Chapter 8

''You  wanted to see me sir?" Harry asked as he arrived in Dumbledore's office.

"Yes Harry, please take a seat." Dumbledore said as he gestured to the seat opposite him. "Lemon drop?" Dumbledore offered as he gestured to a small bowl full of them.

"I prefer chocolate if we are being honest." Harry replied, shaking his head.


"Yes, I do not really know if I prefer magical chocolates or the muggle ones, I think I would probably have to test out a few."

"I have experience in both, and even I often find it hard to chose between them." Dumbledore said, discussing sweets and chocolates was not why he called Harry up here but Dumbledore was not opposed to a little small talk. Especially since most people were not really willing to do it with him unless they were trying to subtly insult him or learn about something. Besides it was a topic that Dumbledore liked and if ended up relaxing Harry then so be it.

"Hmm, personally I do not really like having too much sweets. I am not really used to them." Harry replied.

"Use to them Harry?"

"Yes, my muggle relatives made it a habit to only feed me the bare requirement for me to live." Harry said with a tight smile. "So the high sugar in them makes it less enjoyable than I am sure they would usually be."

"Harry, there is no need to exaggerate." Dumbledore frowned.

"Of course, it is rather obvious that you as the person who does not live there would know more about it than me."

"We can discuss this particular topic another time Mr Potter." Dumbledore said, realising that the small talk was over.

"Alright." Harry said as he sat down. "Should I assume that this is not just a regular social call then?"

"I do indeed have something to discuss with you."

"If it is advise on robes then I am afraid you are looking at the wrong guy headmaster," Harry said as he gestured to Dumbledore's blue robes. "though I must say that your particular choice of robes is a lot more tame than what you usually wear."

"There is nothing wrong with mixing it up every now and then Harry." Dumbledore said with a small smile. "Now moving on to the topics I have to discuss with you, first of all the Triwizard tournament officials along with various people connected to the tournament are being sued. Funnily enough they are being sued by Ted Tonks, who I believe is your lawyer in your case against the Malfoys."

"Oh that case is done," Harry grinned. "Mr Tonks has attended on my behalf. I now have a lot more money than before, Tonks made sure to get me as much money as he can possibly get."

"Do you truly think it was a wise idea to sue the Malfoys?" Dumbledore asked in a calm voice, though it was made very clear that the headmaster disapproved.

"I think it is long past time that the Malfoys finally learn that actions have consequences, I am sure that you would very much prefer that Malfoy learns this in a courtroom rather than in a duel or a fight." Harry replied, not backing down from Dumbledore, he knew he was in the right here.

"I do suppose you have a valid point," Dumbledore sighed. "though I can not help thinking that this would simply escalate the situation between yourself and Mr Malfoy."

"Sir, Malfoy has spent the last few years getting away with whatever he wants and saying whatever he wants, in my humble opinion I think it was going to eventually escalate one way or another. But I think we may have diverted from our original topic."

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "I believe we have."

"Alright, back on the topic of Mr Tonks and him taking action against the tournament officials, all I did was simply offer Mr Tonk's services to the Delacours. I am sorry if that had unintentionally caused you problems as well but I am friends with Miss Delacour and she was beyond upset when she found out that her underage sister was underwater in a cold lake."

"Mr Potter, I think that..."

"Her underage veela sister," Harry continued, interrupting Dumbledore. Dumbledore did not miss what Harry meant, Veela were not comfortable in water to say the least. "her underage veela sister who was told to compete despite not currently possessing the knowledge required to fully understand the situation she was asked to compete in. After all sir you would not ask an eight year old to attempt a NEWT level spell would you?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"No I would not," Dumbledore sighed, Harry did make a good point and he felt rather foolish for not thinking about it himself. He supposed it was fair, if he was the girls father then he would also wish to sue the tournament officials. Besides he could not be too angry at Harry as the boy pointed out that he had simply offered his lawyers services to his friends. "I understand, even though I do wish that you would speak to someone first before you offer those services. However that was not all I wished to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "What about?"



"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "I want to discuss a couple of things. For example you are far beyond in magic than what is expected of you."

"Simple," Harry responded. "like I have said before, I got rid of the dead weight. I no longer have to lower myself to keep Granger and Weasley happy so I can very easily start putting my full effort into learning."

"Harry, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger were your friends."

"Your use of past tense is not lost on either of us." Harry responded. "Was there something else?" Harry asked, not willing to waste more time on talking about his ex-friends.

"Yes, I also can not help but wonder where you spend all your free time."

"Hogwarts, believe it or not." Harry replied with a shrug.

"Of that I have no doubt," Dumbledore said dryly. "you have barely been seen throughout the year since the tournament selection. You do not attend any of your classes."

"That's because since I was forced into a deadly tournament against my will and turned on by the whole school I realised I had better things to learn than how to make tea cups dance and I had better things to listen to rather than the sheep in this school that would easily shift from hatred to love and to hatred within a single day. Heck probably even with an hour. I have spent my time away from the students so I can focus on my survival."

"But where have you been staying?" Dumbledore asked. "You no longer sleep in the Gryffindor dormitories and you have not been seen in the Gryffindor common room for a while."

"Different places throughout the year," Harry shrugged. "abandoned classrooms and the like, though recently I have been spending a lot of time in the Beuaxbaton carriage."

"May I ask why?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"Miss Delacour has been kind enough to let me stay there. And before you ask I assure you that the other Beuaxbaton student know." Harry said with a smile, remembering how a few days ago he experienced his first threesome when one of the other French students walked in on him and Fleur. Technically he was not lying when he said that other students knew.

"But why Harry?" Dumbledore asked. "Why not stay with your fellow Gryffindor friends and family?"

"Because I am at my limit sir, no scratch that, I have gone past it. I am done with fair-weather friends, false family and just everyone in Hogwarts. I can count the number of people I can consider friends in Gryffindor with just one hand."

"Harry I understand that things have become difficult for you but..."

"This is not about difficult, this is merely reducing problems. I am not going to worry about being stabbed in the back, betrayed and ordered around when I also have to worry about drowning hostages and dragons."

"Harry, I understand but this can all just blow over if you put the effort into it."

"That's the thing," Harry said as he stood up. "I do not want to."


"I have had it with pretending to be the nice boy-who-lived that everyone wants me to be." Harry replied. "I have done my best to care for other people and nearly all of them spit in my face, I am done Dumbledore. The next time there is a crisis in the school somebody else can deal with it, because I am done playing hero. From now on I am looking after myself." Harry said before he turned and left the room, leaving a stunned Dumbledore who had only just remembered that he forgot to ask about Selena.

"Bloody hell." Harry sighed as he and the other champions walked towards the quidditch pitch. Ludo Bagman had wanted to meet them there, Harry assumed that it was something to do with the third task but he was not really sure since Ludo was a bit of a dumbass. When Harry got there the other champions gave him the barest of nods, nor did anyone question why he and Fleur came exactly together. When Harry arrived he could not help but notice that the quidditch pitch was now home to some very large hedges.

"Oh look! The champions are all here!" Bagman, the man child that he is, cheered upon seeing the four champions. "Now, as you four can see, the quidditch pitch has been somewhat modified."

"Really? I couldn't tell." Harry said dryly, to the amusement of his other champions.

"Really?" Ludo asked, apparently not understanding that Harry was using sarcasm. "Well it has." Ludo said, not noticing that the other champions were looking at him like he was an idiot. Ludo he gestured to the hedges. "Can any of you guess what that is?"

"Maze." Krum grunted, he too was looking at Bagman like he was an idiot. Though he also seemed to be confused about why Bagman could not tell it was a maze.

"Yes, yes! Exactly! You are right, it is a maze!" Bagman said cheerfully as he looked like a kid in a candy shop. "The third and final task, lady and gentlemen, is simply to get from the start to the centre of the maze where the Triwizard cup is in the centre. Whoever gets the cup first wins the tournament and becomes the Tri-Wizard champion! Now Mr Potter will obviously start first as he currently has the most points, he will then be followed in by Miss Delacour and then by Mr Krum and finally by Mr Diggory."

"Simply going through the maze, surely there must be more than that." Fleur said, after all they had thought dragons and rescued underwater hostages. There would definitely be more than just walking through a maze.

"Ah yes, I nearly forgot about that." Ludo smiled. "There will be a variety of obstacles plus creatures provided by Hagrid, the games keeper." Ludo said. Harry barely resisted the urge to blast the man for being so cheery while Cedric paled, both of them as Hogwarts students were more than aware of Hagrid's obsession with larger and more dangerous beasts. What the half-giant had always forgotten to consider was the fact that beasts that could not quite harm him due to his size and strength could easily harm them. "Now, unless any of you have anymore questions?" Ludo asked, he waited but continued after several seconds of there being no questions. "Well if nobody has anything else to say then lets get back to the castle shall we, it is a bit chilly here after all."

As they started leaving Krum tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"What?" Harry asked as he stopped along with Krum which caused Fleur to stop, Cedric then also stopped as he thought that this could be something that could affect the tournament.

"Can I have a vord vith you?" Krum asked.

"A word huh? Go on then." Harry said.

"Vill you walk with me?" Krum said before he gestured in the direction of the forbidden forest.

"No, if you want to say something then you can say it to me here and now." Harry replied.

"It is not something I vish to be overheard." Krum said while gesturing to Cedric and Fleur with his head.

"In that case," Harry waved his wand around the two. "there now nobody can here us, watch this. Oi Cedric you prick!" Harry shouted, Krum looked at Cedric who did not show any reaction, proving that they really could not be heard. "Now what do you want?"

"Vat is between you and Hermey-own-ninny?" Krum asked, getting straight to the point.

"What? You mean Hermione?" Harry raised an eyebrow and Krum nodded. "As of the moment, nothing good, why do you ask?"

"She always talks about you, say that you vill not forgive her."

"That's true, I will not. Listen Krum, may I give you a small piece of advise?" Harry asked in a soft voice. Krum nodded so Harry continued. "In my first year at this school I had saved Hermione's life, in my second year she was attacked by a dangerous creature and I nearly died killing that creature. Me and Hermione were friends for the better part of three years. And I hated it." Harry said, surprising Krum. "All she does is shout and shout and complain and complain and merlin forbid she does not have her way. But I had put up with her because I thought we were friends.

For years I put up with her looking down on me and treating me like a child, for years I resisted the urge to tell her why she does not have any other friends and for years I have kept my opinion of the girl to myself. But then when the goblet of fire spat out my name, the girl who was supposed to be my friend had abandoned me just like every other person in this school. If you want to get with her then have fun with that, just keep her away from me and I won't care if you even decide to marry her." Harry said before he waved his wand and cancelled the privacy spell.

Harry walked off, leaving a gaping Krum and confused Cedric behind. A few moments later Fleur was walking by his side.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"Nothing important," Harry said dismissively. "anyway, you know in the third task we will be competing against each other."

"Yes, we will." Fleur nodded.

"So I wanted to just confirm something, no matter who wins or loses we will still be friends right."

"Friends." Fleur nodded. "By the way Arry, I wanted to apologise."

"Hmm, for what?" Harry asked.

"When your name came out I did not believe you, I called you a 'leetle boy'. I wanted to apologise, especially since you have proven that you are far from 'leetle'." She said as she gestured down.

"Oh yes, that reminds me of something." Harry said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the Beuaxbaton carriages.


"Quiet." Harry said as they got aboard, thankfully nobody had seen them. As soon as they got into Fleur's room, Harry closed and locked the door before he smashed his lips against Fleur's. Fleur's eye widened in surprise before she closed them and returned fire, Harry kissed her passionately as he grinded his hips against hers. "You know something," Harry said when the two separated, Harry grabbed Fleur by her hair and pulled, causing the girl to gasp. "you reminded me exactly what I wanted to do when you called me a little boy."

Harry pulled her along with him until he reached the bad, Harry made Fleur go on her knees and he sat on the bed.

"You said you are mine in anyway I want whenever I want, right?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Yes." Fleur breathed, aroused by his dominating attitude.

"In that case, get to work." Harry said as he gestured to his trousers. Fleur nodded and licked her lips before she began removing his belt and trousers so she could get to work.

Eventually the day of the third task had come, Harry stood outside the maze along with his fellow champions. The stadium was packed full with cheering students who were all excited for the third task to begin. Most of them were now rooting for Harry seeing as he actually was winning and showing up the other champions.

Harry was also glad to have received another letter from Sirius. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather had made it a point to send letters to Harry whenever he could. And seeing as Sirius was a framed mass murder who escaped from the worst prison in Britain and was actively being chased by the British law enforcement, both magical and muggle, that meant there were not a lot of opportunities for Sirius to send letters. So far Sirius had sent him about ten in total throughout the year, it might not seem a lot but when you consider his circumstances it was hard enough to just send one and not get caught so Harry appreciated the man's effort.

Harry was as relaxed as can be, seeing as he was pretty sure that something or the other would happen in this tournament. It helped that he had released a lot of his tension snogging Ginny Wesley two days ago and sleeping with Fleur last night. The additional one in the morning for good luck would probably help as well, the fact that the other Beuaxbaton girl came back and treated Harry with his second ever threesome probably helped even more. Harry could not help but wonder if Sirius would be angry or proud of that fact.

From what he knew of the man he would lead towards the latter.

"You all got it? Good." One tournament official said as he finished explaining the tracking charms on the maze hedges, the hedges were charmed to simply let the officials know where the most magical activity was so they would have a general idea of where the champions were during the task so they could keep track of them during the event. The official walked off, not before nodding to Bagman, who took that as his sign to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Ludo bagman called, his magically amplified voice echoed all around. "I want to welcome each and every one of you to the third and final Triwizard tournament!" Ludo paused to allow the crowd to cheer. "Yes, yes we are all excited. I am also excited!" Ludo grinned. "Alright the task will start with the leading champion enter first, the next will enter ten minutes before the others. The runner up will begin five minutes after the first, the third champion will begin five minutes after the second and the fourth champion will begin five minutes after the third. Everyone got that? Good. Now first to enter the tournament will be none other than the leading champion, the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter!" The crowd gave a near deafening cheer for Harry, many clapped and shouted their support.

"It must feel nice to have so many cheering for you." Fleur commented.

"Might have been nice once upon a time," Harry shrugged. "now it's just reminds me about the fact that most of the people that are cheering were also gladly bullying me at the start of the year."

"I understand, what use is praise if it can just as easily turn into hatred?" Fleur replied.

"Yes, though some are true supporters." Harry said as he waved at Ginny and the chasers.

"He will be followed by our second champion, the lovely Miss Delacour!" Bagman announced.

"You've got your own fans." Harry commented. Fleur's fans mostly consisted of her fellow French Beuaxbaton students and pretty much every male and lesbian in the audience.

"Much like yours, not worth acknowledging." Fleur responded.

"And then after that we have the Bulgarian quidditch star, Victor Krum!" Ludo Bagman, the massive quidditch fan that he is, cheered out Victor's name. The crowd cheered once again, this time for the Bulgarian who also looked like he did not care much for it, though Harry supposed that he was probably use to it and the Bulgarian had played in stadiums with crowds much larger than this. "And last but certainly not least, we have none other than the star Hufflepuff himself, Cedric Diggory!" Cedric, unlike the others, waved and smiled at the crowd when they cheered. "Okay, now the first champion is ready," Ludo looked to Harry for a second before he continued. "and he will enter the maze in five, four, three, two, one! Begin!"

Harry rushed into the maze, he had his wand in his hand and was far more confident about his chances of winning than he would have been a long time ago. Harry, knew that thanks to his ten minute lead he would have a much better chance of winning than the others and he intended to capitalize on it. A couple of minutes in Harry stopped, he took a look back and checked to see if there was any sign of any person, Harry had been thinking of his strategy ever since Bagman had revealed the maze to the champions.

Harry waved his wand several times, performing scanning spells on the hedges. Apart from spells to prevent them from being damaged there was also wards above the hedges that would have prevented Harry from simply climbing over, if he was being honest then Harry had pretty much based his first plan on going over hedges. But if that was not going to work then Harry would have to fall onto plan B and go through the maze like the organisers intended, however Harry was going to be sure to have done it his way.

"Dobby." Harry called and Dobby popped alongside him.

"Yes master?" Dobby said as he popped in front of Harry. Harry was tempted to simply have Dobby pop him to the end but he knew that with the charms on the hedges the officials would find it a bit suspicious if Harry suddenly ended up at the centre of the maze.

"Did you do as I instructed?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes Master Harry." Dobby nodded, very happy with himself, he pulled out a hand drawn map. However since it was Dobby's hand that drew it Harry could barely understand it.

"Lead the way Dobby, fast as possible please." Harry said, he had had Dobby make a map of the maze. As far as Harry knew there was no rule against sending your house elves days in advance to make maps and Harry had actually checked. It was a rather easy process, Harry had simply made himself invisible along with Dobby and his broom. Then Harry simply flew over the maze while Dobby took several pictures using the camera, from there Dobby made a map for Harry to follow. Earlier today Dobby had also sneaked around for him as the organisers placed the creatures and obstacles around the maze. Thankfully the judges were not responsible for doing so because Harry suspected that Dumbledore might possibly be able to discover Dobby.

"Oh right away Master Harry." Dobby said, he ran as fast as his little legs could carry with Harry following after him.

"And now Miss Delacour has entered the maze." Harry heard Ludo Bagman announce with his magically amplified voice.

A few minutes and minor obstacle later Dobby stopped and Harry stopped behind him.

"What is it?" Harry asked, wand ready in his hand.

"There be vines Master Harry." Dobby pointed forwards to where there was multiple vines on the floor. "They be trying to grab you and tie you up."

"Really? Harry asked, Dobby nodded. "Well in that case follow me." Harry walked forwards and shot a burst of flames out from his wand, since he knew the hedges were protected he did not have to worry about them being burnt down. The vines were burnt and scattered away, a few other vines tried coming out and attacking Harry but they too backed away when met with Harry's flames.

"Oh, master is such a great wizard." Dobby said with awe once they were past the vines.

"Admire later Dobby." Harry said impatiently.

"Oh right, bad Dobby, um..." Dobby rushed forward and Harry once again took to following him.

"And now Mr Krum has entered the maze." Harry heard Ludo Bagman announce with his magically amplified voice but ignored him and kept following Dobby.

"Oh not that way." Dobby said, quickly turning away from one path that would have taken them to a dead end. After a couple more minutes Dobby stopped. "There be shape shiftey up when we turn right."

"Shape shiftey? You mean a boggart?" Harry asked, the boggart was the first thing he could think of that shape shifted.

"Yes, but it be faster than other paths." Dobby said, waiting for Harry to chose.

"Let's do it then." Harry said as he walked forwards, Harry turned right and a minute later he came face to face with a boggart in the shape of a dementor. It felt cold but nothing like the real ones. The boggart charged towards him "Riddikulus!" Harry said, the boggart's dementor cloak wrapped around it and it became so tight that the dementor eventually ended up being forced into the size of a small ball. Harry waved his wand and pushed it to one side before he and Dobby ran past it.

"Not that way!" Dobby cried when Harry nearly went straight ahead, fortunately Harry stopped.

"Why? What's that way?" Harry asked curiously.

"Mr Hagrid's big blasty skrewts." Dobby answered.

"What? Hold on, you mean his bloody Blast Ended Skrewts?" Harry asked, hoping that he had guessed wrong. That hope went out quickly when Dobby nodded his head.

"Follow Dobby." Dobby said and turned right.

"How much further?" Harry asked as he followed the elf.

"Not too far." Dobby replied.

"And now Mr Diggory has entered the maze." Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice echoed. "that is all three champions!"

"What is it?" Harry asked Dobby when the elf stopped a minute or so later.

"If we go this way there be Sphinx," Dobby said as he pointed in one direction. "if we go over ways than it take longer."

"Do you know what I have to do to get a Sphinx?" Harry asked.

"Dobby heard one person say yous be having to answer riddle."

"Answer a riddle, that's it?" Harry asked.

"Yes, only one." Dobby nodded. Harry took a moment to think about it, he was no expert in riddles but he felt like he was fairly good at them and doing this could end up saving him a lot of time.

"Fine," Harry nodded. "let's go." Harry said as he walked forwards, a few seconds later he found himself face to face with a Sphinx.

"Greeting's champion." The Sphinx sad, smiling at him.

"Wow, you are impressive." Harry replied.

"Flattery will not get you anywhere, thought it is appreciated. The current path you walk is the one with the shortest distance to the cup, however you may only get past if I let you. If you wish to get past me you must first answer my riddle, should you answer correctly then I will gladly stand aside and grant you the ability to continue. If you fail to answer correctly then there will be consequences, your third option is to go back and find an alternate route."

"Let's hear the riddle first." Harry replied.

"I will only grant one of you access." The Sphinx said, glancing between Dobby and Harry.

"Master after this there is only one acromantula." Dobby replied.

"The elf will stay until I have decided on a response to your riddle." Harry told the Sphinx.

"Very well. Here is the riddle." The Sphinx coughed and cleared its throat before it told Harry the riddle.

First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

"Great." Harry rolled his eyes before he began thinking about the riddle. The clue in the first two lines refers to a spy, the next clue indicates the letter 'd', and the last clue means '-er'. String them together, and the answer is 'spyder' or 'spider'. Definitely something that Harry would not want to kiss. The final creature in the maze guarding the Triwizard Cup was an Acromantula, was that a coincidence? Harry didn't think so.

"Spider." Harry answered.

"Correct." The Sphinx said as it lazily stood up and moved to the side so Harry could pass.

"One moment." Harry said before he confirmed what direction he should go in from Dobby.

"Just straight Master Harry." Dobby answered.

"Alright, go then. I'll see you later." Harry said as Dobby popped off. Harry walked forward and stopped just before he went past the Sphinx. "I would prefer it if you did not tell anyone about my friend helping me, can you keep it a secret please?"

"A man, seven feet in height and standing on one of the tallest building in the world, is holding a glass cup above his head. He lets it fall to the ground below without spilling a single drop of water. How could he manage to drop the glass from this height without spilling a drop of water?" The Sphinx asked.

"There is no water in the cup." Harry guessed after a moments thought.

"I will not be telling anyone about your elf friend." The Sphinx smiled at him.

"Thanks." Harry grinned before he followed the path up ahead until he found an acromantula. Upon seeing him it clicked its large pincers and began moving towards him, Harry smiled and raised his right sleeve, revealing a black tattoo of a snake wrapped around his arm. "Selena, scare but do not kill." Harry instructed, it would be hard explaining why the acromantula had simply died.

The snake came to life, Selena slithered and hissed at the acromantula. The acromantula quickly realised what was in front of him and tried to escape, only for the spells placed on him to keep him there. Harry calmly walked forward, the spider did it's best to stay as far away from him as he could. Harry cast a couple of cutting spells at the giant spider followed by ropes that tied it's legs together which caused it to fall over, Harry did all this not to kill it as much as to give people proof that he had actually come across it.

"Mention this to anyone and we will find you." Harry told the giant spider, not really sure how intelligent this particular one was. Some spiders were just spiders but others like Aragog were intelligent. After a moment where the spider seemed to understand and showed that by nodding, Harry walked past, he had his left hand wrapped around Selena's head and had her face aimed towards the spider just in case it ended up with any funny ideas. Eventually Harry got to the end of the path. "Thank you sweetie." Harry hissed to Selena.

"You're welcome Daddy." Selena replied before she shifted and climbed down his shirt before she turned into a tattoo, this time she was on his back with her head stopping at his right shoulder and her tail stopping under his armpit.

As Harry walked forward he saw the pedestal with the Triwizard cup on it. Harry walked forward, he looked around to check if any of the other champions were here, thankfully they were not. It made sense seeing as they likely did not have a house elf guiding them like Harry had plus Harry had the ten minute head start. With that being said it is still possible for them to catch up so he had better hurry.

Harry grinned and grabbed the cup, right before he was portkeyed away.

The crowd were going restless, it had been confirmed that the cup had been picked up yet nobody saw the champion that had picked it up as they had not arrived yet. The tournament officials were sweating, the portkey was supposed to bring the winning champion right in front of them, why didn't it work?

Dumbledore had sent Hagrid, Moody and his other teachers into the maze to bring out the other champions. Krum, Delacour and Diggory were all present which meant that it must have been Harry who picked up the cup. Yet Harry was not there, one question seemed to be on everybody's mind, where the hell was Harry Potter?

The question was answered when, after what felt like an incredibly long wait, Harry Potter landed in front of them. The funny thing is, he did not come alone.

As Dumbledore and the others, including Cornelius Fudge the Minister of Magic wo had been attending the event, they saw Harry mount the person he had come with and begin punching him repeatedly in the face with as much force as the boy can muster.

"Harry! Stop! What is going on?!" Dumbledore said but he like everyone else stopped when they got close and saw who Harry was punching.

"Oh, hey." Harry said in a casual voice but made no effort to stop punching.

"Who...who is that?!" Fudge gaped.

"Well Minister," Harry said as he stood up and swung his foot as hard as possible in-between his victim's legs. "I would like you to meet Peter Pettigrew." Harry said as he hit Pettigrew with a body bind and stomped on his groin. "Now, remember when I said Sirius Black was innocent, remember that? I do. We should probably talk about that now." Harry said as he casually re-stomped the groin.