Different Worlds

Nick asked, "What kind of food do you have?" Amber replied dreamily, "We have any kind of food you can imagine! Different places around the world have different types of food."

She thought about it and replied, "The food here is simpler. We have different steps to make our foods. If I could find some wheat or rice, I could show you some new recipes."

They looked at each other and had a silent vow to find these ingredients for Amber. They would give her anything she wanted so she was comfortable and didn't want to go back.

She looked sad for a second and told them, "I live with my mom, older sister, and younger brother. I miss them." Nick had heard about it before, and he hugged her to comfort her.

He told her, "We are your family now. Don't worry. We will take care of you." Oliver and Tom nodded in agreement.

Amber's stomach growled and she laughed awkwardly. Nick volunteered to go hunting. He looked at Tom and Oliver to keep her safe. He didn't want a repeat of yesterday.

They nodded in understanding. They didn't want anything to happen to their female either.

Oliver pulled some fruits from his bag and handed them to Amber. She looked excited to see a bunch of bananas. She had seen the banana leaves, but no bananas yet.

Oliver explained, "I picked these from the treetops on the way back." Amber thanked him and peeled one. She loved bananas!

She remembered the coconut from this morning and asked, "Where did you get the coconut from?" Oliver grinned and replied, "Those grow closer to the sea. I made a trip recently and brought some back. We go to the sea to trade for salt."

Tom added, "We are also getting low on salt and need to trade with the mermen soon." Amber got excited when she heard mermen.

She asked, "Did you say, mermen? Are there mermaids? What do you trade for the salt?"

Tom nodded and responded, "Yes, there are mermaids, but I've never seen one. The mermen keep one mermaid per tribe and never let her out. They won't accept any land females because they are not beautiful enough. We usually trade smoked meats or dried fruits."

Amber had stars in her eyes thinking about mermaids and mermen! She had always heard stories about them and wanted to see them if she could.

She asked, "Can I go with you next time?" Tom hesitated and then responded, "You should ask Nick when he gets back. It can be dangerous for a female."

Oliver chimed in, "Especially a pregnant female! You need to be careful not to be too excited." Amber nodded and agreed with them. Maybe she could go after the baby was born.

A family trip to the beach sounded nice. She will ask Nick later. They continued to talk and ask questions about each other's worlds.

Amber explained indoor plumbing and modern structures as best she could. She was not an engineer; she was only in middle school. She could only explain the basics.

Oliver was surprisingly good at inventing new things. He invented a toilet for Amber that she could use instead of going outside.

He also invented an oven after she explained the basics to him. Nick came back with the meat and some vegetables he found.

He asked, "What is that?" Amber replied with excitement, "Oliver made us a stove! It helps you to cook the meat more evenly. He also made me a toilet, so I don't have to go to the bathroom outside!"

Nick nodded at Oliver. He inspected the oven and Amber showed him how to use it. He cooked the meat with some salt and herbs that Amber gave him.

Amber asked if he could make stone pots and bowls for her. Beast men were a lot stronger than females and could use their sharp claws to dig into stone.

Oliver hoped the oven and new herbs would help increase Amber's appetite. Pregnant females needed to consume more food to help form the new life growing inside of them.

They would get anything she asked them for! They also had to stock up for the cold season. Many beast men died from starvation or froze to death in the cold season. Oliver didn't want that to happen to his mate. He would rather sacrifice himself if he needed to than let her die.

While Oscar was thinking dark thoughts Nick was planning how to trade off the hunting duties and keep Amber safe. He remembered the Lion Queen's offer for Amber to move to the Beast City.

He thought it might be a good idea for the cold weather. He was a Cheetah king now, maybe he should move the tribe to the Beast City.

He could create his castle before the cold season if they all helped. They still had a couple of months before the weather changed. First, they would have the rainy season. Then the cold season would drop below-freezing temperatures.

Nick brought up the idea to Amber about going to the Beast City. "Amber, how would you like to go to the Beast City today? If you like it, we could move there for the cold season. It will be safer than this village."

Amber had never been to the Beast City and didn't know what to expect. She asked, "What is the Beast City? Is it like the Ape village?" Oliver smiled and replied, "The Ape village is separate from the Beast City. We have all different types of apes, monkeys, and gorillas, but the Beast City has all types of beast men."

Tom had been before and added, "Some of my brothers moved to the Beast City with their females because it is safer and offers more protection for the females." Nick nodded at his statement.

He told her, "I went to the Beast City last year when you went missing and the Lion King and Queen helped me. The queen suggested that you should move there once you were found."

Amber thought about it. Nick's cave was small and crowded with the 3 beast men. If she was going to have a baby, she needed at least one extra room for the baby. It would also be good to have an extra room for food storage.

She agreed with them, "Sure. We can go to the Beast City today after we eat." Nick nodded and finished cooking the meat and vegetables.

They ate the food and Oliver was surprised at how good the seasoned meat was. He had never thought about adding medicines to meat. He looked at Nick in surprise and Nick told him, "Amber was the one who taught me to use medicines to season the meat. I experimented with different kinds all last year. It helps to change the flavor of the meat."

Oliver and Tom appreciated the taste of the meat. Their female was so wise! They were lucky to be part of her family!

Amber ate all her meat and vegetables and noticed her appetite had increased a little. She thought I must be pregnant. I just hope I don't get morning sickness.

They finished eating, cleaned up, and packed a few things. Tom transformed into a bird and Oliver helped Amber onto his back. Nick went to inform Tony of their trip. He told Tom and Oliver, "I will be right behind you. You can go ahead towards the Beast City. I need to inform Tony of our plans and when we get to the Beast City, I need to speak to the Lion King and Queen."

Then nodded and took off North towards the Beast City. The beast world had different landscapes. They were near the mountains; the jungles were to the north and the flat lands were to the East leading to the beach.

Amber could see different areas from high up in the sky. There was a waterfall coming from the mountain that led to the lake. There were also other rivers. Flying on Tom was fun! She spread her arms out and started to sing, "I'm like a bird, I always fly away!"

Tom chirped along. He was happy that Amber was happy, and he loved her singing! He hoped to mate with her soon so she could give him his baby birds, but she was worth the wait!

Oliver swung through the branches and Nick ran fast to catch up to them. They made it to the Beast City in less than 2 hours. When they arrived at the gate, they were stopped by some beast guards.

Nick stepped forward in his beast man form and informed them, "I am the Cheetah king, this is my mate and her mate and beast guardian. The Lion Queen invited us here once my mate returned."

The guards looked at each other and then led them to the Lion Castle. Amber was surprised to see a lion statue in front of the castle. It was crudely done, but one could see that it was a lion from the mane.