Nick's First Day

Amber was talking to her sister for one minute trying to figure out what to do and then she felt a familiar presence close by when she thought of Nick.

She looked out her back window and was surprised to see Nick looking confused in the backyard. He was in his loincloth and his ears and tail were not visible.

Jasmine noticed Amber's gaze outside and looked out the back window as well. Her eyes widened when she saw a wild man in the backyard. She almost screamed, but Amber covered her mouth.

"Don't scream. It's ok, that is the beast man I told you about in my dream. He is my husband."

Jasmine was in shock and just stood there quietly trying to understand how her sister's dream became a reality.

Nick heard his mate and looked in the room window. He was stunned for a moment to see her again but then broke out of his trance. He ran toward her.

Amber put up her hands to signal for him to stop. She didn't want him to break the window and wake her mom or brother.

She didn't know how to explain it to them. Her sister was the one who understood her the most and she trusted she would keep this secret.

Maybe she could introduce Nick to her mother and brother later after he found some clothes and knew more about their world.

She ran toward the window and opened it. Nick came up to the widow and climbed inside. Jasmine was stunned and wanted to stop this man from coming into their bedroom.

Amber hugged Nick and Nick was so shocked he almost cried. He hurried his head into her neck to breathe in her scent. He missed her so much even though it had only been a few months since she left.

Amber laughed and introduced him, "Nick, this is my sister. Jasmine, this is Nick, my husband."

Nick had heard about this sister and knew that Amber trusted her. He nodded toward Jasmine and went back to focusing on Amber.

Jasmine just stood by awkwardly as these two lovebirds reunited. She cleared her throat, "Um, nice to meet you, Nick. I'm going to go make breakfast and get ready for school. I'll let you two catch up."

She could tell Nick would not hurt her sister and Amber loved him a lot. She would not stop her sister and her love.

After her sister left the room Amber asked, "How did you get here? What happened to your stripes?"

Nick replied, "After you left, I hunted behemoths again. I leveled up past four stripes and they just vanished. Then I heard you call me and I answered you."

Amber understood a little better now. She must be able to reach them if they level up to five stripes. She wondered if it would work for all of them or only her mates. She had a bond with her mates through her mate marks.

She tried to think of all the beast men she knew and her baby Eli. Nothing happened. She was a little sad, but at least she had Nick.

She wanted to catch up with him about what she missed, but she had to get ready for school. She didn't want her mom to come in and catch an almost naked man in her room.

"I have to get ready for school. I will come back soon and get you. I will tell my mom I am not feeling well and come home early."

Nick placed his hand on her forehead to make sure she was not sick. Amber smiled at his sweet gesture and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just woke up and it has only been half an hour. How much time has passed in the beast world?"

Nick swallowed his emotions and replied, "It has been 2 months."

"Time must pass differently in the different worlds. I'm not sure how long I will be here this time. I hope I can go back and see everyone. How are they?" Amber Asked.

Nick responded, "Oliver and Barry took Eli back to the castle. He is fine. Ray and Tyler were hunting with me and leveled up to beast kings. They will probably keep trying to level up.

Blue Tang stayed in the sea. Tom and Fred stayed on the island. They are all waiting for you to return. I told them about last time."

Amber nodded and sighed in relief. She didn't want them to have abandonment issues because of her. She didn't choose to leave them behind.

She wanted to go back but would have to wait until tonight. She didn't know any other way to get back. Hopefully, Nick will go with her.

For now, she will have to help him adjust to this world. "You can stay here after we leave. I will come back with some clothes that will help you blend in. If you are hungry or thirsty we have a cold metal box with food and drink in it."

She took him into the bathroom that was attached to her room and showed him how to use the faucet and bathtub. Nick was amazed at all the inventions in this world.

He still thought his castle was better, but this was not bad. The people in her world built things differently than in his world. He inspected the masonry as Amber explained the hot and cold knobs.

She cleaned up quickly to show him how to use it and got ready for school. She knew that her mom would want to stay home with her if she told her she wasn't feeling well.

She planned to go to school and then leave halfway through the day. Nick would be ok for a few hours in her home alone. She just hoped he didn't break anything.

Things in this world were not as sturdy as in the beast world. Our furniture was made of wood and cloth whereas theirs were crafted out of stone and logs.

Nick noticed the metal and different materials that were not available in his world. He wondered how they made it here. "What is this made of?" Amber replied, "We have factories where people work and build things."

She didn't know all the steps but knew there were different factories to build things. That was the best explanation she could give at the moment. She heard her mom call her. "Amber, let's go. It's time for school."

She yelled back, "Coming." She whispered to Nick, "I have to go. Stay here and try not to break anything. I will be back in a few hours and we can go exploring together."

Nick kissed her passionately until she was almost out of breath. Amber went limp against him, but he pulled away at the last minute. "I will wait here. Please come back soon."

He reluctantly let her go. Amber snapped out of her trance when she heard her mom start the car. "I'll be back soon." She hurried out to her mom's car. Nick noticed the strange clothes she was wearing when she changed.

He remembered the clothes she wore when he first met her. These were similar, but she wore long pants instead of shorts and her shirt was different.

He hoped it was only a few hours. She did not have the same sense of time as he did. This time it was only a night, but for him, he had been without her for 2 months.

Nick spent time looking around the house. He could smell Amber everywhere in the house. He also noticed other scents he was unfamiliar with. There were 2 other females and one male.

She told him about her sister, Mother, and brother. He figured the scents belonged to them. He could tell which room belonged to her brother and mother by their scents.

He thought her brother must be young to still live at home with his sisters and mother. He didn't know that men people stayed at home until adulthood and sometimes afterward.

Beast men were more independent and would leave their mothers as soon as possible to try and find their mate. To take care of their mate they had to be able to take care of themselves first.

Nick noticed the fish tank in the living room and thought it was the snack box that Amber had mentioned. He fished out a few bigger fish and ate them. They were not as good as the fish in his world, but he would not complain.

He would go find more fish to refill her snack box. The water didn't taste fresh, so he just drank water from the faucet Amber had shown him earlier.

Nick walked carefully around the house, but still managed to step on something and heard it crunch under his feet. He looked down and saw a black shiny thing with buttons that was shattered to pieces.

He gathered the pieces and went outside to bury the remote. Hopefully, no one would notice.