
It should be said that the Persians had not only fulfilled their promise but had also done it very well. They had brought the Greeks to fertile land. Here, the farmlands were dense and there were more than a dozen rich villages around. They had also specially vacated two farmsteads for the Greeks as a garrison camp and prepared a lot of delicious food.

After several days of fatigue and hunger, the soldiers drank and ate to their heart's content.

The next day, Davos woke up and felt that his fatigue was swept away, and he was very energetic. When he thought of what the Persians had done, he was a bit confused, 'If this is a plan to make the enemy proud, then is it necessary to make such a big contribution? Is this a country that bullies the weak and fears the strong, just like the Northern Song in the history of China?'

He tried his best to recall the teachings of the ancient Persian empire when he was studying at a party school in his previous life. The Persians had taken advantage of the decline of the hegemon of the two rivers, Medes and Assyria, to rise. Because Cyrus adopted a very inclusive policy on the culture and religion of various races, wherever the soldiers went, all kinds of races surrendered, and the territory became bigger like a snowball.

How can such a vast territory be managed? First of all, Persia's birthplace, Persepolis, is the capital and is personally presided over by the king. The Mesopotamian watershed is the most fertile region and is directly governed by the governors. Most of the people under their jurisdiction are autonomous, and they pay taxes regularly… and so on. Mesopotamia is the territory of the Persian king!

Davos had a flash of inspiration. In his memory, when the mercenaries passed through Silesia, Cyrus the Younger allowed the Greeks to plunder, but once they crossed the river Tapisakus and entered the Two Rivers, the management became much stricter. Even when buying things, they had to pay according to price. Could it be… could it be…

"Davos, come with me to see Asistes!" A big hand pulled Davos up and interrupted his thoughts.

"Who?" Davos asked Hielos with confusion.

"Asistes is Antonios' nephew. Yesterday, when he crossed the wooden bridge, the bridge suddenly broke and he fell into the river, and a big hole was made in his thigh by the broken wood. I didn't expect that this morning, he was hot and unconscious and even said some strange things, and the doctor couldn't do anything about it. Antonios wanted to ask you to take a look!" Hielos said anxiously.

"Nonsense?! It seems that he has already arrived in hell and met Radamantos. I don't think there is any hope." Olivos saw Hielos glaring at him and quickly changed his words, "Of course, Davos, you are the 'God's Favored' of Hades. He can't live!"

Davos looked troubled, "I want to help, but I don't know how to cure diseases."

Hielos comforted him and said, "Antonios understands. It's just that for a person who is about to lose his family, he has to try even if there is little hope."

In the face of Hielos' expectant gaze, Davos was silent, and his nervous mood just now was slowly calming down: Even if I can't save Asistes, can I erase the help I have given to everyone these past two days? In addition to pretending to be mysterious, can't I get their trust in my ability?! Without this nickname, I might be able to dispel some of Meno's jealousy towards me.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Alright, I will go with you."

"I will go too." Giorgris, who was in the room, also stood up.

When they came to the room with the doors and windows tightly shut, there were many people in the room.

"Davos is here!" A sentence soon made people give way.

Davos came to the bed and saw a young man in his twenties lying on the bed with his eyes closed. His mouth and lips were dry and his whole body was red. There was a 6cm long wedge-shaped wound on his left thigh near his knee, and the area around the wound was swollen like a fist. He was talking nonsense and his hands and feet were twitching, but he was held down tightly.

Davos first put his hand on the patient's forehead, which was hot. Then he gently pressed the swelling with his hand, and green pus flowed out of the wound. He felt that his fingers were sticky and had a faint fragrance.

At this time, the man who was pressing the patient raised his head and looked at him, and said, "I applied the ointment made from grape leaves on the wound in hopes of making him quiet, but it seems that the effect is not good."

"His name is Herpus, he is the doctor of our camp." Hielos saw Davos'doubts and said in a low voice.

Such a strong man is a doctor?! Davos looked at him and blurted out, "Why don't you use bloodletting?"

"Must we use bloodletting therapy? I had previously considered that in case of bloodletting, it will take a long time for Asistes to recover, and we are on our way home!" Herpus explained, "I even used the few remaining 'Mega Elephants', but it seems that spice therapy is useless." He looked a bit depressed.

No wonder there was a strange smell in the air, and he thought that it was the smell of these people. Didn't the West use bloodletting therapy to treat their illness before the Renaissance? Davos thought about some interesting things he had seen in his previous life about the ancient West.

"Oh, what is your name? Which camp did Antonios hire a doctor from?" asked Herpus.

Davos hesitated for a moment and thought about how to answer. Antonios, who was waiting anxiously, interjected, "He is Davos! Hades' 'God's Favored'!" After that, without looking at the sudden change in Herpus' expression, he asked Davos urgently, "Asistes… does he still have… hope?"

"I will try my best, but I may not succeed," Davos answered cautiously.

"Just do your best! Just do your best!" Antonios'tired face relaxed, "Do we need to prepare the altar and the statue of Hades now?"

"Why are you preparing these?"


Davos glanced around. Except for Herpus, who was watching coldly, everyone else looked at him with anticipation and excitement, 'So they are waiting to see "God's Arrival"!'

Davos laughed in his heart and said seriously, "I don't know how to pray, and I don't know how to pray. But I know some other treatment methods that can be tried. If you only want God to save Asistes, then I can only leave!"

"Oh!" Some people exclaimed in disappointment.

Antonios seemed to understand something and immediately said firmly, "Just do as you say!"

The reason why Davos said this is, firstly, to find a way out for himself if his treatment fails. Secondly, he doesn't want these people to associate him with God in everything.

"Tell everyone to go out and wait!… Open all the doors and windows!… boil a pot of water, find a few pieces of clean linen, and put them in the boiling water! At the same time, find a sharp, stainless knife and put it in the boiling water!… and bring a few jars of cold water to the house!…" Davos slowly and clearly instructed.

Antonios, Hielos, and Giorgris did not have any doubts, but began to carry out his orders seriously and rushed around.

Herpus had thought that Davos was a witch doctor and was not kind to him. At this moment, seeing that his arrangement was quite good, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Davos, how are you going to treat him?"

"There is no large amount of bleeding on the wound, and it is obvious that the blood vessels were not injured, but the wound is swollen with pus and high fever. The wound infection caused a high fever, so we can first debride and reduce the fever." Davos explained in detail. For modern people, this is just ordinary common sense. However, in this ignorant era, people often think that it is the work of gods and ghosts. This is why witch doctors are so popular, and Herpus thought that Davos was a witch doctor.

After listening to Davos, Herpus' eyes lit up, "This is similar to the method of treatment for fractures proposed by Hippocrates, 'debridement, traction and reduction'."

"Hippocrates of Kos?" Davos was very familiar with this person's name. After all, the later generations called Hippocrates" the father of western medicine."

"Yes. Do you know him?"

"Not familiar, but I have heard of it."

"When we passed through the Aegean Sea, I wanted to visit him, but he wasn't there. Although many physicians in Greece didn't agree with him, he did cure many people."

Seeing Herpus'regret and envy, Davos thought of something, "Can you be my assistant later?"

"Thank you very much!" said Herpus gratefully. In this era, doctors are mostly passed down from father to son. If ordinary people want to study medicine, they have to sign an agreement, pay a considerable tuition fee, and be an assistant for many years for free.