The Decapitation Operation

Philesius looked at him in surprise.

"Will it work?!" Davos urged.

Philesius thought carefully and said hesitantly, "… it should work, but it might not succeed."

"No plan can guarantee 100% success, but there won't even be a chance if we don't try!" Davos decisively called the Hielos guards and told them his plan in detail. Out of their trust in Davos, they agreed to this risky plan without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Davos added, "This time, I will go with you!"

"No! Davos, you are the leader, you can't take the risk!" Philesius immediately objected.

"It's only a hundred meters back, and in the blink of an eye, we have returned. What danger is there!?"

Besides, I am still a 'God's Favored', and I have the protection of Hades. If I die, doesn't that mean that this 'God's Favored' is not reliable!" Davos smiled persistently and freely, and then pointed to Hielos and said, "You are my good brothers. Now, I will join this attack as a member of Hielos'squad!" This made Hielos and the others swallow back their words of dissuasion.

"Good, let us brothers live and die together!" Matonis shouted excitedly.

"Yes, let the others see the courage of the Cesare warriors!" Olivos, who had been silent, shouted excitedly.

At this time, the herald came, "Mithridates went around to the side of Timasion and shouted… only three soldiers surrendered to the Persians!" This was the ability of Clearchus' army, and even after his death, it still affected his soldiers.

"Mithridates will be here soon! There is no time to delay! Philesius, you stay here for me!" Davos said anxiously.

"Alright." Philesius reluctantly agreed.

"Asistes, go and inform the captains to be ready…"

"Understood!" said Asistes excitedly.

"Hielos squad, follow me to the front!"

"Roar!!!…" Everyone roared in unison, which made the other soldiers look back curiously.

"Reporting to the inspector, Mithridates has gone around Davos'troops!"

After listening to Tolmides'report, Cheirisophus couldn't help but look behind him.

Even the prestigious troops of Cleanor and Timasion have defected. Can this inexperienced young man stabilize his soldiers? Cheirisophus was full of worry.

"Tolmides, go to Timasion immediately and ask him to send Clete's archers to attack Mithridates." He finally made a decision.

"Yes!" Tolmides immediately galloped back.

Young man, you must hold on!

Davos and Hielos, who had changed into ordinary helmets, were now standing in the first row, and the javelins behind them were hidden below their shoulders. Like the other soldiers, they faced the west and were full of vigilance, nervously watching the rear of the troops.

Suddenly, someone squeezed into his side, and before Davos could turn his head to see who it was, he heard Asistes say, "Leader, I have conveyed your order to the captains. I am your herald, so please let me fight with you now!"

Davos nodded.

"Leader, they are coming!" Hielos reminded him in a low voice.

The sound of horse hooves came from behind and gradually became clearer…

Soon, 30 light cavalry appeared in front of them. The leader was wearing shiny fish scales that could cover his knees, which must be Mithridates.

Davos opened his eyes wide and gripped the bronze shield in his hand.

"Damn coward." Matonis cursed softly.

"Warriors of Greece, I am Mithridates, a good friend of Cyrus the Younger!" Mithridates stopped his horse 200 meters ahead of Davos and shouted. As soon as he shouted, his cavalry repeated it in Greek.

"Moreover, I am a good friend of Meno! I have always been friendly to you Greeks, especially you, soldiers of Meno, and I have visited your camp many times! Believe me, Clearchus was punished for breaking the agreement, but you didn't! The peace agreement is still effective for you! Come, come to us! I swear on the god of my family, the god of war, Bahram! I have no ill intentions towards you, and we will send you back to Asia Minor safely! At the same time, the governor of Tissaphernes is ready to hire you again, because Asia Minor has not yet been pacified, and he needs your help. For this reason, he has prepared a rich reward…"

"Persians with honey on their lips, don't think that we will fall for it!" Asistes spat.

At this time, Davos said in a low voice, "Prepare to start!"

Hielos'squad immediately began shouting, "Can we go home?"

"You really won't hurt us?"

"How much is Tissaphernes going to pay to hire us?"

After a commotion, they unanimously shouted, "We surrender! Surrender!…" With that, they threw down their shields and spears and ran towards Mithridates.

"We surrender as well!" Another hoplite squad near Hielos also threw down their weapons and quickly mixed with Hielos'squad.

"General, look! There are also many people who have surrendered this time!" A cavalryman said happily to Mithridates.

"Of course! Meno has the best relationship with Ariaeus! I think that we can continue shouting here!" Mithridates said proudly, as soon as he shouted, such a great result had made him more confident.

As Davos ran, he kept his eyes on the movement of the Mithridates on the opposite side. At this time, two Persian cavalry came running, which made his heart tighten.

"Run to the right! Run to the right!…" They shouted in fluent Greek and made a gesture, then turned their horses and led the way ahead, indicating that they should follow.

"Ignore them! Speed up!" Davos shouted in a low voice.

The Greek soldiers did not listen to the command and suddenly increased their speed and ran in their direction, which aroused the suspicion of Mithridates.

At this time, the cavalry beside him shouted in panic, "Not good! They… they have javelins on their backs!"

The reason why he could see it clearly was because the distance between him and the Greek soldiers was nearly 30 meters.

"Ready!!!" Hielos shouted, and the team members quickly pulled out their javelins and strode forward.

"Damn it!!" Mithridates pulled the reins of his horse in a hurry and clamped the horse's belly, wanting to turn the horse around and retreat.

However, it was too late. After Matonis and the others threw their javelins, they even fell due to the strong inertia.

Amidst the screams of the Persian cavalry, ten javelins flew towards Mithridates at the same time. He couldn't dodge in time and was immediately shot several times, and his horse was also pierced through the neck and fell down with him.

Just as the Persian cavalry panicked, the Hielos squad that had quickly climbed up threw out their second javelin, and two more cavalry fell.

Antonios, who was watching closely, shouted excitedly, "Success! They have succeeded!!"

The soldiers cheered.

"Go and fetch Leader Davos!" Kapus shouted calmly.

Just as the two squads were about to retreat, Mithridates, who had just fallen to the ground, suddenly moved and struggled to pull out his right leg that was pinned down by the horse. Obviously, his thick armor protected his vitals.

Now, he was just 20 meters away, and the fleeing Persian cavalry was looking around not far away. The situation was urgent, and Davos could no longer think about it, "Kill him!!" Davos was the first to rush forward.

The soldiers caught up with him without hesitation, and they picked up the javelins and spears on the ground.

Matonis threw another Persian cavalry that wanted to come to his rescue, and the remaining cavalry fled again.

Mithridates shook his dusty face and looked up at Davos, who had come, and smiled bitterly, revealing his bloody mouth, "… you… can't escape…"

Davos didn't speak and directly stabbed the spear into his neck.