Sister Explanations

Amber had to act a little in front of her mother, so she could pull her sister to their room to explain what happened. Her mother asked, "Is there anything you need? Anything I can get you to help you feel better?"

Amber asked, "Do we have any Ginger tea?" Her mother checked and they did not have any Ginger tea. "No, but I can go to the store." Amber felt bad for lying to her mom, but she needed to get her away from the house to explain things to her sister.

"Thank you, Mom, You are the best. I love you!" Amber called out to her mother. Her mother replied, "I love you too baby!" She left to go to the grocery store. Her brother was looking for his remote to the Nintendo.

He had a bad habit of getting upset and throwing the remote if he lost the game. His sisters had both told him to pick it up, but he left it on the floor. Now he would never find it unless he went digging in the backyard.

Amber dragged her sister into their room while her brother was distracted looking for his game remote. Jasmine started to ask, "What's wrong?" Amber put her finger up to her lips to motion for her sister to be quiet and pulled her into the room. She locked the door just to be safe.

Her little brother was too young and couldn't be trusted to keep a secret. He would tell her mother if he found out; that was the last thing she wanted.

When Amber was alone with her sister she explained, "Remember I told you about my dreams?" Jasmine replied, "The ones with the sexy beast men?" Amber responded, "Yes, turns out they are not just dreams. I was really in the beast world! One night here is an entire year there. One day is also a year."

Jasmine was in disbelief but remembered the handsome wolf man in their backyard this morning. Her sister seemed to know him intimately.

Amber continued, "They level up over there when they reach level 5 their stripes disappear and they look more human. I can also call them to this work just by thinking about them."

Jasmine was still in disbelief, but then she saw Amber close her eyes and the handsome wild man from this morning appeared out of thin air! Jasmine's eyes widened and she almost screamed.

"Don't scream. This is Nick, he is my mate from the beast world. Nick, this is my sister I told you about Jasmine."

Amber made introductions and Jasmine calmed down enough to say hi. "Um, Hi. Nice to meet you again. So, I guess you are from the beast world Amber told me about?"

Nick nodded in confirmation. He didn't care about any other females except his mate, but this was a special female to his mate. He would be cordial to her.

Jasmine tried to wrap her mind around this bizarre turn of events. "So, you have a mate from your dreams here in our world. How long have you known each other? Why do you call him your mate? Have you two mated?"

Jasmine was full of questions trying to figure out her sister's situation. Amber explained, "Um, about that. We have known each other for a couple of years in the beast world. We have mated a few times. We kind of broke the bed and I had to use your credit card to buy a new one. I also used it to go to the aquarium and bought some clothes for Nick and Blue Tang."

"What!" Jasmine was trying to take in all of the information. She couldn't believe her younger sister was no longer a virgin! But how did she still look the same if she was gone for years in the beast world and it had only been a few days here? Was she now the same age as her sister?

"Ok, let's put the new bed and clothes aside for now. How old are you if you have been gone for a couple of years? Why don't you look any older?" Jasmine asked.

"Nick gave me a crystal that helps me stay the same age for 10 years! It also can help heal a person. It came in handy after I mated the first time and after I had my baby." Amber blushed at the thought of her first time with Nick.

She got a little sad thinking about Eli back in the beast world. "Wait a minute! You had a baby over there? Where is it?" Jasmine was shocked to learn she was an aunt overnight.

Amber replied quietly, "Yes, he is a little monkey cub named Eli. He is still in the beast world with my other mates and beast guardians. They are not high enough level yet for me to bring them over here."

"Other mates? Monkey cub? Beast Guardians? How many mates do you have?" Jasmine was still in shock and trying to understand her sister's situation.

Nick noticed that Amber was getting sad remembering her monkey cub and mates in the beast world. He hugged her to comfort her and addressed his sister-in-law.

"In my world, females are very few and it is normal for a female to have multiple mates and beast guardians. This helps to protect the females and helps to grow our population. I am the first mate and the one who is closest to her heart. She has 3 other mates as you can see from her mate marks."

Nick motioned toward Amber's tattoos. Jasmine hadn't paid much attention to the new marks on Amber's body because Amber had tried to cover them up. She was shocked that her sister was in a reverse harem situation.

Nick continued, "As the Cheetah Queen and now the Mermaid Queen she has many beast guardians as well." Jasmine tried to understand, "Queen?"

Nick explained, "Once a beast man earns his fifth stripe, he becomes a King of his kind. I am a Cheetah King, and that makes Amber my Cheetah Queen. She is also mated to the Merman King."

Jasmine's eyebrows went up in surprise. She never considered a polyamorous relationship. She was always monogamous and faithful to her boyfriend and hoped he was as well. She remembered the stories about Kings and Queens from the history books.

She had heard of concubines and mistresses but hadn't thought of it the other way around. She was kind of proud of her sister to be able to handle that many men in a relationship. At least they had a reason for it. It was for protection and to try and repopulate their world.

"Well, as long as you are happy and safe. I am happy for you." Jasmine told her sister. "So where are the other mates? You mentioned Blue Tang, is that the merman?"

Amber nodded and was overwhelmed with joy that her sister was trying to understand this situation and be happy for her. She explained, "Yes, Blue Tang is the Merman King. I called him over accidentally earlier when I took Nick to the Aquarium. I had to buy them clothes so they didn't stand out as much."

She thought to herself, not that it helped that much. They are both too good looking and Blue Tang has blue hair! Just as she thought about him, Blue Tang appeared. He was wet with seawater and transformed his tail into legs quickly.

Jasmine jumped back in surprise at this new man in their room. She knocked over a small table and their brother knocked on the door. "Are you guys ok? I heard something fall."

Amber responded, "We are fine. Play your game until Mom gets back." He was frustrated and responded, "I can't find the remote!" Jasmine yelled through the door, "I told you to pick it up. Go look in your room."

Nick looked guilty at the mention of the remote but stayed quiet. Blue Tang was still trying to take in his new surroundings. He had never seen Amber's room in this world and didn't know who this other female was.

She looked a little like Amber but had different eyes and hair. Amber noticed his confusion and introduced him, "Blue Tang, this is my older sister Jasmine. The young male you heard is my little brother Christopher."

Blue Tang nodded toward Jasmine. "Nice to meet you. If you came back to the beast world with us, I can promise you will find many mates."

Amber and Jasmine didn't know how to respond to that offer. Jasmine cleared her thought and responded, "Um, no thanks I already have a boyfriend here that I love. I don't want any other mates."

Blue Tang thought it was a waste for Jasmine to only have one mate, but he didn't want to argue with her. He understood she was special to his mate. He would respect her choice. He didn't even know if bringing her to the beast world was possible.