PROLOGUE: The Ominous Jar

Kim Soul Jin was an orphan, But the heavens didn't forsake him as he slowly gained some useful skills that helped him live until now.

Soul was plain and average looking, but his skills are not to laugh about. He knows how to cook, sew, play instruments, paint, and write poems.

He did his best in the past to hone his skills and get some average recognition in society to earn a little for himself. He did make some friends and cherished the mentors that helped him throughout his challenging past.

His talents could bring him fame and reach the top of society, but he still decided to live a simple humble life below the mountain at the edge of the city, surrounded by wilderness.

It was because of his bitter experience while he was trying to get a name for himself, and the number of people who were backstabbing him, pulling him down the mud, and even trying to sabotage his events. After he achieved what he wanted, he withdrew from the city to live like a hermit.

It was fine with him since there was no one that seek him in the mountains. Only a few villagers will come to visit him for some advice or requests to create small gifts from him.

Everything was fine, the peace and tranquility eased his mind and his body. He thought this peace will be with him till he grow gray and old, he never knew that his end was near than he expected.

He went towards the peak of the mountain, and there he saw an ominous jar sealed that was sitting on top of a small boulder. There were a few talismans surrounding it and just looking at it from a short distance, Soul can feel dread and unsettled feelings bubbling inside of him. Initially, he just want to walk past it, but luck wasn't on his side at that time.

A group of four crows swoop down the peak of the mountain and pushed the jar down the boulder. The jar easily broke and a mesh of black gas was set free along with a terrifying shriek. Soul flinched and took a step back, what... what is that thing? The black gas gave its final shriek before it directly killed Soul, How? He didn't know either, but he easily accepted that he was dead.

While his fleeting memories escape his now unrestrained soul, he felt being sucked up by an unknown force. When he decided to open his eyes, he was trapped inside a white void with no escape. His only companion was a small crystal seedling floating a few meters away from his sight. Soul heard a loud but pleasant sound before a monotonous voice spoke to him.

[Kim Soul Jin aka Soul is now tied with System 006. Hello Host, you have a mission to save the villainess' life from evil and downfall for every small world. There is an extra task given too in regard to the condition of the Villainess and the timeline of the world.

NORMAL World Missions:

(1) Fulfill the person's regret

(2) Make sure that the Villainess won't be in harm's way ever again,

(3) Make the villainess fall in love with Host, (OPTIONAL)

Do you have any more questions? Violent reactions? Comments?]

The talkative system put Soul's mind with a headache. He frowned and cup his head, easing his mind from the rush of information the other being was telling him.

"Wait wait! Let me just take it in all at the moment" Soul said massaging his forehead,

After a few moments, he sighed and look toward the crystal seedling.

"So... I need to save a villainess from harm's way?" Soul asked, the crystal seedling did a little shake signaling that he was right.

"Many times" the other being said. Soul tilted his head and curiously looked at the other being.

"How many?"Soul asked curiously.

"Many Many Many times" it answered him. Soul felt like another headache was coming back to him.

"Don't worry Host, It'll be one big mission for every thousand worlds." That being said, it didn't elevate the headache and the phantom tiredness that Soul never really experienced before, and it only made him facepalm.

"What's your name? I mean given name aside the System 006," Soul asked him,

"Host can call me anything," The being said monotonously. For a long time, Soul thought long and hard.

Finally, he sighed and looked directly at the seed.

"Then... from today onwards, You'll be called Suibian, that's fine, right? Are you a girl or a boy?" Soul asked the being.

"I don't have a gender, Thank you for naming me" Suibian shined brightly, voice still monotonous, Soul looked at him with an awkward look. It seemed that human emotions are null to "systems".

"Then, instead of calling me host, please address me as Soul instead," Soul told Suibian who only showed a bit of movement on its small crystal seedling body in agreement.

"Any more questions, Soul?" It asked again, Soul thought long and hard before he looked back at the Suibian.

"I... vaguely remembered I am quite skilled from my previous and original life, do I get to use my skills when I do my missions?" Soul asked,

"What kind of skills are you talking about?" Suibian asked him. Soul tried to recall his skills from his original life, but he only vaguely remembered a few things.

"I r-remembered, I know painting... and... and calculations... what else... what else..." Soul frowned while trying to rack his brain from the skills that he had before.

"O-OH yes! I know how to cook too and play instruments! Yes! Suibian! Can I ask for these skills to be used in the first mission world?" Soul excitedly asked Suibian. He will be in a new environment so of course, a little life skills will be useful for his survival.

"The higher-ups permit Soul to use his previous skills to quickly accomplish his missions," Suibian said, Soul then nodded, grateful for Suibian for him to be able to use his skills to fend off inside an unknown world.

"Then... I'm ready to do my First World Mission" Soul said and Suibian nodded,

"First World Mission Starting in 3..2...1..."

And a bright light consumed Soul's consciousness.