
Bai Zhishi stopped and turned to look behind him and was met with a closer perspective of Quin Lei's handsome face. His face turned red in an instant, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish with no comprehensive words coming out. His hands were noticeably shaking as he gripped the end of his sleeves and looked at his face with big brown eyes, his emotion naked for Quin Lei to peers and know his current feelings.

"Zhishi," - Quin Lei spoke the other man's name which sounded foreign to his mouth. His mismatched eyes watched as he blinked and turned even redder in color, making him feel amused and slightly interested on the man.

"YY-Yes! W-W-What is it? S-Step b-back yy-you're too close!" - In a small panicked voice, Bai Zhishi told him these words and moved away from him.