Spring Breeze

Herpus was focused on treating the patients, and had no time to manage the medical camp and maintain order. Moreover, he was not good at management, and he preferred to study medicine. Therefore, after everything went smoothly, Davos had to let Hielos, the captain of the guard, stay behind to manage the medical camp for the time being. However, as a trusted subordinate of Davos, Hielos was reliable and smart, and Davos had the intention to train him into his strong arm. It was a waste of his talent to be the person in charge of a small medical camp, so he could only find a suitable position in the future.

It was almost dusk when Davos returned to his tent.

When he finally had some free time, he began to review today's battle, analyze the problems in his command and combat, and find a better way to deal with it. At the same time, he compared it with the military knowledge that he had learned in his previous life. This is the homework that he must do before sleeping every day, and it is also the method that he came up with to increase his military command ability faster. Some people have been engaged in war for their whole life and have always been a famous general, while some people can turn war into art at a young age, and the most important thing is their attitude towards war.

The last battle had allowed Davos to see the limitations of terrain and space on the infantry in the era of cold weapons, and how much damage it will cause to the dense formation due to the stampede due to fear! Today, he finally understood the power of the archers against the heavily armed infantry.

What if they throw javelins at the hoplites? Davos thought, 'The lethality must be stronger than bows and arrows.' He had once asked Matonis to throw javelins at the abandoned armor, and at a close distance, they can completely wear heavy armor. As for the bronze shield, it can also make a hole, so why didn't Tissaphernes do it? The answer is obvious, he doesn't have any powerful javelins, while the Greek mercenaries have nearly 3,000 light shield soldiers, most of them are Thracians, they are the most powerful light shield soldiers in the Mediterranean, and their javelins are first-rate.'

He then thought of the javelin used by the Roman soldiers. The front end of the javelin is very thin, and when it is inserted into the shield, it will bend and become a burden to the enemy when they move, and they will have to throw away the shield, which will effectively lower the defense of the enemy. He even further imagined what would happen if Tissaphernes also had a hoplite? After thinking about it, Davos felt that the Greeks could only surrender. Because even in his previous life, during the battle of Cannes, Hannibal dared to creatively use a thin arc to face the thick formation of the Romans. The most important prerequisite is that his cavalry is much stronger than that of Rome, so that they can defeat the two wings and complete the encirclement. At this time, the Persian cavalry is dozens of times stronger than the Greeks…

Davos wrote down his insights on the papyrus with Chinese characters and continued to think. This time, he thought about what the Persians would do next from the perspective of Tissaphernes…

At this time, someone came in, "Leader Davos, someone is looking for you."

"Olivos, it's you! Are your wounds all healed?!" When Davos found Olivos standing in front of him, he was surprised and didn't notice his strange expression.

"Well, Herpus asked me to come back." Olivos reluctantly explained. In fact, he was the one who asked to leave. Herpus saw that he was fine, and the medical camp had accepted too many wounded soldiers today, so he let him go.

"You have just recovered and should rest more. Why did you come to stand guard? Where is Hielos?" asked Davos with concern. As soon as he said it, he remembered that Hielos was left in the medical camp.

Olivos quickly went out and brought the visitor in.

The visitor was dressed in a flowing Heaton, with Himachun (that is, a cloak) covering her head, and her loose linen clothes could not hide her graceful figure.

"Cheiristoya!" Davos blurted out.

The visitor stretched out her snow-white slender hands and lifted up Himachun, revealing her beautiful face. She bowed gracefully and said, "Leader Davos!"

Olivos winked and left.

Davos suddenly remembered that when he was reborn, it was Olivos who said 'Cheiristoya is as beautiful as Aphrodite'.

Cheiristoya saw that Davos was distracted and asked, "Leader Davos doesn't welcome me?"

"Your arrival made me so happy that I forgot what to say, and your beauty made me lose my mind!" Davos had a 19 year old body and a 35 year old mind, and his casual praise was a bit teasing.

"Leader Davos, you really know how to talk!" Cheiristoya smiled and said, "These days, I heard everyone in the supply camp praising your achievements! Mithridates and Artaozus, as far as I know, are excellent generals under Cyrus the Younger, but they have all been defeated by you, which is enough to dispel any doubts about your ability. I congratulate you now, I wonder if it's too late?!"

"Your words are worth thousands of words!" Davos laughed, "You didn't come just to congratulate me, did you?"

"I have a request!" Cheiristoya looked at Davos, "You said that 'I can come to you if I have any request.'"

"Of course! Of course! Please say it."

"I want to go to your medical camp!" said Cheiristoya seriously.

"What?" Davos thought that he had heard wrong, "Someone in the medical camp treated you badly?"

"Mersis is very good to me." Cheiristoya paused for a moment and deliberated her words, "But everyone is busy with marching and fighting, and I am the only one who is free… I have been to the medical camp several times, and I think that I can do what those female slaves did, and I can do it better than them!"

"Are you sure you want to go to the medical camp? There, you will see terrible wounds and scarlet blood every day. You will touch the dirty and smelly bodies of the soldiers and comfort the patients who have gone crazy due to pain, and you might even be harassed by them…"

Davos wanted to persuade Cheiristoya to give up on his idea, but her expression was firm, "I am not afraid! In fact, you don't know much about the wounded soldiers in your camp. Not only did they not bully them, but they are also very grateful to these former female slaves…" Cheiristoya closed her eyes and seemed to be recalling what she had observed at that time.

Davos looked at her and felt like he was trying to do something meaningful in front of a woman in modern society to prove his existence.

"Alright, I agree."

"Really?!" Cheiristoya widened her eyes in disbelief. The Greek city-states are actually very conservative about the women of their citizens. They are under the jurisdiction of their father before their marriage, and after their marriage, they are under the jurisdiction of their husband, and when they are old, they are under the jurisdiction of their son, and they basically don't have their own freedom (except for the commoner women and * *). Cheiristoya felt insecure in her heart and was afraid that she would be abandoned by the mercenaries, and she was also envious of the respect that the female slaves in the medical camp had received. Through her contact with Davos, she found that this young leader was different, so she tried to make a request, but she didn't expect that she would be agreed so quickly.

In fact, for Davos, he didn't know much about the traditional Greek customs. On the contrary, he had long been used to the concept of equality between men and women in modern society. The hospital was mostly filled with women, and at first, he only objected because he was worried that the beauty of Cheiristoya would attract trouble.

"Really!" said Davos seriously.

Cheiristoya rushed to him excitedly, and he couldn't help but stretch out his back and embrace her in his arms. At that moment, thunder and fire…

"Olivos, why aren't you standing guard and eavesdropping by the tent?! This is a violation of military rules, and you will be expelled from the camp!" Giorgris, who had come to change his post, shouted anxiously.

"Shh!" Olivos made a hush gesture and whispered mysteriously, "Come and listen, the battle inside is fierce!"

"Battle situation?" Gilgris was a bit confused.

Olivos pulled him over, and then he heard a blood-curdling groan from the tent, and a private word that made him blush…

"The spring of Davos is here!" Olivos' face was full of envy, "This guy is really favored by the gods, he actually fell in love with the most beautiful woman in our whole team…"