E2138-8: Open Beta

The announcement of Yggdrasil in August 2125 sent shockwaves through the gaming community. The mere mention of a game promising unparalleled freedom captured the imaginations of gamers everywhere. The developers teased the eager masses with news of an open beta, and the response was overwhelming. Gamers from all over the world clamoured for a chance to see Yggdrasil for themselves.

Yuki, a passionate Overlord fan, was also eagerly anticipating the game's launch. He dreamed of meeting the members of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild in person and keeping a close eye on them, as well as any other players who might stay online until the server's shutdown. He recognized the importance of gathering information on this uncertain journey, as it was a matter of life and death for him.

Despite his initial excitement, Yuki found himself slowly losing his morality as he delved deeper into Yggdrasil. The game's unprecedented level of freedom and the lack of real-world consequences proved to be an intoxicating mix. Yuki began to experiment with different playstyles, pushing the limits of what was considered acceptable in-game behavior.

As he spent more time in Yggdrasil, Yuki became more and more disconnected from the real world. He began to view the game as his only reality, and any actions he took within it had no real consequences. His once-strong moral compass began to falter as he justified his actions within the game.

Despite knowing that his timeline would most likely align with Momonga's if he didn't follow a specific path, Yuki was willing to risk it all to escape his current reality. The allure of Yggdrasil's freedom was too strong to resist, and he found himself becoming more and more morally ambiguous with each passing day.

The Open Beta of Yggdrasil had finally launched, and players from all over the world eagerly logged on to experience the game. Yuki watched from the sidelines, his gaze fixed intently on the screen, scanning for a particular username that he would recognise, but he wasn't sure if any of the future members of Ainz Ooal Gown would be part of the Open Beta. He had the nagging feeling that he should have written down what he remembered about this world, but he had forgotten to do so.

As he watched the players choose their names, Yuki couldn't help but regret his forgetfulness. He had a vague memory of the world of 2138, and he knew that information was essential to his survival in this world. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes, as his life might depend on it. Slowly but surely, Yuki was losing his morality in his quest for survival. He had once been a decent person, but the pressure of this new world was changing him.

Despite his role as lead developer for Helheim, Yuki felt a deep sense of frustration, knowing that he had lost valuable information about the world of 2138. He cursed himself for not writing down everything he could remember from his previous life, especially his knowledge of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. It was a dungeon designed to be conquered by a group of mid-to-high level players, and he knew that the early players wouldn't be able to find it, let alone conquer it. Yuki was growing increasingly anxious, realizing that he might not be able to escape this world and return to his previous life.

Yuki's thoughts then shifted to the heteromorphic races in the game. He was curious to see which race the players would choose and how they would adapt to the world. He wondered if anyone would choose the same race as him, but the chances were slim. He also kept an eye on other areas, such as Granbera Swamp and Crystal Piercing Plains, and wondered what kind of players would populate them.

His work as a designer was not done, and he shifted his focus to another area where new players were beginning their adventures in Yggdrasil. Some were talking to NPCs, some were experimenting with the mechanics, and some were even tinkering with their own spells. Yuki had implemented the ability for players to create their own unique spells by combining different components, effectively increasing the number of possible spells in Yggdrasil to over 36 million. This feature would be instrumental in the game, and he felt a sense of pride in creating it.

As Yuki continued to observe the players in the game world, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at their creativity and ingenuity in customizing their spells. It was impressive to see how they utilized their newfound freedom to experiment with different spell components and formulas to create unique and powerful spells.

However, he also knew that there were limits to this feature, and that players had to work hard to obtain the necessary knowledge and materials through missions or experimentation. It was a risky process, and one mistake could lead to disastrous consequences like getting burned or cursed.

Yuki watched as some players tried to push the limits of the game, only to end up blowing themselves up. Despite the potential danger, others were determined to test the game mechanics and engage in player-versus-player combat, even attacking safe zones and NPCs.

Unfortunately for them, such actions only made them enemies of the town guards, who remained hostile towards them even after they respawned. But for those who loved the challenge of a game without the convenience of a minimap or clear mission objectives, Yggdrasil was the perfect escape from reality.

The game had already become an overnight sensation, and Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched the company's shares soar. He knew that the game was going to be a massive hit, thanks to the enthusiastic response from players and investors alike. However, even as Yuki monitored the game for potential bugs and issues, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventures were unfolding in the game world at that very moment.

Somewhere out there, an insect and a crab were exploring the game as members of the Heteromorphic Race, running away from human players who were hunting them.