
Owner Lan was surprised to see Lan Chensha standing in front of him while talking to Bai Zhishi.

"You! Are you sure? If this is really the Zou Princess then we can get a reward from the Zou Royalties for helping them retrieve the Zou Princess back to the Zou Kingdom," Lan Chensha said.

Bai Zhishi nodded and told Lan Chensha to follow him and Owner Lan to the palace to help entertain the guests of the Empress.

"What?! you tell this to me before I could even dress into a new pair of clothes or rehearse?! Bai Zhishi, you're so cruel!" Lan Chensha whined and looked at his twin to get some support,

"It's a small evening feast, be sure to prepare before the the sun sets,"Owner Lan said and saw his twin smiled and nodded eagerly before leaving the teahouse. Owner Lan put his gaze to Bai Zhishi who was rubbing his thumb against the bruise from this wrists, he cannot help but sigh.