
Clyde didn't held himself back when he glared at the female lead and loaded his gun in front of her.

"I do not care about your pathetiic life, but if you cry one more useless thing from that mouth of yours I will shove this gun inside your throat, you got that?" Clyde frowned and turned around to shoot the enemies from the outside of the restaurant.

Many were injured, some were bleeding and some were traumatized, but Harold was the most calm one while looking at Clyde fight the enemies.

It was as if Clyde have experience from this type of things.

Clyde doesn't care about what Harold thinks, he just want to get out of the place to rest, or maybe bond a bit with Maria before taking a nap.

Clyde evaded the police and paramedics from the entrance and was successfully out of sight from the place.

When he went towards Maria's flat, the door opened and Maria looked at him with surprise in her expression.