have to execute him!"

"The king's benevolent people all know it! Cyrus doesn't know what's good for him, so he seduced outsiders and invaded our land. He deserves it!…" Tissaphernes said passionately.

Artaxerxes nodded and couldn't help but cough a few times. The words just now consumed a lot of his energy, "My governor, you have exposed the conspiracy of Cyrus to me many times, and your governance of Asia Minor has always been outstanding! When this rebellion is over, I will reward you!"

"Your Majesty, as the governor of Asia Minor, this is my duty!" Tissaphernes said solemnly.

Tissaphernes nodded and pointed to a large earthen jar on the wooden table in front of the couch with his left hand, with a complicated expression on his face, "This is the head and hand of Cyrus cut by Masabadi. Take it to the camp of the Greeks and let them surrender immediately!!"

Note: Two of the parties involved in the battle of Kunasak have left a note. One is Xenophon. The other is Xenophon, the Persian imperial physician, Xenophon. His record was quoted by Prutak of the Roman Empire in his " Artaxerxes ", in which the Greek hoplites defeated the Persian right wing, which is far from what Xenophon wrote. I have chosen Xenophon's note in the novel. Although his description is a bit exaggerated, it can explain some of the strange performances of the post-war Persians.