
Raj placed the 2 beds on the opposite side of the room. "You can sleep here for now," Raj said to the 2 boys. "You can decide in the morning if you want to stay until I get a horse or leave," Raj said.

"Ok thanks" thorfinn said before his brother and him went to the newly made beds. Raj went outside. Seeing as it was already sunset he double checked to see if there were any holes in his walls. After making sure there were none he went back in the house.

-few hours ago-

'Dammit' The little demons were coming in by the masses. I can't stop all of them from getting through. 'Either way i'll fight so they'll live' Seeing as he had nothing the man threw himself towards the horde of goblins.

Bashing one over the head before kicking another away. An arrow coated in poison was launched towards him. Using his shield the man blocked it. The arrow almost impaling his hand. He took the arrow out of his shield stabbing the nearest goblin in the eye.

The goblins out of nowhere jumped towards him. Beating on the shield. He buckled the weight being near too much for him to bear. Realizing the shield was weighing him down he used all his strength to throw the goblins off him.

Readying his sword he ran into the goblins. Seeing the nearest one he chopped it near in half, before sidestepping another one. 3 arrows launched towards him which he deflected. Gutting a goblin before kneeing one in the chest. Not taking a break for a second he sliced another one blinding it.

The goblins at this point realize they couldn't take him all. Goblins surrounded him. In the middle of all of them the man stood arrows sticking out of his body caked in blood. The man gave a rally cry before dashing towards them.

He cut one before his sword broke. He fell backwards. The goblins, seeing their chance, took it all, piling onto him. The man used his hands punching, kicking and biting, getting them all off him. Realizing he couldn't win, the man abandoned all sense.

With nothing to lose he used all of his body, no longer worrying on defending himself he just attacked. Like a trapped animal he lunged taking out 4 more goblins before getting stabbed in the back.

'Ahh' the man fell over getting stabbed over and over again. 'I'm sorry' the man's vision was nearly gone at this point. Laying on the ground the man heard footsteps. "Kill them all, leave not one alive" a raspy voice said. The man felt the weight of all the goblins lifted off of him.

The man lay near dead. "Help him up" was the last voice he heard before passing out from blood loss.

-back at the stone fortress-

Raj woke up early. No longer having to worry about any monsters attacking him now he went outside. Enjoying the early morning he walked around. Picking some apples he ate a few for his breakfast.

"What to do today" 'I could move my farm outside' Deciding what to do he heard the door open. Behind him thorfinn and gray came out. "Have you decided?"

"We'll stay until you get a horse," Thorfinn said. Raj gave a smirk. "Great well, you guys can do whatever" Raj said before heading towards the quarry. Raj went into the quarry with a stone pickaxe. "Hopefully I can get iron"

Like yesterday Raj mined down 10 feet before making a platform. "What's this?" Raj saw a dark gray colored ore. "Hopefully I can mine this with a stone pickaxe." Taking a swing at it the ore had cracks appear over it. After around 12 more swings it finally broke.

Raj picked it up with his left hand seeing what it was. -copper ore- "I could make some better tools with this." Looking around Raj found a few more deposits of copper. "Perfect" after mining 14 blocks of copper I climbed back up.

Going to my furnace I put in some coal and copper. After a minute of smelting I realized the copper wasn't melting down. "That's new" I took the copper off the furnace. "Maybe I would need a forge" I would probably need a forge to make a copper weapon.

"Well now I need materials for that" Raj started planning the materials needed. Obviously he would need materials able to stand the heat to smelt copper and I would need the materials to heat it up to that temperature.

"Maybe I need to go to that village sooner than I thought." I went out of my house seeing a horse in the middle of my base. "What?" I patrolled my wall quickly making sure there weren't any holes in them. After Raj went over towards thorfinn and and gray. "Did you guys bring a horse into the base?" Raj said to them.

"No" they both said unanimously. "Ok" Raj walked away thinking. 'Well I remember that peaceful mobs would spawn near the player' Raj contemplated for a moment before coming to a decision.

'Hostile mobs spawn in the dark so If i light up the place I only have to worry about peaceful mobs spawning.' Raj went over towards the horse. Holding out a few apples I fed them to the horse. After eating a few I saw hearts pop up around its head.

"Let's go" Raj turned around striking a pose. 'Minecraft knowledge wins again' Raj ran inside making a quick saddle out of leaves and grass. After coming out he put the saddle on the newly tamed horse.

"We can leave tomorrow. Seeing as I need to stock up on some food and make sure my base is safe. If it is a day's walk or a few hours on horseback, I'm probably gonna spend the night there before getting materials I need."

Seeing as it was a few hours before noon raj went back to mining and crafting, Like a true player. Just like that an entire day passed where Raj had gotten enough materials to build his castle 3x over.

-back with the father-

"Huh" my eyes were still blurry. All I could remember was fighting goblin's so my sons could escape, "SONS" I sat up quickly before feeling the pain in my lower back.

"Lay down, you're still injured from those goblin's" A man wearing metal armor told me. "Where are my sons?" I said, holding my sides.

"No clue what you're talking about, now what's your name and why were you fighting goblin's in the forest?" The man said, staring at me. "I am Dreyfus Loyd, now where are my SONS?" I said towards the man.

He only gave me a glance before turning away. "As I said, no clue what your talking about, we found in the forest nearly dead from blood loss and a bunch of goblins playing pin the donkey with you"

I stared at the man intently. Our glaring match was interrupted when another person came in. This time a woman came in wearing mage robes of the wind star guild. "Don't give him such a hard time, Harold," She said before turning towards me. "But we do need to know why you were out there."

"I was on a simple hunting trip with my sons. Goblins attacked us now, don't make me say it again, WHERE ARE THEY?" I said glaring at them. "We found you alone, you were the only person there." she said towards me.

"Now if i'm right, which I usually am, you told them to run, right" She said with a smirk. "Yes" I said looking down at my injuries. "Well if they have any kind of common sense they would have gone to the nearest village from here" She said with a smile.

I listened but didn't bother to answer. I stood up barely getting on one knee before collapsing. "Since you're so smart, help me get to the village Gillamoor." I said to them, "Sure, we're on our way there anyway, we'll get there in a few days," She said to dreyfus. "It should only be a day's walk?"

I said to them, "We have a luggage and a task to do"

-back at the fortress-

"Don't mine at night, I know you're looking at that cave and you're feeling kinda brave" Raj was down in the mine doing what minecrafter's know best, mine.

"Don't mine at night, at night ,at NNNiiiiiggghhhhttt, don't mine at night" Raj dug down another 10 feet this time not going any deeper. "Ok this should be a good place to start strip mining"

Raj then realized it was dark down here. "Let's see if knowledge of minecraft works here" Raj crafted some wooden torches which appeared in his left hand. -wooden torch- -durability 1- -time left inf- "Hell yeah" Raj placed the torch on the ground.

Unlike he thought the torch did not produce any heat, only light. "I'll make some light's up there when I finish" Raj put down the torches on each corner of the wall. Planning out his area he dug in each direction creating four tunnels. After adding in Some wooden logs for support. Creating a miner's haven.

"Once I can smelt some iron I'll make a minecart." Raj, realizing what he said, thought for a moment. "I don't need to adhere to the rules of minecraft, I can just make it out of wood, or even better my own elevator!"

Raj with new found passion started building. First in the middle make a 5 by 5 foot plate form with wooden slabs. After that raj built fences making it safer to use. "Now for the elevator" Raj didn't have the ability for redstone or electricity yet so he went with the next best thing, a pulley system.

Raj climbed up to the top of the mineshaft and attached ropes to it. On each floor he added a few gears connected with the rope. After that he climbed back down. Adding a crank to the platform and then connecting it with the ropes.

"Let's see if this will work out." Raj then started rotating the crank, slowly rising with each crank. Once at the next floor he stopped, the platform staying in place. After this raj turned the crank backwards, slowly going down to the floor below. "Yup, I'm a certified genius" Raj said before turning around striking a pose.

-above ground-

Raj climbed out of the mineshaft finishing mining. In his house he went and crafted a few chests before placing some items in there. "Just in case, I need to know if this works" Raj placed some items in the chest, then shrinking down when he did.

Raj then tried picking it up but it just opened when he touched it. "What about this?" Raj took out his ax and tapped the wooden chest. When he did it shrunk down to the size of a pokeball. Raj set the chests down, growing back to its original size.

Raj went to his crafting table and quickly made a tool belt. After putting the chest in the tool belt it was still shrunk and didn't have its previous weight.

Raj decided to make another one by putting a sword, ax and pickaxe in it. "Now I have my own hotbar." Raj then went to his carrot farm, seeing as they were already done, raj harvested them, getting 9 carrots.

Raj then dug up all the dirt and removed the water, replacing his farm with wood to finish his house. Raj then went outside a few feet away from his house. Raj took out his shovel and started digging.

Making a 7 by 7 farm. With one hole in the center. Raj used his hoe tilling the ground open. Raj threw the carrot stems in the ground and covered them with dirt. "That's done"

For the rest of the day Raj spent it mining or expanding his farm.

-miles away-

Dreyfus stood up. His injuries bandaged up completly. "You've asked me why I'm here, but why are you here?" Dreyfus said to the group. The female mage smirked, "Classified" Dreyfus scoffed at the woman.

Taking Notice of the multiple armed men next to the wagon. "Well when do we start moving" Dreyfus said. "Whenever he get's here" Dreyfus raised an eyebrow. "He?" Behind him he heard rustling coming out of the forest. Turning around quickly a man wearing completely grey appeared.

The man was wearing robes with the Rose kingodm emblem on it. "Now we can go" The woman said before turning away.