Wolf Prince

Ray sulked in his room inside the Wolf castle. His father had allowed him to move back in when Ray told him what happened. He told his version of the story that made him look like Nick bullied him and kicked him away.

Ray was a three-striped beast man, while his father was a four-striped beast king. Even if they fought Nick together they would not win against a level five beast king. They could only accept their fate for now.

The Wolf Queen decided to throw a banquet for her son's return. She hoped he would find a new female and be happy. The Wolf King would do anything to make his mate happy and quickly announced the banquet for all of the females in the Beast City.

Ray was pleased to hear about the banquet for his return and hoped to make Amber jealous. She had her chance and now she will see how many females wanted him.

He was a prince in this city and was already on his way to becoming a king. Thanks to the crystal that Amber had given them he was halfway to his fourth stripe.

Tyler heard about the banquet and brought it up to Amber, "The Wolf Queen is having a banquet for Ray's return." Amber was happy to hear that Ray's family was happy to have him back.

"Should we go and support him?" She asked. Nick didn't want to go but would leave the decision to Amber. He responded, "We will go if you want to go. The banquet is open to all females in the Beast City."

Amber had never been to a banquet before and didn't know what to expect. She wanted to go see what it was all about. She also wanted to see Ray and wish him happiness.

She didn't want any bad feelings between them. She thought of him as a brother. Maybe that was why she couldn't accept his advances last time.

Tyler was from the Beast City and could tell that Amber wanted to go. He explained, "Banquets are held in the Beast City a few times a year by the different Kings. They are gatherings of females and their mates around campfires. They will provide meat and fruits for the females. We should go if you want to go."

Amber looked at Nick to see his reaction. He kissed her hand and responded, "I will go with you if you want to go. We will protect you."

Amber wasn't worried about anyone hurting her. She had more than enough protection. She wanted to experience more in this beast world before the cold season.

They would be stuck indoors all cold season. Even with the new games and activities she had planned, they could get bored. She nodded and responded, "I would like to go and wish Ray happiness."

The rest nodded in agreement and were happy that Amber was not sad about Ray leaving. Most females would be upset or jealous if their beast guardian left to look for another female.

Amber was different from the females of this world. They felt lucky to have such a nice mate.

The banquet would start at sunset. Amber washed up and dressed in her Cheetah skin dress. She had a feather from each of her flying mates added to a necklace that Blue Tang had given to her.

Amber looked like a Queen from the beast world. She rode with Eli on Barry's back on the way to the banquet. Oliver walked on one side with Nick on the other.

Eli had never been to a banquet and was excited to see all the different beast men gathered with their females. He was too young to notice the females, but he enjoyed the different colors of the female's hair and clothes.

His mother was a rare beauty with her blonde curly hair and green eyes. Most of the females had brown or red hair. Some had blue or green depending on the tribe they came from.

Peacock females tended to have blue or green hair. Fox females had red or orange hair. Bear females had brown or black hair. He was watching all the different colors around him until they arrived at an empty campfire.

Nick helped Amber down and Eli jumped down on his own. He was used to his Uncle Barry giving him rides. Oliver went to start the campfire and Nick led Amber to a soft fur they had placed on the ground.

Wolf guards were passing out meat to the beast men and fruit to the females. Amber received some grapes and shared them with Eli. He loved them!

Amber was thinking about making grape wine when an older female came up to them wearing a Wolf skin skirt and a fur-lined tube top. Her beast guards surrounded her. She asked, "Are you the female who refused my son and had her mate kick him out of your family?"

Amber was shocked at her accusation and responded, "I didn't kick anyone out of the family. Are you Ray's mother?" The Wolf Queen sneered and responded, "I am the Wolf Queen and Ray is my favorite son. He is too good for you."

Nick growled and Amber placed her hand over his arm to calm him down. "I am sorry that Ray feels that way. I only want him to be happy. I'm sorry that I couldn't accept him as my mate. I hope he finds a female and he can be happy."

The Wolf Queen just rolled her eyes and turned to walk away. She knew that she could not attack this female with her mates protecting her. She just wanted to tell this female that she was not good enough for her precious son.

He had earned his first stripe before he transformed into his non-beast form and was almost at the beast king level. She wanted to make sure her son's mate was fit to be the Wolf Queen.

Amber was a little upset that Ray's mother didn't like her. Also, why did she say her mate had kicked him out? She would never be that mean to anyone.

Nick and Oliver comforted Amber as Tom and Tyler kept watch. Fred offered her some berries he brought with them. Barry grilled the meat.

Blue Tang was silently watching everything and frowning at all the ugly females gathered at the banquet. He was right that most land females in the beast world were not up to his standard.

He noticed Amber was upset and tried to offer his words of comfort. "Don't worry about that ugly old woman. She is not even half as pretty as you are. You are the beautiful Mermaid Queen. She is just jealous."

Amber was embarrassed that Blue Tang said those words out loud. People were starting to look at them to see Amber. Nick didn't like the extra attention and released a low growl.

Amber cleared her throat and responded, "It doesn't matter how she looks. She is Ray's mother and the Wolf Queen. I am just sad that she doesn't like me. I hope Ray is ok."

Amber looked around to see Ray. She finally saw him sitting on the rock platform overlooking the crowd. He was dressed up in a grey fur cape and loin cloth. He looked like a Wolf Prince.

Amber waved at him when she saw him, but he ignored her. He was still hurt by her rejection and didn't want to talk to her. He smiled when a few females made their way towards him.

He was happy that Amber saw how many females desired him. They were all different.

One female was from the Wolf tribe with Grey hair and Silver eyes. One was from the Fox tribe with Red hair and brown eyes. The third one was from the Peacock tribe with Green hair and purple eyes.

Ray was happy that they were all competing for him. He felt like this is the way it should be. He shouldn't be wasting his life as a beast guardian.

Ray's mother saw the females fighting over her son's attention and sent a smirk toward Amber. She thought, "Look at what you missed out on." She hoped her son would choose the Wolf female.

She was from the Wolf tribe and thought it was best if the Wolf Queen was from the Wolf tribe. She thought about what tribe Amber was from.

She was too pretty to be from most land tribes. Maybe she was a Mermaid. She was mated to the Merman King. Her jealousy was starting to grow. She didn't care how beautiful this female was. Amber would never be good enough for her son.

Amber smiled at them and then turned her attention back to her family. She was happy that Ray was getting the attention of the females. She wanted him to be happy.

Eli caught her attention as he chased after a lightning bug. She laughed at him until he caught the bug and ate it. Her eyes went wide and she didn't know if he should spit it out.

Amber knew they ate bugs, so she looked at Oliver and asked him with her eyes. He understood her concern and shook his head to indicate it was fine.

Eli's eyes widened when he noticed his stomach was glowing! Amber laughed at his surprised face.