
At this time, the woman turned around, and Davos couldn't help but open his eyes wide. He saw the woman's bright blonde hair, which was simply tied into a bun and piled up behind her head like a cloud, revealing her snow-white slender neck. Under her smooth forehead were two curved thin eyebrows, and her bright eyes were as blue as the Aegean Sea water. Her long and curved eyelashes hid her gaze, which added a bit of hazy temptation. The bridge of her nose wasn't completely straight, but had a small curve, which made her less heroic, and made her more playful and gentle. Her thick and even lips had a gorgeous blood color, and her delicate and white face was as smooth as a goose egg, and finally outlined her slightly raised chin with a perfect curve…

Although he had seen countless beauties on television in his previous life, the beauty of this woman still dazzled Davos…

She slightly opened her lips and showed her white and neat teeth, "Esteemed leader Davos, my name is Cheiristoya."

"… mm… mm…" Davos subconsciously responded and did not even think about who Cheiristoya was. Did he know her?

Obviously, Cheiristoya had seen many men lose their composure in front of her, so she did not show any contempt. Instead, she took a step forward and said softly, "I am the daughter of Pronipos, a noble of Miletus, the concubine of Cyrus the Persian prince. I am now seeking your protection!"

A concubine of Cyrus the Younger?! Davos quivered and suddenly remembered what he had heard from Olivos, and blurted out, "You are the… woman who escaped from the Persian soldiers when Cyrus the Younger was killed!"

As soon as he said it, he felt that something was wrong and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't… shouldn't…"

"It doesn't matter… this is the arrangement of the goddess of destiny." Cheiristoya looked sad, "I was lucky enough to escape, but the other sisters…"

Her sad expression made Davos' heart throb again. He scolded himself for being a good-for-nothing, 'In my previous life, I was about to get married, not a virgin!'

However, this was the first time that he was alone with such a beautiful woman. He coughed unnaturally and asked, "Where were you before?"

"Clearchus is a trustworthy leader, he protected me for the sake of Cyrus the Younger. Unfortunately…"

Although Davos was attracted by the beauty of Cheiristoya, his mind was still clear, so he continued to ask, "Although Clearchus is dead, Timasion has become the new leader, so you can let him continue to protect you. Now that we are at war with the Persians, you don't have to worry anymore."

"But Timasion is not as prestigious as Clearchus in the camp. He can't control those who want to… want to humiliate me." Cheiristoya blushed and wept.

Davos, however, was not in the mood to appreciate beauty. At this moment, he had calmed down and naturally thought more about it. He secretly thought that he had publicly advocated unity at the general assembly, and as soon as he came back, the beauty of the Timasion camp ran to his tent, and those who didn't know the situation would think that he was greedy for beauty and had hijacked her without caring about his allies!

He was deep in thought, and when Cheiristoya saw that Davos did not respond, she became a bit anxious, "I heard that you are the" God's Favored" of Hades, and the soldiers of the whole camp were in awe of you, so they chose you as their leader. Therefore, when you held a general assembly and relaxed your management, I sneaked over. For the sake of the gods, you must help me!" In a hurry, she went forward and grabbed Davos' hand and begged.

The two were so close that Davos could smell the fragrance of her hair. He suppressed the urge to hug her and said, "Don't worry, I will help you." With that, he took a step back and shouted, "Asistes, come in!"

Cheiristoya exclaimed and retreated in a hurry, her face flushed again.

As the herald of Davos, Asistes had been waiting outside the tent. When he heard the order, he immediately came in and was stunned by the situation inside the tent.

"Go to Cheirisophus and say, 'The concubine of Cyrus the Younger, the Miletus, Cheiristoya, wants to march with our camp and ask him if he agrees.'"

"… Asistes!… Asistes! Do you understand?"

"… oh… oh… I understand." Asistes came back to his senses and hurriedly withdrew his gaze and answered in a hurry.

"Understood, go!"

"Yes! Yes!!" Before Asistes went out, he didn't forget to sneak a glance.

"This little guy!" Davos laughed and said, "Don't blame him, you are too charming!" He couldn't help but tease him.

Cheiristoya smiled and said, "Leader, you seem to be younger than him, and I have never seen you like him."

Davos smiled awkwardly, and the tent fell into silence.

"Will Cheirisophus agree to let me stay?" It was Cheiristoya who spoke first and asked with some concern.

"I don't think it will be a big problem. You are a free man, not someone's slave. You have the right to choose where you want to go." Davos comforted her, "In fact, the best choice is to go to Cheirisophus to find shelter."

"I don't like Spartans!" Cheiristoya answered straightforwardly.

For some reason, Davos was relieved.

Hearing the words "You are free, not someone's slave", Cheiristoya suddenly felt like crying, and her gaze wandered on Davos. After a moment, she said softly, "Where is Leader Davos from?"

"Just call me Davos." Davos corrected him, and the remaining memories came to his mind, "I am a Sesarean, and my hometown is near a village in Macedonia."

"Aren't your parents worried about you becoming a mercenary at such a young age?"

"My parents have long passed away."

"Sorry, I didn't know…" Cheiristoya apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay." Davos waved his hand. He didn't think much about it. He really didn't feel anything about the parents of this body who had transmigrated and reincarnated, but Cheiristoya's question reminded him of his parents in his previous life, which made him sad.

Cheiristoya looked at him in silence and suddenly felt a slight throb. On one hand, the young age of this leader and the death of her parents had stimulated her maternal instinct to protect him. On the other hand, his calmness beyond his age made her feel that she was talking to an older and more stable leader. This difference highlighted the mystery of Davos, which greatly attracted Cheiristoya.

"They all say that you are Hades' 'God's Favored', is that true?" When Cheiristoya blurted out this sentence, she realized that she had been too presumptuous.

However, Davos didn't mind and asked back, "Do you believe it?"

"I believe!" Cheiristoya immediately made up for her previous mistake.

Davos smiled and slowly said, "In times of difficulty, you will always find a god to entrust to, so that you won't always collapse out of fear. However, if you rely too much on the god and not rely on your own efforts to get out of your predicament, then you will only end up accelerating your destruction…"

Cheiristoya slightly opened her mouth and thought about it…

For some reason, the two of them got along very well.

For Davos, the depression and suffering since his transmigration was finally released.

For Cheiristoya, the daughter of the noble of Miletus had lost her mother when she was young, and her stepmother didn't care about her… When she grew up, Miletus was besieged by Cyrus the Younger. In order to protect her family and power, her only father, who loved her, gave Cheiristoya to Cyrus the Younger. Cyrus doted on her a lot, but in private, the other concubines made things difficult for her out of jealousy. After the death of Cyrus the Younger, she fled to the camp of Clearchus, and faced the guards of the supply camp and the lustful gazes of several captains every day, which made her very uneasy… Today, she finally confided the oppression that she had been suffering to someone she had just met…

As they were talking, Asistes came in, followed by the herald of the whole army, Tolmides.