New Family Member

Amber looked at Nick and his expression softened. He knew it was a misunderstanding, but Amber wasn't from their world. She didn't know about their laws. He could only accept her new mate into their family.

He hugged her and patted her back as he whispered gently, "It's ok. I understand you were confused. He did rescue you, so he has the right to be your mate. I will accept him in our family if you want him. He can help to protect you when I am not around."

He threw a judgmental glance at Tom. He thought Tom wasn't enough to protect his mate. If this new beast man was sincere towards Amber, he would accept him.

Amber nodded at Nick's words and felt comforted. She asked, "Can he be a part of our family? I don't want to abandon him." She had lived with the fear of abandonment her whole life and saw it in Oliver's eyes as he pleaded with her.

Nick also understood the fear of being abandoned after the last year without his mate. He was the only one who knew her secret right now. He knew she would need more protection if anyone else found out about her secret.

Nick nodded and Oliver felt relieved. The tense standoff between the males was resolved.

Oliver was so overcome with happiness that he ran up to Amber and hugged her. He didn't care if she was in Nick's arms as well. He cried out, "Thank you, thank you! I will take good care of you. You will not regret your decision."

Amber just hummed her agreement. She was still shy and buried her head in Nick's chest. She placed her cheek on his chest and asked, "Can we go home now?"

Nick felt his heart warm up at the mention of home from his mate. He hummed in agreement. She could feel the vibrations in his chest and his heartbeat soothed her.

She looked shyly at Oliver and asked, "Are you coming with us?" Oliver was dazed for a moment and then joyously exclaimed, "Of course, I will get my things and be down in a few minutes. Wait right here. I will be right back!"

He hopped off in excitement and climbed up the treehouse. He was currently living with the healer as his apprentice. He was interested in healing beast men. He gathered his few belongings quickly and told the healer he was leaving to be with his mate.

'Mate! His mate!' The words made his heart beat faster and he smiled in bliss. He had never thought about taking a mate before. He was too focused on learning new healing techniques.

Now he couldn't imagine a life without her in it. He would follow her wherever she wanted to go! He made it down the treehouse in under 5 minutes with a leather bag filled with herbs and flowers.

Nick looked to Tom and asked, "Are you healed enough to carry Amber back to the Cheetah village?" He knew flying was the fastest and safest way to travel.

Amber finally noticed Tom's injuries. She gasped and asked, "Are you ok? Did you get bitten by the crocodiles?" Tom smiled at her concern and replied, "I am ok. I can carry Amber back to the Cheetah village."

He felt like he let her down yesterday and was eager to make it up to her. He transformed into a bird and let her climb on top of his back. Nick helped her up.

Nick nodded towards the Ape king and the Ape king nodded back at him. The Gorilla guards stood down and Oliver happily followed behind Nick.

Nick ran on the ground, while Oliver swung from the vines on the trees. Tom was still the fastest in the sky, but the others were not far behind.

Amber looked out at the treetops and the Ape castle. It reminded her of the cartoon, The Jungle Book. The stones were covered in blue-green moss and rope vines. The trees were all different shades of green. Some had fruits, but most did not.

Oliver picked some fruits while he was swinging and placed them in his bag for Amber later. He noticed she enjoyed the fruits this morning. He would happily collect them for her.

They arrived back at the Cheetah village in less than 2 hours. Tom landed gently and let Amber slide down. When he transformed into his beast man form Amber noticed the huge bite on his side. She gently ran her fingers over it and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Tom felt her touch tickle him and he flinched a little. She mistook it as if she hurt him and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You got hurt protecting me yesterday. If you weren't there, they probably would have eaten me!"

Tom grabbed her retreating hands and brought them closer to him. He responded, "It doesn't hurt. It tickled when you brushed your fingertips lightly on my skin. I would gladly protect you with my life. No need to apologize."

Amber blushed at his bold words and tried to take her hands back, she stated, "You should still go see Dr. Tony to make sure that you are ok. Maybe he can use some herbs to help it heal faster."

She wished they had Neosporin in this beast world. Maybe she could find some Aloe Vera or something similar. He felt his heart warm up at her concern for him. He nodded and kept holding her hands as they walked towards the doctor's hut.

Nick and Oliver caught up with them on the way to Dr. Tony's hut. Nick asked, "Where are you going?" Amber replied, "I want to ask Dr. Tony if he can help heal Tom's bite mark.

Nick nodded. Beast men were tougher than females, but he knew that Amber would be worried if they didn't see Dr. Tony.

Oliver noticed the large bite from the crocodile and thought out loud, "I have seen similar bite marks when those floating beasts attack monkey beast men. We usually use banana leaves to help it heal faster."

Amber looked surprised that Oliver knew about dressing wounds and asked, "Have you healed bite marks before?" He nodded his head and replied, "I was learning from our tribe's healer. I know a little bit about healing wounds."

Nick had gone to Tony's hut and knocked on the front door. Tony was tired from staying up all night helping Tom and dealing with Nick's anger. When he first opened the door, he shrank back. He had just woken up and he didn't want to deal with an angry Nick again so soon.

He relaxed when he noticed Nick's good mood and he saw Amber with Tom. Then he noticed a new monkey beast man. With the herbs in his bag, Tony could guess he had some medical training.

Nick explained, "This is the new member of the family, Oliver. He rescued Amber from drowning while Tom was fighting the crocodiles. Amber would like for you to check on Tom's wound again."

Tony allowed them into his grass and wooden hut and nodded at each of them. Amber explained, "I was hoping you have something that can heal Tom's bite mark faster and make the mark less visible."

Tony scratched his head and replied, "I used some banana leaves yesterday to keep it closed. I don't know what else to try." Amber asked, "Do you have any Aloe Vera plants?" All three of the males looked at her with question marks.

Amber explained, "It is a green plant that is spiky on the outside and slimy on the inside. The leaves are usually in a circle pattern." She used a charcoal stick to draw an example on a rock. The males looked at her with amazement! No one in the beast world had drawn as well as she had!

They had caveman stick figures in some of the caves, but she had drawn in such detail! They were awestruck by her! Oliver broke out of his amazement first and recognized the plant she wanted.

He reached into his bag carefully and pulled out a small Allow Vera plant. Amber's eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "Yes! This is the plant!" She went to grab it, but Oliver held it away from her.

He explained, "This plant is sharp and can cut you. Let me handle it for you." She nodded and dictated the instructions, "Ok, first cut off the top layer of the leaf. Then scoop out the inside gel. You can use it by itself or mix it with other healing herbs. Apply it to the bite mark and then wrap it again with the banana leaves."

Tony was amazed and asked, "How did you learn these things?" Amber responded, "My grandmother used to have an herb garden and showed up how to use them."

Oliver did as she instructed. He added in some healing herbs he had and let Tom apply them himself. He helped Tom wrap the wound since it was all around his back.