
Clyde jumpped out of the car after reaching the parking lot. Arthur was running after him as they rushed to the front desk and asked where they detained Maria.

"They are on the second floor sir- Sir! You are not authorized to go there! Sir!" Clyde pushed the urse aside and went to the stairs to go to the next floor.

When he saw the amount of security guards in the hallway, Clyde started to get angry and worried while they rushed to the last room of the hallway.

The security guards saw his arrival and wanted to stop him but they were given instructions to let him pass.

When Clyde arrived infront of the room, he took a deep breath before he turned the knob of the door, locked.

"Clyde," His head made a sharp turn with a glare on his eyes, just a few feet away from him was harold's father, looking at him with a grave look on his face as well.