
Ten months passed after Bai Zhishi was transmigrated to this world, and he learned a lot while tagging along with the owner whose name was Guer Lan. Lan let him get to the public library and he spent half of his days there from afternoon to nightfall. His morning was spent with him tea brewing, practicing serving, and gathering pieces of information from the customers. Yes, in the past few months, the Owner found a new light for Soul and finally put him on the frontlines (aka as an informant). He also tagged along with the other staff to the market and helped them buy ingredients and carry them.

Over time, Bai Zhishi's outer appearance became flawless and handsome. He became an eye candy inside the teahouse and sometimes aristocrats would ask for him to tell a folktale or two, generously giving him a silver tael (that is equal to a hundred copper coins) or asking him pieces of information to rat others (asking pieces of information to throw insults or to pit others). He always did as he was told without any information left behind. He pleased the aristocrats for that and will give more taels for how reasonable, accurate, and pleasant he tells the information. Merchants were the same but the topic is mostly about their products, the sales in different towns, and more. It was obvious that he was gaining new customers for the Teahouse and the owner is bathing in gold. The obvious pampering of the owner to Bai Zhishi was harboring jealousy, envy, and greed from the staff that could make them do harm to him. But of course, to make the teahouse rise, even more, he needs to co-exist with them, so he didn't do bribery, not even with money, he let them see an advantage; KNOWLEDGE.

With that bait out they were able to attain what he has, for the remaining months of the year, Bai Zhishi patiently taught them the skills they need to be an advantage. The next year came the first month, the teahouse reach new heights! New food in the menu, the old bitter teas are now sweet to taste but not too sweet, talents were hired to perform on the stages on the first floor with reasonable pay, and many more.

News also reaches the royalties and the traveling merchants taking a trip on the teahouse every week.

During Bai Zhishi's two years of stay since coming into this world, the Teahouse became to his advantage. the staff became skilled and clever, owing him a great favor and the owner was already swimming in gold. He made some adjustments and upgraded the teahouse. The ornaments, tea sets, tea leaves, the rooms, paintings, and the kitchen, and pays! All the staffs were satisfied and were all in full vigor to do their jobs, along with the accommodations with the Teahouse.

The first floor was still for the commoners, where all were price-friendly and some entertainment was there too. The second floor was still for Officials who were deemed "worthy" of being there with much better entertainment. With twenty rooms that were built in to gain privacy and thicker walls that won't leak any sound from within. The third floor was a place for information gathering and sometimes for "most worthy" customers like Royalty, Wealthy merchants, and more with fifteen rooms created with thick walls as well.

In his third year, He finally had the chance to meet the Third princess of the Zen Kingdom: Zen Huatian. Lan walk inside Bai Zhishi's room, only to find that his already handsome boy was dressing up like its a big occasion. He was the one that told him the princess would visit the teahouse today. Seeing this scene, he can put two and two together, so in a laidback manner, he leaned against the doorframe of the door and crossed his arms.

"Aiya Zhīshì-ah! Why are you dressing up? This, are you planning to woo the third gong zhu? tsk tsk!"- Lan clicked his tongue and gave a meaningful look to Bai Zhīshì, which was returned with a deadpan look.

"Owner, Do you want this Xiao Zhū (Small Master) to stain the reputation of our Hūatìan Teahouse? Hearing awful rumors from the officials, Hūatìan Teahouse is so big, can't get good robes for the xiao zhū to fit? The audience is from the Royalties, one word will decide our Teahouse's fate, this Xiao Zhū is just being thoughtful."- Bai Zhīshì said before finishing dressing up, Lan only gave him a dirty look. Although he knows his words and actions were to benefit the Teahouse... Why can't he tease this young brat?! Always having a comeback and making him lose face!

"You just don't want to lose to this Lord Owner by face! Don't let your pretty face get thick, hmph!"- Acting like a spoiled and angry kid, Lan harrumphed and went off. Bai Zhīshì only shrugged before adding some final accessories to his robe.

He wore a silk emerald green robe with an elaborate design of dark green bamboo from his thighs to the end of his robe, on his belt tied a dangling green jade with his surname "Bai" carved in and filled with liquid gold, his shoes were also emerald green with a line of gold, his hair in a common high bun pinned with the same green jade for his hairpin, his long shiny hair falls gently behind his back to his mid-waist. Nodding at his final look he took a deep breath and put on his serious and calm face.

His goal for today was to finish the side task: Make the Third Princess a remarkable person. By means of being remarkable, he still doesn't know, but he had a few backup plans up his sleeves.

Back at the entrance of the Hūatiàn Teahouse, many onlookers were there to see the third princess. This third princess, very languid and beautiful, she held a lot of grace that she meticulously learned from her Mother Empress. Travelers, Merchants, Officials, and their young came to mingle outside and be a spectator, a grand carriage painted in red and gold with the Zen insignia (a symbol of royalty), was parked in front of the place. The female servant put the stool at the entrance of the carriage and helped a young lady down, dressed in a vibrant blue robe with wild red peonies embroidered on the edge of the robe and sleeves. To say her robe is too extravagant is a lie, It is actually this silk robe made from a tribute of another land is only one bolt and was granted to her dispense, and it was her casual wear only. The said young lady lifted her head and stared at the establishment before her, slightly impressed, by the entranced they walked. Many spectators bow down to greet her with grace,

"These subjects greet third gong zhu!"

Pleased with everyone's greeting, she generously let them stand up and witness her pretty face. Her five facial features are good, her growing body is also good. It must be her temperament that makes others want to submit to and worship her. In Bai Zhishi's eyes, She's OK, but he's asking himself since when did red peonies look good in a blue dress? Their in great contrast, Hot and cold colors, It hurts his eyes. A mere cannon fodder doesn't need to reach his eyes [Soul forgot it is the opposite of that *sweatdrop*]

This is the Third Princess of the Zen Kingdom. Her long black hair in a complicated hairstyle that brings out the youth on her face accompanied by good hairpins, light make-up on her face, and red rouge on her lips, This princess is already fourteen years old, the same age as him and Soul feels like its too much for the young lady's get up. Gathering his thoughts, he stood next to the Owner and waited for her to stop at the doors. They bow once again before looking at her, Lan started the introduction as the princess' eyes locked with Soul's.

"-and this is my Vice Manager, Bai Zhīshì, He is only fourteen years old but he is an expert! Genius Xiao Zhū, Without his help, My Hūatìan Teahouse will be nothing,"- Hearing all of this from Lan, others may think he was exaggerating, but those who knew better, he was really telling the truth.

"This gong zhu haven't seen that yet, let this gong zhu see where is that pride and glory this old owner saw in you"- Aiya, a sharp tongue, Bai Zhishi kept his sigh on his heart as he walked forward and gave a low bow towards the young princess.

"Ladies first,"- The Third Princess harrumphed before walking inside the Teahouse, Lan used all his facial value to look at Zhīshì with a begging look, which was calmly replied back with a gentle smile from Xiao Zhū.