Chapter 16

''Hey  Tonks." Harry grinned as he saw the pink haired auror along with Shacklebolt enter the room.

"Dad? Sirius? Harry? What are you two doing here?" Tonks asked, seeing both her father.

"I am Harry's lawyer." Ted explained.

"Harry's being taken on trial because of all the spells that he performed when he was defending himself." Sirius added.

"What about you two? What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"We're here to escort you all to the court room." Shacklebolt explained.

"Alright," Ted said as they stood up. "remember guys," Ted said to Harry and Sirius as they began following Tonks and Shacklebolt out. "Harry's emancipated so he does not break the underage law and he is fine on the statue of secrecy as it was self-defence. Stay calm and relaxed."

"We'll try." Sirius sighed. "Honestly from Azkaban to being on to the run to attending my godson's trial, I am going to end up grey haired soon."

"You mean like this?" Tonks asked before shifting her face into Sirius's face before changing her hair into curly grey hair.

"Oh god no!" Sirius said, looking horrified.

"Alright, alright, stop it before you give him a heart attack." Harry said, holding back laughter after seeing Sirius's face.

"Spoilsport." Tonks said before turning back to her usual look.

"Better looking now though." Harry shrugged.

Harry found himself sat in a seat, looking up at all of the Wizengamot. Sirius on the other hand was in the guest seats as he hadn't been officially declared Lord Black yet and therefore could not be a member of the Wizengamot, though he did want to take his seat soon. After the initial greetings and explaining of what had happened, Fudge voted for Dumbledore to be temporarily removed from his position as Chief Warlock.

Harry had expected Amelia Bones to be brought in but as the head of the DMLE she was in charge of the actual case so couldn't, therefore somebody else had to be voted in and it went to Madam Marchbanks, Harry glanced to Sirius who gave him a small nod which let him know it was fine.

"This is good." Ted whispered to Harry. "She's fair and that's good for us."

Harry nodded but didn't say anything as he continued looking around, he saw six aurors around the room including Tonks and Shacklebolt. He looked back up and saw the voting members, he knew that most of them were either in Dumbledore's pocket or Voldemort's with a small percent being in neither. Harry wasn't really worried about the ones who followed Dumbledore as they would want him free, as for the neutrals they would probably be on his side by the end.

Dumbledore was currently sitting in the guest seats along with Sirius, watching on with interest.

"Now Mr Potter," Madam Marchbanks said, catching Harry's attention. "you are currently being charged with breaking the statue of secrecy and performing underage magic, in fact it is your second time performing underage magic. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty." Harry answered calmly.

"Very well, let's begin." She responded.

Half an hour later Harry found himself still in the court, Ted was doing a rather excellent job as Harry's lawyer, so Harry wasn't really too worried. In fact Ted managed to get rid of Harry's first offence after explaining that it was Dobby, Harry who had been prepared for this called Dobby to testify. However Harry had also told Dobby to not say anything about the Malfoy's as Harry knew better than to allow his elf to make claims against one of the backers for Fudge's campaign.

After Dobby had explained that he was the one who had used magic in Harry's home and gave a false story about why, Harry was down to no offences against the underage and secrecy laws.

"Also," Ted Tonks said. "my client has become emancipated. He has been considered a legal adult ever since he had competed in the Triwizard tournament, documents had been sent to Ministry, clearly they haven't been processed yet. I have copies here." Ted said, as he handed out some copies to the members. "Gringotts already knew, they were the ones who confirmed my clients status as an emancipated minor."

"Mr Potter, have you been using magic before the incident?" Madam Marchbanks asked.

"Yes ma'am." Harry nodded. "I had visited my family vault and found a wand that I could use until the ministry became aware of my emancipation and changed my status to emancipated. I was told that it would be fine to use another wand until the ministry okayed it and removed the trace from my regular wand."

"Where is this wand?" Amelia Bones asked.

"Destroyed ma'am." Harry answered.


"During the fight." Harry nodded. "I was using my spare wand at the start but then I ended up using my normal one which is probably why the trace went off."

"Very well, Mr Potter, this 'fight' of yours, tell us what happened." Madam Marchbanks ordered.

"Okay," Harry took in a small breath. "I was at my muggle relatives house, I was in my room. The next thing I know everything starts shaking, I look out the window and see this guy wearing a black hood shooting spells at my house. I quickly send my owl off so she does not get hurt. Then I jump out of my window and attack him."

"I'm sorry, you jump out of the window of your room?" Amelia Bones frowned. "From what I know you do not live in a single story house."

"That is correct ma'am." Harry nodded.

"So how did you jump out and not injure yourself?"

"I cast an arresto momentum on myself to slow myself down so I wouldn't fall at a high speed and injure myself." Harry answered. "Anyway when I jumped out I immediately began firing spells at whoever this guy was. We ended up exchanging spells and then my house was damaged and the guy ran away."

"My client is willing to submit a pensive memory." Ted Tonks said, surprising everyone. Harry knew that he was looking very good in the eyes of everyone as he not only supported having a neutral judge but also willing to submit a memory of the event. It was not a common thing to do as the person had to willingly submit a memory but to do so pretty much meant that the person was so confident of their innocence that they didn't mind showing everyone what happened.

"Very well." Madam Marchbanks said, "bring in the pensive." she ordered. "We will take a short break while it is being prepared."

"So Sirius," Harry said after standing up and walking to Sirius. "you alright?"

"I'm doing good kiddo," Sirius nodded. "hopefully this'll be over soon. Though I got to be honest I am sort of looking forward to watching you fight, I mean not at all happy with you getting hurt or anything, but I would love to see you in action. Maybe after I can give you some pointers and tips to make things easier for next time."

"Maybe." Harry chuckled.

"Harry," Dumbledore said. "do forgive me but I think it might be best if you do not show the pensive memory just yet."

"Why not?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"As I have not yet seen the memory I cannot comment on what had happened and therefore I cannot tell you the consequences of showing it." Dumbledore responded.

"Perhaps but any consequences I will deal with." Harry said. "Sirius," Harry said to Sirius before Dumbledore could respond. "I am going to go flirt with Tonks." Harry said before walking away and up to Tonks. "Hey Tonks."

"Wotcher Harry," Tonks grinned. "what's up?"

"Oh Dumbledore was trying to convince me not to show the memory for one reason or another and I decided I'd rather talk with you than listen to him." Harry replied.

"I feel so very honoured." Tonks said dryly.

"As well you should." Harry responded. Harry and Tonks talked for a couple more minutes before Harry had to return to his seat when the pensive was brought in.

"Alright Mr Potter, put the memory in and we shall watch." Madam Marchbanks said.

"Alrighty then." Harry said before he placed the memory in the pensive. The wizard in charge of it tapped the bowl with his wand, the water rose into the air and took a circle shape before it began playing the memory for all to see.

Harry was sat in bed, reading a book when suddenly his room began shaking.

"What the fuck?" Harry whispered to himself before he put the book down and stood up, he walked to his window. Harry looked out the window to find Apophis shooting spells at the house. "Damn." Harry said, his face turning serious. "Hedwig," Harry said as he turned to his owl. "as soon as I leave the room you fly out and get to safety, got it?" The owl hooted before nodding. "Good girl." Harry said before he took a step back, he flicked his wand and the windows opened.

Harry ran and jumped out the window, pointing his wand at himself and casting the 'Arresto Momentum' spell to slow him down, as soon as Harry was in the air he began firing spell after spell at Apophis. Apophis had seen him and began backing away and shielding at the same time to protect himself from the spells. Harry landed on the ground and aimed his wand at Apophis.

"So, do I know you?" Harry asked in a casual voice. "What do you want?" Apophis did not answer. "Silent type huh? Or are you just deaf?"

"You, dead at my feet, that is what I want." Apophis answered.

"Yeah well sorry to disappoint you buddy but I am pretty sure that there is line you will have to wait in, and again sorry but I don't really plan on dying soon."

"What you want does not matter, you will die by my hand."

"And if I cut those hands off?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You'd still die." Apophis replied before he fired a spell at Harry.

Harry side stepped before he shot a cutter that Apophis blocked, Apophis shot several spells that Harry blocked or dodged, both were using non-verbal magic to up the difficulty. Apophis shot a coma curse at Harry who dodged before sending a bone breaker and cutting curse. Apophis blocked both and sent a trio of daggers at Harry who quickly transformed the daggers into birds. The birds flew towards Apophis only to be cut down by a trio of cutting curses, Apophis blocked a stunner and jumped back to avoid a bone breaker that was aimed at his feet.

Apophis shot a trio of spells at Harry, first was a bone breaker followed by a cutting curse and then a cruciatus curse. Harry blocked the bone breaker and the cutting curse before barely managing to jump out the way of the torture curse. Harry jabbed his wand forward, producing a blinding light right before he span his wand and shot a spiraling flame whip that headed straight towards Apophis. However Apophis recovered fast enough to wave his wand and get rid of it.

Harry shot a metal spike at Apophis who quickly waved his wand and transformed the spike into a snake right before he sent it back at Harry, Harry quickly vanished the snake before blocking an organ liquifying curse, however his shield was then destroyed by a shield breaker which forced him to duck so he could avoid the killing curse that followed.

"You know...this is sort of fun." Harry said before he shot a blasting curse and a body bind at Apophis. Apophis quickly dealt with both before he jabbed his wand at Harry and sent a blast of flames at Harry, spiraling as they charged towards him. Harry quickly froze the flames, turning them into ice which fell onto the floor and shattered into pieces. Harry ducked one purple spell before he shot a fireball at Apophis.

Harry had followed up with a high powered obliviation charm which would render an opponent unable to remember quite a lot including why they were there and perhaps even spells depending on how strong the blast was. Apophis side stepped and shot a blinding light at Harry just as Harry shot a sound wave, Harry protected his eyes while Apophis protected his ears.

"Nobody would blame you if you surrendered." Harry said before ducking under an orange spell. Apophis sent a couple of razor wired ropes at Harry who managed to defend against them with a shield, Harry jabbed his wand at Apophis's direction and sent a gust of wind which Apophis blocked with his own shield.

Apophis sent a cutting curse at Harry, Harry jumped to the side even though the curse went wide, Harry shot a blasting curse at Apophis's just as he felt a cut appear on the side of his face. Harry rolled under another spell and quickly performed a healing spell to fix the small cut so it would not distract him.

"Neat trick." Harry said before he fired a spell at Apophis's feet. Apophis's moved out the way but the exploding ground sent him to the floor. Apophis's quickly rolled out of the way of several spells before shielding against another right before he shot a torture curse to give him enough time to get to his feet.

Harry blocked a skin shredder right before he side stepped an organ liquefier and retaliated by shooting several snakes at Apophis's direction. Apophis made a shield to stop the snakes from getting to him before he began hissing in parsletounge, Harry's face turned into one of surprise as the snakes changed direction and charged towards him, Harry quickly vanished them away just before blocking a blue spell from Apophis. The two wizards exchanged several more spells..

Harry blocked an acid spell before aiming his wand up into the air, several bright red lights shot out of his wand and upwards before they arced down and towards Apophis. Apophis quickly moved back and out of the way just as Harry shot a bone breaker at him, Apophis deflected it back at Harry who ducked before aiming his wand above Apophis, a giant ball of water appeared above him, Harry quickly turned the ball into ice and allowed it to drop towards his opponent.

Apophis jumped back out of the way before sending the ball flying at Harry. Harry waved his wand several times and the ice changed back into water before taking a serpentine form and charging towards Apophis. Apophis quickly got rid of the water before jabbing his wand at Harry and sending an arrow followed by a cruciatus and a cutter.

Harry flicked his wand and sent a shuriken which cut straight throw the arrow, Harry blocked the cruciatus by summoning a snake which took the curse right before having its head cut off by the cutter, Harry quickly changed the body into a spike before it could fall to the ground and shot it at Apophis. Apophis blocked the spike before shooting it back at Harry, Harry changed the spike into a tennis ball and shot it back at Apophis after hitting it with a delayed explosive spell.

The ball went past Apophis right before it exploded, causing him to stumble forward and into Harry's stunner.

"Well," Harry said after Apophis landed on his back. "that was nice." He said before he began looking around to see if there was anybody else. "The bloody muggles are going to..." Harry stopped talking when he felt a weight change in his right hand, he looked down at his wand to see that it had been cut in half with the handle still in his hand while the rest of it was on the floor. "...well damn." Harry said as he looked to where Apophis was to find the hooded man sat up straight, looking straight at Harry.

"Surrender." Apophis said as he got to a standing position. "You cannot win."

"I'm unarmed." Harry said as he tossed the broken wand away before spreading his arms out. "You want to get rid of your wand so we can settle this like civilised people?"

"No." Apophis said. "Today is your end Harry potter, I shall..."

"Please," Harry yawned. "keep talking, I only yawn when I am super interested. Now if you don't mind me asking, why the hell are you attacking me?"

"You can work that out after you die."

"You don't have a lot of friends do you?" Harry said with a small shake of his head.

"Quiet." Apophis said before shooting a cutting curse at Harry who sidestepped and flicked his right wrist, causing his holly wand to land in his palm. Harry grabbed his wand and shot a yellow curse at Apophis who barely managed to block in time.

"You're not much of a talker are you?" Harry asked as the two exchanged more spells. "Do you not like talking or is it just too hard for you?" Harry said right before side stepping a white spell and responding with a conjunctivitis that was aimed at Apophis's eye but Apophis managed to block it. "What is your problem? I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce." Apophis jabbed his wand at Harry and sent a soundwave attack at him, Harry quickly planted his firmly in the ground before casting a quick silencing spell on his ears. The wave pushed him back slightly but thankfully his ears were protected. "Is that your way of telling me to shut up?" Harry asked in an amused voice after getting rid of the silencing charms.

Harry shot boiling water at Apophis who countered with his own jet of water, Apophis waved his wand and several shuriken's towards Harry. Harry pulled a chunk of Earth out of the ground to take the hit for him right before he shot it at Apophis who quickly destroyed it. Harry shot a spell that landed near Apophis's feet, Apophis rolled out of the way as several vines rose from the ground and tried to grab him. Apophis barely managed to avoid them and quickly shot a cruciatus curse at Harry who side stepped.

Harry blocked a lung shredding hex before aiming his wand at Apophis, four blue beams shot out of his wand at the same time and charged towards Apophis in a spiralling motion, Apophis put up a shield which fell under three of those beams and allowed the forth to hit him right in the chest and send him flying down on to his back. Apophis quickly rolled back to his feet to avoid a spell from Harry right before he apparated away. Harry heard the faintest of cracks right before he turned to his right and shot out two ropes right as a bone breaker hit him in his free hand.

Harry yelled in pain and quickly numbed his hand before repairing the bones. Harry got rid of the spell and looked up to see Apophis get rid of the ropes, Apophis blocked a blasting curse before swinging his arm, a high powered burst of wind shot out from Apophis's wand and Harry found himself flying upwards and barely managing to avoid crashing against the Dursley's house, a couple of seconds later Harry found himself falling down and about to crash onto the roof.

Harry quickly conjured a green circular shield and tucked himself inside it, the shield took the most damage from the fall. As Harry began sliding down the roof he apparated into the Dursley's living room, Harry blasted the shield through the window and in the direction of Apophis. Apophis got rid of the shield and sent a knockback jinx, which Harry blocked, right before apparating inside the house. Harry quickly took advantage of the close distance and tackled Apophis down to the ground.

Harry began throwing as many elbows and punched as he could get away with while Apophis covered up, Harry did quickly jump off of him when Apophis tried to blast him. Harry shot some rope which tied Apophis down to the floor for a couple of seconds before Apophis managed to get rid of them, but it was enough time for Harry to transfigure the furniture into help, which in this case was animals with sharp teeth and strong bites.

The sofa changed into a bear which charged at him just as Harry turned a chair into a wolf, Apophis quickly got rid of both animals and shot an explosive spell at Harry who rolled out the way and found himself within arms reach of Apophis, Harry reacted quickly and blasted Apophis back hard enough to send him crashing through a wall and landing into the kitchen, Harry could not see him due to all smoke and dust, at least some of it looked magically created.

However he kept ready for an attack, it was fortunate that he did because if he didn't then he wouldn't have been able to dodge the knife that had shot out from the kitchen. Harry shot a spell in the direction of the kitchen just as he heard a crack from behind him. Harry felt a fist connect to his face just as he turned around, he stumbled back only to be hoisted upside down by his ankles. Harry blinked and saw a blur right before being kicked in the face and landing on the floor.

Harry's body glowed a slight blue after Apophis hit him with a spell that stopped gravity from affecting Harry, Harry floated up in the air slightly only for Apophis to grab him by the ankle and pull him before slamming him onto the floor, Apophis raised him up only to slam him down again. Apophis did this a third time before he picked Harry up and shoved him hard enough for Harry to crash into the ceiling. Apophis cancelled the spell and let Harry drop, Apophis blasted Harry away right before Harry could hit the ground.

Harry flew out of the house and landed on the front garden, he powered through the pain and narrowly managed to roll out of the way of a killing curse. Once he got to his feet Harry jumped back to avoid another killing curse, Harry shot an ice ray at Apophis before he apparated away.

Harry apparated so he was behind Apophis, Apophis turned only to get hit by a bone breaker to the collar bone. Apophis flew back but to the amazement and disbelief of Harry he managed to quickly get back to his feet as if he was only hit by a knockback jinx. Apophis jabbed his wand at Harry who had managed to side step and point the wand away from himself, flames burst out of the wand and began spreading around the house at a high pace.

Harry tried to point his own wand at Apophis but Apophis had grabbed his wrist with his free hand, the two found themselves in a stalemate with wands pointed away form their opponent and their free hand on the opponents wrist.

"You will die in this home Potter." Apophis said confidently, flames still spreading from his wand, not that he seemed to care.

"I'm not scared of dying." Harry said, glaring at him. "Can you say the same?"

"I fear nothing!"

"Give me some time, I'll fix that." Harry said, copying Apophis's confident voice.

The two struggled for several moments before they apparated outside, the two broke off and Harry managed to get a punch in before they apparated again, this time they landed in Harry's room. Apophis punched Harry, causing him to fall back on his bed. Harry quickly shot a spell at his desk and animated it to charge at Apophis, Apophis found himself shoved out of the room and crashing into the wall opposite. Harry shot a red spell at Apophis as soon as he got up, Apophis blocked and jumped over the desk and back into Harry's room. Harry tackled Apophis and the two apparated again and landed in the Dursley's back garden.

Harry pushed Apophis away and fired a spell which Apophis barely managed to dodge, the spell ended up destroying the Dursley's shed. Harry blocked a red spell and batted away a blue one, the two exchanged some more spells. Apophis shot a giant flame blast at Harry who quickly covered himself in an flame freezing charm. The flames covered him and even went far enough to start burning the tree behind him, once the flames were done Harry aimed his wand at Apophis and sent a lightning blast at him. Apophis apparated out of the way, causing the blast to strike the house, Harry turned behind him and tried to elbow Apophis only to get his elbow caught.

The two apparated again and ended back in front of the Dursley's house, Apophis kicked Harry away and fired a killing curse but Harry was able to apparate away and landed a small distance away.

"You have a name?" Harry asked, his breath heavier due to all of the fighting he had done.

"Apophis." Apophis answered after a moments pause.

"I notice that we're on a little bit of a stalemate." Harry said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "We can stop if you want to give up."

"No." Was all Apophis said before the two reengaged.

As they shot spells they either ignored or did notice the sounds of apparition, Harry shot a green spell that charged towards Apophis while taking the shape of a ball, it made a humming noise and exploded just before it touched Apophis. Apophis managed to put up a shield but was still knocked backwards and onto his back, he apparated a meter to the left to avoid a cutting curse from Harry. Once he got to his feet he shot a red beam at Harry's feet, Harry rolled but the explosion from the beam sent him onto the floor.

Apophis shot a skin shredding curse at Harry who shielded and shot a snake at Apophis to distract him long enough for Harry to get to his feet. Harry waved his wand around him and soon a green gas covered the area around Harry, making him hidden from view. Apophis shot a spell at the gas and the gas turned into fire.

A sound of apparition told Apophis that Harry was not in the flames, Harry landed on the roof and began firing at Apophis, Apophis was hit in the chest by a bone breaker and shrugged it off before aiming his wand at the house and sending a powerful explosive hex. Harry apparated away just in time, a large part of the house was damaged. Harry landed right behind Apophis, Apophis quickly turned back to Harry.

Harry jabbed his wand forward at the same time as Apophis, their wands connected and a wave shot out, shattering all nearby glass and sending Harry backwards and onto the ground along with the order members that had arrived. Apophis flew backwards and landed in the damaged and burning Dursley house.

"Oi dickhead!" Harry called as he pushed himself up to a kneeling position. "You up for another round?" Harry asked, wiping some sweat off his forehead.

Apophis stood up slowly, he looked at Harry then glanced to the order members. He did not respond to Harry and instead turned around and began walking, he flicked his wand just before he apparated and the flames flared, growing larger, the house began crumbling down. Harry let out a deep breath when he turned and saw the order members.

"Potter." One of them said only for Harry to shoot a blinding light from his wand right before he apparated away.










Silence was all that could be heard in the courtroom, everyone was looking at Harry with complete and utter disbelief.

Sirius was looking at Harry as if he had never seen him before, he always knew that Harry was powerful but he did not know the boy was this powerful or this skilled. Sirius could not help but feel a bit jealous, fortunately it was overshadowed by all of his unyielding pride in his godson. Looking at it he could not help but feel that Harry would probably have been able to beat Sirius and the other marauders if they were all the same age. Goddamn his parents would be proud.

Dumbledore on the other hand was feeling a mixture of emotions. On one hand he was rather glad that Harry was turning into such a powerful wizard and that he survived the attack but on the other hand he had no idea how Harry grew so powerful. Where did he learn so many spells? How does he know so much magic? What else did Harry know? How did the boy get so strong?

The rest of the court room on the other hand were looking at Harry as if he was the new Merlin.

"Mr Potter," Madam Marchbanks eventually spoke. "I have many, many questions. First of all, how long have you known how to apparate?"

"Since I was eight." Harry answered, shocking people even more.

"Since you were eight?!" Amelia Bones repeated with disbelief.

"It's not that hard." Harry shrugged. "When I was eight I was being chased by some bullies and somehow I ended up on top of a roof, later on I tried to do it again and I did. It took some practise but I could pretty much do it whenever I wanted, after I read up on wizarding law I found out that it was called apparating and that it was illegal to do at my age so I stopped."

"Well..." Madam Marchbanks, like the rest of the court, did not look too sure if she should believe him or not. "...what about those spells you used? I know a great many of them aren't taught in Hogwarts at your year."

"I was entered against my will into the Triwizard tournament last school year so I took the opportunity to learn as many spells as I could." Harry answered. "As a champion I was given unlimited access to the library, I also studied some books from my family vault."

"And the silent casting?" Madam Marchbanks asked.

"I read up on it, seemed useful, tried it and eventually learnt how to do it." Harry said as if it was simple.

"Mr Potter, that is not something that is taught in your year."

"Magic isn't something that I have been taught until I was eleven but I could still do it when I was ten." Harry replied.

"...fair point."

"Ma'am," The wizard in charge of the pensive said. "memory is definitely real." He said after checking the memory.

"I'll want that back before I leave by the way." Harry said.

A short while later after some more questioning, Harry was exiting the court room with Sirius and Ted by his side.

"That was brilliant Harry!" Sirius said, patting his godson on the back. "Absouloutly brilliant! I knew you were strong! Just wow!"

"Thanks." Harry chuckled, he was quite happy right now. The court had decided not to charge him with anything, to be fair after his willingness and cooperation plus the memory he gave Harry doubted any of them, even those who hated him, would have been dumb enough to try anything. Harry was also very much aware that today would simply add another page into the legend of Harry Potter.

"By the way, we are going to St Mungo's right now." Sirius said suddenly.

"What? Why?" Harry frowned.

"Because after seeing that fight there is no way that you are not going to hospital to get checked."

"Sirius I am fine..."

"I don't care," Sirius said, cutting off Harry's protest. "hospital now."

"Yes mum." Harry rolled his eyes.