
Another year has passed, It's finally time for Bai Zhishi to leave the Zen Kingdom to go to the Zou Kingdom. Before he departed, everyone who knew him came to the front of the shop to bid him goodbye. Bai Zhishi was touched and made a few short goodbyes to them.

A few miles away from the shop, there was a rushing carriage that was trying to go through the sea of people on the streets.

"Why are we not moving?! Coachman do something!"- the lady inside the carriage urged the coachman to go but it was futile.

"I'm very sorry Third Princess Huatian! The way towards the Tea House was too packed for our carriage to pass,"- the coachman sweats nervously as he looks at the mass trying to push themselves towards the Tea House.

"Argh! Why is that guy so popular?"- The lady inside gritted her teeth in anger and frustration before getting out of the carriage, it was Princess Huatian, looking very irritated while she walked towards the shop with her servants.

Huatian and her maidservants pass through the huge crowd and finally get to the center where Bai Zhishi is hugging and saying his farewells to Owner Lan.

"BAI ZHISHI!"- Princess Huatian's voice rang in the air as everyone in the crowd quieted down and stared at the new drama coming. The third princess walks towards him in her disheveled appearance.

"Greetings to Third Princess Huatian"- Bai Zhishi greeted her politely- too polite for her own liking. She watched him bow down before she dismissed his greeting.

"No need to be in the ceremony, why did you just tell This Princess about your parting today? If This Princess hadn't haste, you would be gone without a proper farewell from this Princess! Are you not this princess's friend and mentor?"- She asked him accusingly.

Bai Zhishi looked at her with an apologetic look, just from that expression, she knew that Bai Zhishi didn't really want to inform her at all.

"It is my bad, I did not want to see you sad when I part and go to the Zou Kingdom,"- He said and stared at her. He saw the progress and all their hard work to the Princess. She is no more mature and can handle some of the political affairs. He also made sure that in the past years, she practiced art, music, dance, and poetry as this can hook up anyone. Princess Huatian obediently did what he told her with those "googly eyes" staring at him.

After Owner Lan knocks some common sense on his head, Bai Zhishi is more aware of the Princess' feelings for him but he dares not reciprocate or do anything rash. In the real plot of this world, she is paired up with Jin Yuan, the original male lead, and her partner. Don't think about replacing the male lead- he's a nobody here ah!

'I wonder why that dumb guy hasn't made a move on her yet? She is his betrothed by oral arrangement, Why is he still stagnant there? Did he not hear of how much her reputation had grown over the past few years? Why was there no news about him too?'- Bai Zhishi wondered as his mind took off again.

"Look at you! Spacing out in the open! Wake up, Bai Zhishi!"- He blinked and looked at her face, looking apologetic again,

"It is my bad, Princess Huatian, please forgive me,"- He said and bowed down.

"I said no need for these things! As my mentor! Look up to your status now, can you?"- Princess Huatian suddenly felt emotional and ran to hug him tight. Bai Zhishi stood there in surprise while looking down at the princess hugging him.

"Teacher! Be careful always!"- She said starting to sniffle, Bai Zhishi made a small awkward smile and assured the princess while gently patting her head.

"Be sure to send letters to Owner Lan and This Princess!"- She also said, Bai Zhishi nodded and kept assuring her.

"You must absolutely! Cannot be bent by anyone, Promise me!"- the sentence was muffled by the fast reaction Bai Zhishi had after hearing half of her sentence!

Princess Huatian! Your concern is too much! Don't just bluntly say that in the open! What about Bai Zhishi's dignity and pride as a man? What about yours?!

After a few more minutes, Bai Zhishi left with a carriage painted forest green color and red roofs. Before they passed the city gates of the capital city, they were halted by the guards and a young man dressed in green emerged from the crowd of soldiers and went inside the carriage to talk to Bai Zhishi.

Bai Zhishi was obviously not happy. Why was this man here rather than chasing or solidifying his and Princess Huatian's relationship?

Jin Yuan who sat on the opposite side of Bai Zhishi could see his look of dissatisfaction, He could only pure his lips and take this chance to clear his name first.

"Bai Zhishi, when we first met, there was a bit of a misunderstanding, Please forgive me back then,"- Jin Yuan said and bowed slightly, Bai Zhishi couldn't help but secretly roll his eyes at the man, What misunderstanding? It wasn't one and It's intentional, you already have a stain on your reputation yet you're here to apologize? Too simple-minded.

"There's no need for that Nobleman Jin, besides, that happened a year before, why do you have to look for me now? Anyways, that is not important anymore. Sir Jin, to bluntly use the honor and power of your father to stop us and say this is a bit too much. We have things to do and you're stalling us so much,"- Bai Zhishi doesn't like Jin Yuan one bit, that is why he is stingy of patience and goodwill for the man.

"Ah- My apologies, I just heard from some passerby that you are leaving the Kingdom that's why I haste to see you. I actually want to tell you something,"- Jin Yuan said with a bit of embarrassment. Bai Zhishi didn't answer and just stared at him.

"This- Bai Zhishi, I really like you, Can you be mine?"- The words that came from Jin Yuan's mouth made Bai Zhishi look at him with a bit of disdain and disbelief.

'What kind of sick ideas are you planting in your head, Mister Male lead?!' Bai Zhishi asked while looking at his shy demeanor.

"Thanks for your kind words, but there is really no need for you to do this, after all, we are not even acquaintances. Do not tarnish your family's name for your own sake. Rather than chasing me, you should chase the Third Princess instead,"- Bai Zhishi bluntly said and looked at the man with a passive look.

"Since young, you and the Third Princess are engaged by an oral arrangement. The princess is nearing her fifteenth birthday, you should focus on her rather than looking leisurely at beauties. Your stalling seems to be a dilemma or are you trying to shame the Zen Royalties?"- Bai Zhishi looked at him sharply which made Jin Yuan feel oppressed and irritated.

"I-I do not! Bai Zhi, why are you spouting more dirty water for me?"- Jin Yuan asked a bit aggrieved and annoyed at him.

"I am the Princess's Mentor, after all. This is just like the old looking after the young. Do not think of trying to abandon or show infidelity toward the Princess... or when we see each other again... You'll be reduced to a eunuch,"- and with that, Bai Zhishi kicked Jin Yuan out of his carriage and they resumed the departure as if nothing happened. Jin Yuan was angry and annoyed yet he could not do anything. The person was already gone from the city and he could not even take out his anger here on the outside. He could only retreat for now.

As the sun set, Bai Zhishi's carriage finally left the territory of the Zen Kingdom and made his way to the Zou Kingdom. He tied his long hair in a fishtail braid and rested for long hours.

'My life here, what is the ending? From the start, I was just a nobody with no background. But slowly I grew up and learned more and more and earned a living, as well as paying attention to the plot. If it wasn't for the scroll that was left with me, I would eventually forget that I, Soul, am a transmigrated person and not a resident of this mission world. Life is really hard.'- Bai Zhishi looked out of the carriage window and saw that it had started to get dark. He told the coachman to stop by the river and asked for help building a fire for light and for cooking their food.

The coachman was more than willing to do so, especially when he could eat a good hot meal while traveling, and the fact that the cook is the renowned vice president of the Huatian teahouse, Bai Zhishi!