Baby Bump

Two weeks passed by before Amber knew it. She invented more food and found new types of fruits and vegetables. Oliver was able to find tomatoes for her and she was able to create all kinds of new dishes.

She told them of her plans to grow her own vegetable and herb gardens at the new castle. She still couldn't believe she was the Cheetah queen!

She ate a lot and slept a lot. Her baby bump started to grow. Oliver told her she was pregnant with a male cub based on her progress. Female babies didn't show until after the first trimester, sometimes the second trimester.

She was just happy that she didn't have any morning sickness! Maybe it was because of all the natural ingredients she was using in her cooking.

This beast would have all organic ingredients. She felt like this was the best thing for her baby.

If she was back in her world, she would have to pay extra for all organic and probably couldn't afford it. There were a few things she missed like bread and pasta.

She tried to make some noodles. They were ok. Not as good as the ones in her world, but the beast men were all impressed.

Now that she had tomatoes, she could make spaghetti. She even taught them how to make meatballs! The beast men were amazed by her cooking techniques and recipes.

One day the Lion Queen came to check up on her. Larry happened to be the guard who escorted her to see Amber.

Clara came to the room entrance and called out for Amber. "Amber dear, how are you doing? I came to check on you."

Amber was in the middle of showing the beast men how to make meatballs for spaghetti. She lifted her head from the meatballs and saw the Lion Queen with Larry.

Both of them were looking at her quizzically.

She chuckled lightly and replied, "Hello Queen Clara. I am fine. We are just about to eat dinner, come in."

The Queen had not intended to stay and eat, but she was curious and the room smelled appetizing. There was a stone pot of red sauce with seasonings that was slowly simmering.

She also saw a stone pot of boiling water with strange light brown strings. She asked, "Amber, what are you making? It smells delicious."

Amber smiled at the queen's curiosity. She explained, "This is called a meatball. I am also making red sauce and spaghetti noodles. The meatballs are ground-up meat with garlic and parsley. The red sauce has tomatoes and garlic with oregano. The spaghetti noodles are made from wheat flour and water."

Larry inspected each pot as Amber was explaining the ingredients. He wanted to know how she made the food. He had never seen anything like it.

The Queen only wanted to taste the food. She didn't need to know how to make it. If it was good, she could ask one of her mates to make it for her.

She came closer to Amber and told her, "I see you have a new mate mark. Congratulations! I also see your baby bump is showing now. You must be pregnant with a male."

Amber's cheeks blushed as she looked silently at Oliver and then at Tyler. She nodded to the queen's statements.

Oliver smiled and Tyler kept an eye on Larry. He knew Larry was jealous and he had already warned him before not to mess with Amber. He wouldn't hesitate to kill him even if the Queen was standing in front of him.

Larry felt his unspoken threat and glanced at Tyler. He didn't dare to provoke him. He asked Oliver who was cooking the meatballs, "Could you show me how to make those? They smell good."

Oliver glanced at Amber for permission. She nodded and Oliver explained the steps. He described the seasonings used in the recipe.

Larry was confused. He never heard of medicine being used in food unless someone was sick. He looked at Amber worriedly.

Oliver saw he gave and understood the confusion in his eyes. He explained, "No one is sick. Amber likes the way the medicine tastes when it is cooked with food. It is a small amount and will not harm her."

Larry watched with interest how Oliver made the food and took a mental note of which medicines to add and how much. He hoped to impress his future mate with his cooking skills.

The Queen started to gossip with Amber. "I heard that you offered for Larry to be your beast guardian but he declined because he wanted to be your mate."

Amber looked at Larry. He heard the Queen even though they were across the room. Beast men had excellent hearing.

Their eyes met and then Amber looked away shyly. She went to the stone basin and washed her hands. She replied to Clara, "I offered the same to all the suitors you sent to me, but he chose to decline. I wasn't ready to accept more mates at the time. I hope he can find his mate soon."

Clara nodded at Amber's explanation and she didn't feel bad for Larry. He was the one who refused the offer. Clara had done all she could do for him. If he wasn't so prideful, it might be a lion mate mark on Amber's shoulder instead of an Eagle mate mark.

They met at the same time. Clara thought Amber was taking her time mating with her beast guardians. Maybe because she was pregnant or shy.

She had hoped to add a Lion beast man to Amber's family so they could still be related even after Amber moved into her castle.

Larry was their strongest guard and that made him prideful. Didn't he realize that Amber already had a 4-striped mate and now 2 3-striped mates? How could he deny her invitation when he was only a 2-striped beast man?

Oh well, she already tried her best. She was distracted from her thoughts when she smelled the meatballs cooking. Her mouth watered at the appetizing smell.

She told Larry, "Go get one of my mates so he can learn to cook this new recipe. It smells delicious. I'm sure it will taste delicious as well!"

Larry bowed to his Queen and went to fulfill his task. He came back shortly with one of the queen's mates. He was a Lion beast man with one stripe.

Clara saw him and instructed, "Andrew, learn this new recipe from Oliver so you can cook it for me again." Andrew nodded at her words and went towards Oliver.

Oliver again glanced at Amber. She nodded her permission so Oliver taught Andrew the same way he showed Larry.

Clara told Amber, "He is the one who usually cooks for me. That is why I accepted him even though he only has one stripe. I have plenty of other mates for protection."

Amber just nodded at her words too shy to join in the conversation. Soon dinner was ready and there was enough for everyone to try the new recipe.

Barry made a few extra stone bowls while Fred made some bamboo forks like Amber had instructed.

She told him it would be easier to use a fork than a spoon. He wasn't able to get 4 prongs, but 2 or 3 should work.

Amber also showed them how to use chopsticks. It was easier to make them than forks. She sometimes used chopsticks if she made something less messy.

For example, she had made some battered chicken pieces and potato wedges. She tried to make ketchup, but she didn't have vinegar. It was ok, but not the same.

Fred had found the potatoes for her when she described them. She was so happy because potatoes were a staple and could last a long time. She could cook them in so many different ways.

The spaghetti was finished. Oliver made a bowl for Amber and Clara and placed them on the stone table. Amber had told them about furniture and had them make a stone table with little wooden stools for chairs.

Queen Clara was impressed with the new things she saw in front of her. She told Andrew, "Take note of how to make these things. I want some for my room as well."

Andrew nodded and asked Oliver how to make them. Oliver explained the steps while he scooped a bowl of noodles and added sauce and some meatballs for himself. The other beast men did the same and soon everyone had their bowl of spaghetti.

Everyone loved the new recipe! Amber was comforted by the familiar flavors. She only wished she had some garlic bread! Maybe next time she would make some garlic pita bread to go with it. She could cut them into strips like garlic sticks!

She was excited about it for next time. She didn't have a lot of wheat left, but hopefully, when Nick came back he could get some more.