Military Meeting

Mersis came over and whispered, "Davos, the Persian that you sent to the supply camp last time, according to your request, I took good care of them!"

"Is that so?" Davos looked at him with a smile, "How can I thank you?"

"You are the leader, and this is my duty." Mersis smiled and leaned closer, and said in a lower voice, "In addition, Meno has nearly two Tarantes' properties stored in the supply camp…"

Two Taranto is equivalent to 65 kilograms of silver, which is a huge sum of money, and Meno is good at making money. However, Davos, who had just been reborn, he doesn't have a deep concept of Greek coins, so he wasn't surprised. He thought about it seriously and said, "Does Meno have any immediate family?"

Mersis had been watching Davos, and seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, and hearing this, he immediately understood the intention of Davos and felt more admiration in his heart, so he hurriedly said, "No."

"Is there a will?"

"No. He never thought that he would die so early."

Davos pondered for a while and said with a sigh, "Meno founded this camp, and he has also put in a lot of effort for this camp, so let's use this money for the development of our camp."

"Davos, you are so impartial!" Mersis complimented him loudly, then rubbed his hands and asked carefully, "You calculated the number of people so quickly just now, did Hades give you some enlightenment?"

Davos had already seen that there was something in his mind, but he didn't expect it to be for this, "Of course!"

"Can you teach it to me?" Mersis begged.

Davos was surprised that although this fatty was also old, he could still have such a strong desire for knowledge, and he couldn't help but admire him, "Of course it's okay."

"Great! Davos, you are the best leader!" Mersis couldn't help but hug Davos, and Davos stiffened. The tradition of homosexuality in ancient Greece had made him wary of excessive physical contact, but he soon realized that he was thinking too much, and Mersis was just expressing his gratitude to him. Undoubtedly, this fatty had also become his staunch supporter.

By the time he had arranged everything, it was already past noon. Davos thought that he should have arrived late, but when he and Philesius arrived at the command tent of the mercenaries, they found that only Cheirisophus and Timasion were inside.

Cheirisophus saw two people coming in, and one of them was the young man that he had seen at the gathering. He immediately frowned and said in a deep voice, "You are mercenaries from Menon. Who is the leader that your camp has elected?" As he said this, he naturally looked at Philesius.

Before Davos could speak, Philesius turned his body and pointed his left hand to Davos, and solemnly said, "All our soldiers unanimously elected Davos as the new leader of our camp!"

Cheirisophus and Timasion widened their eyes in shock. After a while, the two of them looked at each other, and then Timasion loudly questioned, "We are about to go to war with the Persians, and everyone must do their best. Is your camp trying to drag us down by electing a child who has not yet grown up?! Do you know that many people will die in war?!"

Timasion's last sentence was directed at Davos, which was threatening.

In the face of the ferocious Timasion, Davos responded without showing any weakness, "When we fight, we won't even know who will be the one dragging us down! Fighting against the Persians, just relying on brute force won't do! Where were you when I went to stop Clearchus and Meno? If they had listened to my advice, then there wouldn't have been such a bad situation today!"

"Of course, I also… have tried to stop them…" Timasion had been feeling guilty about the capture of Clearchus, so he was led by the topic of Davos and answered with a lack of confidence.

"Everyone in our camp thinks that Davos is the best candidate for the leader, and no one objected! And they entrusted me to be the adjutant and assist the leader of Davos in managing the military affairs." Philesius emphasized it again. As an old mercenary, he knew what Cheirisophus and Timasion were worried about and what they were trying to do.

Cheirisophus looked at Philesius again, "This is?"

"Philesius, the adjutant of Meno, the real leader of his camp…" Timasion said in a strange tone beside Cheirisophus.

"Oh…" Cheirisophus had a look of understanding. Davos could guess what they were thinking, but he didn't want to argue. Time will prove everything.

"The other camps are still fiercely electing, but you have chosen very quickly." Cheirisophus finally stood up and said with a slight tease.

Davos immediately followed up, "At this critical moment, it is better for the whole army to be united than to still be independent!"

Cheirisophus was taken aback. This young new leader doesn't know anything else, but at least his eloquence is not weak. He reluctantly bowed and said, "Welcome."

Davos responded, "I am very happy to fight with you!"

For a moment, the tent was speechless.

Ten minutes later, Xanticles came in and replaced Socrates as the new leader.

Then Cleanor replaced Agiles and became the new leader.

The last one to come in was Hieronymus, who had squeezed out Agasias and replaced Proxenus as the new leader. And the one who came with him was Xenophon, an acquaintance of Davos, who had become the adjutant of Hieronymus.

Everyone was surprised by the age of Davos. Fortunately, it was already afternoon and time was tight.

As soon as everyone arrived, Cheirisophus immediately said, "Everyone, let's first decide on the retreat route back to Greece. My opinion is to follow the original route, go north along the Tigris river, enter Armenia, reach the sea of Ulcis, and then take a ship back to Aeoria…"

"This is the route that Tissaphernes had arranged for us, it was originally a conspiracy! I heard that there are many barbaric races in the north that even the Persians have a headache, which is a huge threat to us!" Xanticles objected.

"Then what do you suggest? To the west?! Not to mention that it is a long journey, but more importantly, we are now in a state of war with Persia, and it is dangerous for us to stay in the land of Persia for one more day. The Persians can mobilize more soldiers to besiege us at any time! Since the north has given the Persians a headache, it just shows that their rule over the north is not strong, and this is our opportunity! Those barbarians have no grudge against us, not to mention that we have a common enemy – Persia!…" Timasion spoke frankly, it was obvious that he had communicated with Krisophus before.

Sure enough, we still have to go north! Davos saw that Xanticles had the same expression of approval as the others.

"Everyone, vote. Those who agree to go north, please raise your hands!" said Cheirisophus.

Everyone agreed unanimously.

Cheirisophus then said, "To concentrate our soldiers in battle with the Persians and prevent them from being attacked due to the dispersion of our troops, I suggest that we merge the small mercenary camps such as Sousis and Pasion among us. Of course, it depends on the voluntary merging of both sides."

"If we merge them, how will we distribute the military rations? How will we distribute the wealth that we have collected in the past?…" asked Hieronymus seriously.

"I have already said that both sides are willing. If he is willing to join your camp, you can discuss it privately." Timasion said impatiently.

Merging with other small camps?! Davos was a bit interested. After all, the more troops there are, the more likely the camp will survive in battle.

"Since everyone has agreed, we will announce this at the general assembly. In addition, there is an even more important question. In a situation where we will be attacked by the Persians at any time, what kind of formation will we march in to ensure our safety the most?" Cheirisophus looked around at everyone, and without waiting for a reply, he had already taken out a stick and gestured on the ground, "My suggestion is to advance in a large empty formation, which is, two mercenaries will be the vanguard to lead the whole army, one mercenary on the left and one on the right will protect the flanks, and two mercenaries will be the rearguard, and in the middle are our supply unit and non-combatants… what do you think?"