Amber is Missing!

He didn't want to lose her. He just found her and hadn't even mated with her yet! Usually, the males could use the mate mark that a female gets after mating to locate her. But they hadn't got that far yet. He didn't even smell her nearby.

Nick flew into an angry panic. He took off towards the village to go look for Amber. He thought about Tony and thought he might have snuck back to steal her away like how he came by while Nick was away hunting. Nick came running towards Tony's hut.

Tony was sleeping on his fur rug. He was a doctor and had used some herbs to heal the wounds that Nick gave him yesterday. Tony had a rude awakening when Nick broke down his stone door. Pieces of stone went flying all over the hut.

Tony was blasted with some of the smaller stones, and he was thrown into the wall with the impact. He woke up and groaned. He was still sore from his beating yesterday and wondered how much more Nick was going to beat him up today. It was still worth it. He would still woo Amber even if Nick beat him up every day for the rest of his life!

Nick roared, "Where is she?" Tony was confused and asked, "Who?" Nick got upset thinking that Tony was playing dumb. He roared again and pounced on Tony.

He got up close to Tony and screamed in his face while he held him up by his throat. He growled, "Amber! I fell asleep with Amber in my arms, and she disappeared into thin air!" Tony looked shocked and tried to speak. Nick loosened up his throat a little so he could talk.

He choked and tried to catch his breath as he denied, "It wasn't me! I haven't seen her since you beat me up yesterday. I've been lying here recovering and licking my wounds until I fell asleep."

Nick believed him and let him go. He backed up and asked, "If it wasn't you, then who was it? I already searched the surrounding area, and she was nowhere to be found!" Tony got up after catching his breath and said, "I'll help you get a search party together." They left the hut and went to the village center.

Nick roared and woke up all the males in the village. He exclaimed, "My mate has been taken and we need to find her. I didn't smell any new smells and didn't hear anything. We are looking for a thief who can cover his smell and sounds!"

One of the single males who took an interest in Amber yesterday was upset hearing about the incident. He reasoned, "It must have been a monkey. They can swing through the trees and not leave footprints." Someone else replied, "It could have been a flying beast man! They don't have much smell and don't leave footprints in the air."

Nick decided, "We will divide up into three groups. One will go to the monkey tribe to investigate. One will go to the nearby bird tribes, and I will go to the Beast City to get help from the Beast King."

Tony volunteered to go to the monkey tribe with the cheetah beastmen who thought it was the monkey beastmen who stole the female. About a third of the beast men went to the bird tribes and the rest went to the Beast City with Nick.

Some Cheetah beast men stayed in the village to protect the other females. There were only 5 females in their tribe and over 100 males. The females each had about 6-7 males. So, most of the males were single beastmen. They protected the females fiercely because their survival depended on it.

If Nick's mate was stolen it would be a huge threat to the entire village! Nick was their strongest warrior, and the rest wouldn't be able to defend their females if this threat tried to steal away the other females in their village.

Each search party was made up of around 10 beast men with the rest staying in the village to protect the other females. They also had to hunt and provide for the females.

They did not want to inconvenience them with this matter or scare them. They decided to not tell the females since none of them had even seen Amber yesterday. They lived their lives in ignorant bliss and were catered to and pampered.

Out of the five females in the village, 3 had cubs that were all males. None of them had a female cub yet. The male cubs were not as pampered as female cubs and were taught to survive at an early age.

A male cub reached adulthood when he could transform into his beast man state at around 7 years old. They went through a short adolescence and matured quickly to become adult beast men. They could start earning their stripes as soon as they transformed.

Stripes were earned through combat and survival skills. Even if they lost a fight, they would gain experience if they didn't die. Fights were common among the males in the beast world. The most stripes any male could earn were 4 stripes.

There were very few 4 striped beastmen, and they would become beast kings once they reached 4 stripes. Nick was young to earn 2 stripes. He had the potential to become a Cheetah beast king in the future. Right now, he was only 16 years old but looked to be around 21 years old.

A lot of females wanted Nick in their families, but he refused all of them due to their personality and poor hygiene. He finally found a nice, beautiful female that smelled amazingly clean and comforting. He couldn't allow her to disappear from his life. He would lose his mind!

He will search the entire Beast World until he finds his mate and won't stop until the day he dies. He was head over heels in love with Amber and had only known her for less than a day.

Beastmen were fiercely loyal until they died or were abandoned. Many would die shortly after their mates died or go crazy. Nick felt like if he couldn't find Amber, he would go insane.

He led his group toward the Beast City. The Beast King was a 4 striped Lion beast man. His mate had 10 other mates mostly from the lion beast tribe, but some were flying beastmen.

Eagle and Hawk beastmen were popular among females since they could travel in the air and fly farther and faster than land beastmen. She had 2 Eagle beastmen and one Hawk beastman mate. The rest were Lion beast men. Lions and cheetahs were both in the cat family and got along well.

Nick went to the Lion King's castle and was stopped by the Lion beastmen guarding the castle. They questioned him, "Who are you and why are you here?" He replied, "I am the strongest warrior of the Cheetah beast man tribe. My name is Nick. My mate was stolen from me last night. I need the Beast King's help to find her."

They looked at each other and one of them went to find the Beast King. He was on top of a rock basking in the morning sun. When the guards told him what happened he nodded to let Nick in. Nick followed the Lion beastman to the Lion King's courtyard.

When he arrived in front of the king he knelt and begged, "My king, please help me find my mate! She is precious to me, and I will do anything to get her back." The Lion King thought about how he would feel if his mate was kidnapped.

He felt pity for this young Cheetah beast man. Cheetah beast men were rare in the Beast World, and it was a shame to have the strongest one only a 2 striped beast man.

He nodded and responded, "I will ask my mate to ask her flying mates for help. Do you have any idea who could have taken her? Also, what does she look like?" Nick replied, "She has blonde curly hair and big green eyes. She has spots all over her skin. I didn't smell any new smells or see any footprints, so I'm not sure who could have taken her."

The Lion King nodded and asked his mate's flying beast men if they could help. The queen agreed and felt sorry for this weak Cheetah beast man. She told him, "After your mate is returned to you, you should move with her to the Beast City. We have many stronger males to protect her from being taken again."

Nick was a little insulted but couldn't argue with the queen. He felt bad for not being strong enough to protect his mate. He nodded and replied, "Yes, my queen. I will do as you say. Thank you for your help." She nodded and went back to eating her fruit. This matter didn't concern her anymore.

Nick could only wait for his mate to return. He thanked the king and queen and her mates. He left to return to the Cheetah village to see if the other search parties had more luck.