
Jin Yuan, the son of the duke who will marry to the Third Young Princess of the Zen Kingdom wants to break the decree and marry a foreign princess instead?

The more that Bai Zhishi listens, the more that he thinks that Jin Yuan was already in a state of infatuation with the foreign princess, much like what the mission predicted. 

Wait a moment, a prediction? the mission regarding Jin Yuan?

Bai Zhishi tried to remember what the mission with Jin Yuan was and remembered that it was him not getting infatuated with the Princess from Zou Kingdom. 

'Oh... Is it too late to save this guy? If it wasn't for the fact that he is someone special to the Third Princess then he doesn't want to associate with this guy ever again.' Bai Zhishi thought to himself. 

Owner Lan looked back to Bai Zhishi and he immediately knew what he wanted.

'Come on and help me!'