
On the Pier of the Zou Kingdom, Bu Feng arrived with the promised gifts for the Zou Palace and his ship is ready to transfer Lan Chensha and Bai Zhishi's servants. 

"Unload the present and get a grand carriage! We will present this to the Palace! You, go and notify the owner Lan Chensha that we will proceed with the plan after one day."- Bu Feng told his men and they nodded and hurried to do his tasks. He gazed at the tall walls of the Zou Palace while in deep thought. 

The walls of the Zou Palace are very tall than standard walls and it is very thick and hard to pierce through, the security is also very tight and well-guarded. How will Bai Zhishi's plan to infiltrate the palace happen? He doesn't understand at all. 

When everything is prepared, he went towards the palace and presented the two statues of the Emperor and Empress to the Emperor in the large hall. The King and his aides were all looking at the two statues with amazement.