Ray's Seduction

Ray quietly followed Amber to the bathroom. He remembered Nick created this bathroom after Amber told him about the private rooms in her world for bathing.

The beast men in this world were not so shy about nudity but did not want their females to be seen by other males. They all agreed it was best if Amber had a private room to bathe.

Ray hid behind a pillar in the room and watched Amber undress. He could feel his heart race and his eyes started to glow. He had never seen such a beautiful female naked before.

Her curly blonde hair had grown down to her mid-back. She usually wore it up in a ponytail with some vines or flowers. She let her hair down and stepped into the warm waters.

Ray could only see her back, but he was already mesmerized. Her curves were in all the right places, and he was anxious to feel her skin against his. He started to breathe a little deeper and his body started to heat up.

Without realizing it, he started to walk towards Amber. She was relaxing in the indoor hot tub and her hair was floating in the water. She looked like a siren calling him toward her. He reached out and gently moved her hair to the side of her shoulder.

At first, Amber was startled that someone was inside her bathroom with her, but she relaxed when he started to massage her shoulders. She assumed it was Nick.

None of the other beast men were that bold to touch her while she was naked without her permission. Even though she had more than one mate, Oliver was too cautious around her, and Tyler was shy.

Nick was the one she knew the longest and was most comfortable with. She relaxed into the massage and just let him pamper her. She had taken a bath with him multiple times and wasn't self-conscious around him.

Little did she know it was the sneaky Wolf beast man who was trying to upgrade his relationship status with her. Ray leaned over and looked down at her front view.

He gulped as his loincloth tightened. He leaned over and started to sniff Amber's neck. She felt a little ticklish and moved her neck to push him away from her. Ray took this as a challenge and started to lightly nibble on her ear.

Amber squealed and moved away. She turned around and was shocked to see Ray instead of Nick. She gasped and covered her breasts with her arms. Ray was drunk with lust and started to climb into the hot tub with Amber.

Amber was a little alarmed. She was not ready to have another mate. She had just given birth to Eli a little over a month ago and was waiting for her period to start. The next time she was ovulating she planned to let Nick try for a cub of his own.

She was not planning to mate with Ray, at least not anytime soon. She thought he was very handsome, but she was still not used to having so many mates. It was not common in her world.

She understood she needed multiple mates in this world for protection, but she asked the beast guardians if they were able to accept only being her beast guardians and they agreed.

She didn't know what got into Ray to make him make such a bold move. She had not given him any signals that she knew of. They were happily making lunch, and next, he followed her into the bathroom.

She asked, "Ray, what are you doing?" Ray saw the shock in her wide green eyes and mistook it for excitement in his lust-filled state. He moved closer and pulled Amber towards him with her waist.

She instinctively brought her hands up to his chest to stop him. Ray grabbed her hand and put a finger in his mouth. He sucked on it slowly and Amber's cheeks flushed.

Nick had seen Ray follow Amber into the bathroom. He followed behind him silently and waited to see if Amber would permit him to mate. He knew Amber had promised him to try to have a cub next, but Amber may have changed her mind.

He followed just in case Amber did not give permission and he needed to stop Ray. As a 4 striped Cheetah beast man, he was confident he could defeat Ray if necessary. Ray was a 3 striped Wolf beast man. If they were both 4 striped it would be unsure who would win, but Nick was confident he could win if they fought now.

His blood boiled when he noticed Amber put her arms up to stop Ray and Ray kept trying to seduce Amber. Nick almost lost control when he heard Amber ask Ray what he was doing.

He waited for Ray's reply. Ray didn't say anything and tried to move closer to Amber. He buried his head in her neck inhaling deeply. Amber's voice was shaky, but she managed to whisper, "Ray, stop! I'm not ready yet."

Ray couldn't stop. He was intoxicated by her heavenly aroma. She was too tempting to stop. Nick rushed forward and forcefully separated Ray from Amber. He kept Amber behind him while he faced Ray.

Ray was startled that he had been thrown back and immediately went into a defensive attack position. He transformed into his large Wolf form. Nick called out almost in a growl, "Ray, Wake up! Amber told you to stop. You don't have permission to mate with her."

Ray jumped forward to attack Nick. He wasn't thinking straight and only saw an obstacle in his pursuit of his mate. Nick transformed into his Cheetah form and pinned Ray down by his throat. He could kill Ray with a single bite or swipe of his claws.

Amber was shocked and screamed, "Don't kill him!" Ray kept struggling, and Nick gave out a warning growl for him to submit. Ray seemed possessed. He was not willing to submit. He only had one thought on his mind, and it was to make Amber his mate.

Nick knew he could kill Ray, but Amber didn't want him to. He wasn't sure if he could subdue Ray without killing him. The other beast men came into the bathroom. Amber grabbed her fur towel to cover herself.

Barry came forward and assessed the situation. He used his large paw in his bear form to knock Ray out. Nick stepped back when he noticed Ray had passed out and was not struggling anymore.

Barry sniffed the air and locked his eyes on Amber. He almost succumbed to his lust as well, but Nick's warning growl woke him up from his trance. He shook his head to clear his mind and transformed back into his 2-legged form.

He voiced out his concerns, "Ray was drunk on lust because Amber is in heat. He has the most sensitive nose other than me, and I was at the river when he smelled her." They all looked toward Amber, and she noticed the little clouds of red in the water.

Her period had started, and they mistook it for her being in heat. She didn't have any pads in this world and didn't know what to do, so she just sat back in the water to clean herself.

This seemed to lessen the smell in the air as well. Nick was the clearest-headed and ordered Fred and Tom to go get cotton and leaves for Amber. He looked towards Barry, "Take Ray away from here and watch over him. When he wakes up make sure he knows what he did. Don't let him come near Amber until she is done with her cycle."

They all left to carry out his orders. He was the head of the household other than Amber. Nick didn't feel comfortable with these lust-filled beast men around his mate. He knew Oliver and Tyler would not be affected as much. They were already mates with her, and their sense of smell wasn't as good as the wolf, bear, or fox.

He looked towards Tyler and gave him a silent command to guard the door. Tyler nodded and went outside of the bathroom. Nick asked Oliver, "Can you examine Amber and see if she is fine?"

Oliver nodded and slowly and calmly walked toward Amber. As a doctor, he was used to being around females in heat. He didn't have that strong of a sense of smell towards it, but he could still tell.

He gently asked Amber, "How are you feeling?" Amber felt comfortable around Nick and Oliver. She calmed down from the excitement and responded, "I'm fine. I have a little bit of cramping, but that is normal for the first day of my period."

Oliver checked her pulse and the temperature on her forehead. He told her he would make some honey and ginger tea for the pain. Amber just waited in the water until they brought the cotton. She wished she had pads!