Making Jerky

He nodded at Nick's suggestion and told him, "We will need more salt. It will be best if you can take a trip to the sea. I can stay and look after Amber. She also accepted another beast guardian. He seems capable of protecting her as well."

Nick nodded and asked, "What about the other suitors?" Oliver replied, "Larry offered her a stone knife. She asked him if he would be a beast guardian and he denied her offer. He only wants a mate."

Nick raised his eyebrows thinking about how arrogant the Lion beast man was! Who was he to reject their mate? He should be honored that she even offered him a position in the family.

He was glad Larry was not going to be a part of their family. Ray seemed nice and he respected Nick as the head male of the family. He hoped the other suitors were also good for the family. He would respect Amber's decision. She was wise and could decide who she liked and didn't want in the family.

They went back to the room after the Jersey was dry. Amber had told them the texture and consistency of jerky, so they knew when it was done.

Amber was awake when they returned and noticed the jerky. She picked up a piece and bent it. It was like a leather rope. She nodded in approval and congratulated them on their culinary success.

Oliver placed the jerky in a stone container he made and wrapped it with leather and vines. They helped to keep it airtight.

Amber told them about other things from her world, but they realized they would need more salt. Nick informed the family, "I plan to make a trip to the sea to trade for salt. I will ask the Lion King and Wolf King for volunteers to go with me."

Amber asked, "How many beast men usually go on the trip?" Nick responded, "We usually make one trip after the cold season with around 30 beast men. The salt from the trip is enough for the entire year."

Amber asked, "If it's enough for the entire year, why are you going again before the cold season?" Oliver responded, "The jerky you showed us how to make requires more salt than we are used to using for a meal. It is a great idea and will help us not to starve during the cold season, but we need more salt."

Amber nodded. She remembered sea salt from her world. She asked, "Why don't you just make some yourself?" They all looked at her in shock. Only mermen knew how to make salt.

Nick knew she was not from the beast world and asked, "Do you know how to make salt?" Ray was intrigued. He didn't know that Amber was not from their beast world yet. He wondered if Amber was a mermaid.

Amber replied, "I have heard of a few ways to make salt. Where I come from, we have a lot of salt available. The first way is to put seawater in a pot and boil it until the water evaporates. You must stir it, so the salt doesn't burn. The second way is to let the seawater dry out with the wind and sun. It takes longer, but both ways should work. Then you can add fresh water, filter it and boil it again to drain out any sand or impurities."

The males looked at her with wide eyes! They were in awe of her knowledge. If they could make the salt themselves, they could make as much as they want, and the entire Beast City could make their jerky.

This could save many beast men from starving to death every cold season! Amber would be like a beast goddess with this knowledge!

Nick sobered up first and thanked her for the new information. "Thank you so much! We will try both ways and I'm sure we will bring back a lot of salt! This will save many beast men during the cold season."

Amber just brushed off the admiration. This was common knowledge in her world. She was not doing anything extraordinary. She would just help them as much as she could.

Ray volunteered, "I can ask my father to gather volunteers. May I share the salt-making process with him?" Amber agreed, "Of course, if it will help save beast men. You can tell both kings. They can share the knowledge with the rest of the kingdom as they see fit."

She didn't want to hoard her life-saving knowledge. She also didn't want to draw too much attention to herself.

Nick went to talk to the Lion King about the salt trip and ask for volunteers. Ray went to talk to the Wolf king. Oliver and Tom stayed with Amber.

Tom noticed his flying friend at the doorway first. Tyler cleared his throat to get Amber's attention. Amber looked at him and smiled.

She waived him in, and he offered her some eggs. When Amber saw the eggs, she got excited! She hadn't had eggs since she came to the beast world! She could think of so many recipes to use the eggs in.

She asked him, "What kind of eggs are these?" Tyler shyly replied, "They come from a short bird that lays eggs every day even though most of the eggs are not fertilized."

Amber thought of chickens in her world. She asked, "Can I eat them?" Tyler nodded his head. He told her, "We used to place them in the hot springs until they hardened and cracked. The eggs taste better that way, but you can eat them raw also."

Amber remembered the hot springs and wished she could go back soon. Nick told her about the hot spring near the new castle. She got excited!

She asked Oliver, "Can you boil some eggs for me in hot water please?" Oliver smiled at her request. Most females would demand and not ask for favors. His female was so nice!

Tyler was even more impressed with this female. He knew he wanted to join her family! He asked, "If you like my gift will you accept me into your family?"

Amber nodded and told him, "I like your gift very much, but would you be willing to be a beast guardian? I'm not ready to accept more mates right now."

Tyler nodded right away and replied, "I am willing to be a beast guardian. I just want to be a part of your family. I like the way you treat your males. You are nice, beautiful, and smell nice."

Amber didn't know what to say. She replied, "Thank you, welcome to the family! You already know Tom. This is Oliver. Nick and Ray left to go talk to the kings about a salt trip. I will introduce you to them later. The most important rule of the family is for everyone to get along. No fighting in front of me and no killing unless it is to save someone or for food."

Tyler nodded and placed his hand over his heart. He vowed, "I swear to the beast god I will follow your rules!" Amber nodded and thought about who this beast god was. She assumed they had their religion. She would have to ask Nick later.

The eggs were finished in a few minutes. Tyler and Tom helped Oliver to take the eggs out with their talons. They showed him how to peel the eggs without making a mess. Tyler cooled off a boiled egg and handed it to Amber.

She ate it and added a little salt to it. It was a perfect soft-boiled egg! She wanted some bacon and toast to go with it but would just enjoy the eggs for now.

She was thinking about how to make bread in the beast world when there was another suitor at the door. Fred came by with more nuts and berries. He was only a one-striped Fox beast man and was not the best hunter. He could forage and fight if anything attacked him. He would run away most of the time if the threat was too much for him to handle.

He wanted to be accepted into Amber's family. Not only would he gain a beautiful female, but also be a part of a strong family.

Amber noticed him and smiled. She waived him in as she finished her eggs. Fred noticed how harmonious the family was with each one doing a task.

He brought Amber his gift like yesterday and told her, "I would like to be a part of your family. Will you accept me as a beast guardian?" He knew he was not strong enough to be her mate yet.

Amber was surprised and accepted him. She told him about the no-fighting rule, and he was relieved. Usually, males would fight each other to determine their position in the family.

He was the weakest of her family members and didn't want to fight all of her stronger males.

Amber liked him already. She asked him, "Would you like an egg? We have extra." She had 2 and was already full. Tyler had spent all morning flying around to collect more eggs for Amber. He brought 2 dozen eggs with him.