
The next day,

Not even the sun was out, Bai Zhishi was disturbed from his sleep and was dragged to the bathing room to get scrubbed clean by the servants.

Bai Zhishi felt awkward and didn't want to stay there for a long time, however, the head butler of Quin Lei was also there and was giving him a short crash course on how to act like a woman while inside the palace.

Bai Zhishi's eyes were dead, he could only look at the beams on the ceiling while letting everyone do their work. He cannot complain anymore, he agreed already last night, besides, if he made a fuss now and they showed up late, what will the Emperor and Empress think of them? The royalties are fickle people, one wrong move and you will meet your death is such a bad ending.

Bai Zhishi frowned when he remembered the ridiculous reason that Quin Lei made for all of this to happen.