Dr. Tony

Nick was planning ways to help his female warm up to him when Amber's stomach growled. He told her, "I will go hunt. Stay here." Before she could even say anything, he was gone. She saw a tan and black blur leave the cave. Amber was a little confused and impressed with how fast he was. Cheetahs are supposed to be fast, but this guy was super-fast!

She decided to stay near the cave after she remembered all the other cheetahs and beastmen in the village. Nick's cave was near the outskirts of the village, and he would be back soon. She walked around the cave and inspected it. There wasn't much to do. He had a few fur rugs and a pile of bones. She thought, wow he is a bachelor beast man! She thought about adding a few things to make the cave more comfortable.

She left the cave to search nearby for anything that might be useful. Her uncle used to take her and her siblings camping when she was younger, and she knew some survival techniques.

Amber started to collect sticks and some herbs she saw nearby. Her grandmother had taught her and her older sister how to cook when she was younger. She found a few berries in a bush and decided to bring them back to the cave.

On the way back she was stopped by a one-striped cheetah beastman. He looked very similar to the first guy except he was a little shorter and only had one line on his face instead of two. He approached her cautiously with a leaf that had some roasted meat on it. He offered it to her. "Hello female, my name is Tony. I am the doctor of this village. I would like to offer you some food. You must be hungry." Amber took the leaf and thanked him.

He looked surprised to be thanked by a female. No female had ever been kind to him. Especially one so beautiful! Females were arrogant and expected all males to cater to them. It was expected for males to take care of females. Females were delicate and sensitive.

The beast world was a harsh environment for females and the reproduction rate was extremely low. Only one female was born for every 20 males. Females were cherished and well-protected to keep as many females alive as possible. They were essential to the survival of the beast world population.

This is why females usually had many mates. The more mates a female had, the better they could provide for her and protect her. Tony was hoping to be the next mate of this female. He knew he couldn't fight Nick, but maybe he could woo her when Nick was hunting.

Amber started to eat the barbecued meat without knowing anything about the rules of courtship in the beast world. She was innocent and just thought Tony was being friendly. "Thank you, I was really hungry. I found some berries, but I'm not sure if they are safe to eat."

Tony looked at the berries in Amber's hand and nodded. He told her, "These berries are safe for females to eat. What tribe are you from?" Amber didn't know how to answer, and she responded vaguely, "Well, I'm not a Cheetah." Tony looked at her freckles and thought she could be from the leopard tribe.

Cheetahs and leopards were the only tribes he knew of who had spots. Leopards also had green or blue eyes. He asked, "Are you from the leopard tribe?" She nodded and continued to eat. The meat was dry and unflavored. She was having a hard time chewing it without water. She didn't want to talk, so she just nodded. He could think she was a leopard if he wanted. They are both big cats, so it should be ok.

Tony got excited. "You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen! Will you be my mate?" Amber stopped eating and looked at Tony with wide eyes. She was shocked!

Two of the most beautiful beast men she had ever seen had called her beautiful on the same day. She blushed and looked down. Tony noticed her shy gaze. "It's ok if you are not ready yet, I will court you first. I can bring you more food."

Amber shook her head and replied, "It's ok, I don't need any more meat. I just need some water. Where is the closest spring?" She didn't want any more of his dry barbecue that was almost jerky. She needed water.

He looked happy to fulfill her desires and turned around to leave. "I will get some water for you. Stay here." He left quickly and she didn't know what to say. He looked so happy that she asked him for water. She had no idea what he was thinking.

Men in her world were less expressive and didn't treat women the same way as they did here. She was thinking about the differences between her world and this beast world when Tony returned. He brought a water skin that was stitched together from animal organs.

She took the water skin from Tony and thanked him. She noticed the stitching on the leather was uneven, but it worked. She drank some water to wash down the rest of the barbecue. Then she ate the berries. She was surprised at how sweet they were! They looked like tart cherries but were sweet like strawberries. She loved them!

The juice from the red berries stained her lips. She smiled and exclaimed, "These berries are so sweet and juicy!" Tony was mesmerized by her red-stained lips and wanted to lick the juices on them!

He got closer to Amber and could smell her feminine scent. He was about to kiss her when he heard a low warning growl from behind him. He instantly broke out of his trance and turned around to see an angry two-striped cheetah with a dead wolf in his mouth.

Nick put the dead wolf down and jumped at Tony. He didn't care if Tony was the village doctor! He wouldn't allow any weaker males near his mate. He definitely wouldn't allow any weaker males to kiss his mate before he did!

Amber was unaware of what was going on and screamed when she saw the cheetah attack, Tony. "Ahhhhh! Oh my God! Stop!" Nick stopped and looked at his female.

He thought, does she like Tony? Is she allowing him to court her? He noticed the water skin, the leaf with the bone, and the berry-stained lips. He stopped attacking Tony and transformed into his beast-man form.

Nick walked up to his female with a sullen face. "I'm sorry I scared you. I will not attack him if you don't want me to." She quickly responded, "Don't attack him! What are you doing?"

Tony had transformed when he was attacked, and he was limping away. Nick reluctantly called out to Tony. "I'm sorry." Tony looked at him over his shoulder and nodded. He huffed and left. He didn't want to transform again and show the female how beat up he was.

He would go lick his wounds and come back tomorrow when he was healed. Beastmen healed very quickly, and he was a doctor so he could use herbs to speed up his recovery.

Nick thought, at least he's gone for today. I won't have to share my female for now. She is all mine tonight. He was excited! Amber was confused by what had just happened.

She asked Nick, "Why did you attack him when you came back? He was nice to me. He brought me some meat and water." Nick looked down and thought he wasn't taking good care of his female.

She needed Tony to provide for her as well. Then he thought it might not be a bad idea if she accepted Tony also. They could take turns hunting and protecting their mate.

He knew females always had more than one mate, but he had hoped to keep her all to himself a little longer. He would have to cherish their alone time as much as he could.

"I'm sorry. When I saw him about to kiss you, I got jealous. I am your first mate, so I should be the first one to kiss you." Amber blushed again and was shy. She thought, how can he be so forward with his feelings?

She didn't know how to respond. "Ok, just don't scare me like that again." He nodded and replied, "Does that mean I can kiss you now?" His tail was wagging as he got excited.

Amber didn't respond and just blushed more deeply. Nick took that as affirmation and got closer to her. He looked at her berry-stained lips and licked his lips. He wanted to taste those juicy lips. He lifted her chin slowly so he wouldn't scare her and looked deeply into her eyes. His amber-brown eyes looked deep into her green eyes, and she was hypnotized by his intense gaze. He slowly leaned closer and wrapped his arms around her waist.