E2138-5: Promotion

Yuki's heart was pounding with excitement as he listened to Honda Atsumichi, the game's director, offer him a promotion to become the lead developer for the realm of Helheim. It was a dream come true for Yuki, who had always hoped for the opportunity to work on a project of this magnitude.

Atsumichi's eyes shone with confidence in Yuki's abilities, and he repeated the offer, "I want you to be the lead developer for the realm of Helheim."

Yuki's voice trembled with excitement as he asked, "I'm being promoted?"

Atsumichi nodded with a warm smile on his face, "Yes, congratulations."

Yuki's mind raced with ideas as he eagerly asked, "So, what am I supposed to do there?"

Atsumichi considered his words carefully before responding, "You have shown creativity and skill, so I trust you to do what you want with it. Just keep the tradition in mind and make it interesting. Don't stray too far from what we have established."

Yuki nodded, taking in Atsumichi's words. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he was determined to make the most of it. He was ready to take on the challenge of creating a game world that would captivate and immerse players.

The director's words were filled with admiration, and Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him. He had worked hard to get to where he was, and his efforts had finally paid off.

"Yuki-san, your contributions as one of our original developers have been invaluable," the director said, his tone filled with awe. "Your concept of allowing players to shape the culture and gameplay, rather than imposing restrictions, has proven to be a brilliant idea. And the implementation of hidden job classes and customizable items really captured the essence of freedom in the game."

Yuki was taken aback by the director's praise, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and humility. "Thank you for your trust, Director Atsumichi," he said gratefully.

The director chuckled warmly. "Of course, of course," he said with a smile. "And I have some good news for you. You can expect a raise at the end of the month."

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected such an unexpected reward. "Thank you, Director," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

With a nod, the director ended the conversation, leaving Yuki to bask in the warm glow of his newfound success. The news of his promotion and pay raise marked a new chapter in his life, one filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Yuki spent the rest of the day trying to process the news. He had always dreamed of working on a project like Helheim, but he had never thought it would actually happen. The fact that he was being given the opportunity to be the lead developer was something he could hardly believe.

As he sat at his desk, Yuki's mind was filled with ideas. He wanted to make the realm of Helheim something that players would talk about for years to come. He wanted to create a world that was immersive, challenging, and above all, fun.

Over the next few days, Yuki dove into his work. He spent countless hours researching, brainstorming, and testing ideas. He worked closely with his team to create a game world that would exceed everyone's expectations.

It was not an easy task, but Yuki was up to the challenge. He poured his heart and soul into his work, and it showed. The game world of Helheim was unlike anything anyone had seen before. It was a place where players could truly lose themselves in the experience, where they could explore, fight, live and immerse.

Yuki's heart was racing with excitement as he contemplated the immense opportunity he had just been presented with. Atsumichi's offer to be the lead developer for the realm of Helheim had been a dream come true, and he couldn't wait to get started on the project. The chance to create a game world that would captivate and immerse players was a challenge that he was more than ready to take on.

As he contemplated the possibilities of the new project, Yuki couldn't help but think about the future. He knew that his success in the game would bring financial stability and a newfound sense of purpose to his life. With the new promotion came a pay raise, and he could now afford to indulge in the latest culinary invention, synthetic mimic foods.

Unlike the insipid blobs of jelly that he had been used to, these foods at least resembled the food of 100 years ago. Yuki relished the thought of indulging in these new delicacies and treating himself to a better standard of living.

But even with all of his newfound success, Yuki couldn't help but think about his contingency plan, affectionately known as "Plan B". This backup strategy had been hatched in case he never made it to the new world, and it would be crucial to his survival in this reality.

He had been steadily acquiring company shares and diversifying his investments with several investment funds, just in case he was left behind. The thought of being stranded in this world without any financial security was a humorous one, but one he couldn't ignore.

As he pondered his future, Yuki decided to take a break from his thoughts and celebrate his promotion. "Right, let's celebrate this promotion with a feast!" he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face.

With that, Yuki made his way to McDonald's, eager to indulge in a feast fit for a newly promoted game developer.