Mermaid Queen Returns

Blue Tang swam for a few days to reach the ocean from the river. He was surprised by what he found out when he returned to his underwater home. The original mermaid Queen and King had returned.

The original Merman King Gold had spent years searching for his mermaid Queen. When he finally found her in a neighboring Mermen tribe, he had to plan a way to steal her back. He allied with some of the mermen and fought his way to where she was being kept.

He rescued her and returned to their original tribe only to find out that Blue Tang had left with his new mate.

The Mermaid Queen was jealous that another female stole her next intended mate and beat the warrior. Even though she had hundreds of mermen in the tribe, she wanted Blue Tang.

He had shown the most promise out of the mermen. Now, he even leveled up higher than Gold!

She wanted to take him back even though she knew that males only had one mate. She couldn't accept the loss of her beat warrior.

Gennita had been spoiled from birth. As the only female in the Merfolk tribe, she had been given anything she desired. She naturally believed that anything she wanted belonged to her.

When Blue Tang arrived at the underwater tribe he was greeted by the warriors. They escorted him to Kind Gold and Queen Gennita inside the underwater cave.

He looked around and had fond memories of mating with Amber. He was deep in his thoughts when Gennita cleared her throat to get his attention back on her. She was stunned when she saw him come in and not acknowledge her. He seemed to be lost in his memories.

This made the jealousy inside her almost lash out. Blue Tang broke out of his thoughts and addressed her. "Welcome back Queen Gennita and King Gold. I'm glad you were able to rescue the previous Queen."

Her anger exploded at his remark, "What do you mean previous Queen? I am the only Queen of the Merfolk tribe!"

Blue Tang explained calmly, "You were the original Queen, after you left I leveled up past the previous King and accepted a new mate. She is the new Queen of the Merfolk Tribe."

King Gold was enraged on his mate's behalf.

"I left you in charge temporarily while I rescued my mate, your Queen. What gave you the courage to bring another female into the Queen's cave?"

Blue Tang was not upset at their reaction. It was normal to have a power struggle when someone new overthrows the previous leader.

He responded calmly as he walked around the cave and breathed in Amber's faint scent that remained.

"You were gone for years. We didn't know if you would ever return. I kept watching and waiting for your return until one day I found the most beautiful female I had ever seen. I assumed she was from another mermaid tribe and had been stranded on the beach. I rescued her and made her our new Queen. She promised to give us a new female mermaid for the tribe. Now that our previous King and Queen have returned, I can take my new mate and form a new Merfolk tribe."

Gennita was not happy with this plan. She wanted Blue Tang to stay with her even if she had to kill this new Queen. How dare she take her favorite warrior?

King Gold was happy that Blue Tang would leave the tribe. He saw the way his mate eyed Blue Tang and he was jealous. He wanted his mate all to himself. He spent years searching for her and fought an entire Merfolk tribe to get her back. He was still a four-striped king, but he could feel he was close to the next breakthrough.

He didn't know there was a level higher than four stripes, but he could sense that Blue Tang had surpassed his level. He didn't want to fight him because he was almost positive he would lose.

Not only would the defeat be humiliating for him as a King, but his mate would despise him. He couldn't allow that and hoped Blue Tang would leave peacefully.

Blue Tang turned around and was about to leave when Queen Gennita approached him from behind. She trailed her fingertips over his bare back. She knew she was beautiful with her bright red hair and pink eyes.

She believed she could seduce any male that she wanted. She slowly tripled her fingertips along the muscles on his back as she leaned closer to his ear and whispered seductively,

"You should leave your new mate and return home as my new favorite warrior. I can promise you my next birth as well."

Blue Tang shivered at her touch. He has hoped before he met Amber that he could be the next mate to the Queen. It was why he fought so hard to level up as much as he could.

If he wasn't already mated to Amber he would have accepted the Queen's invitation in a heartbeat, but now he was conflicted. He had a deep sense of responsibility to his home tribe and original Queen, but he also felt Amber's hold in his heart.

The further he got from her it was like an invisible string that tightened around his heart pulling him back to her. Right now he just wanted to return to her side. Even though the female he grew up idolizing was offering herself to him, he could not stop thinking about Amber.

"I'm sorry Queen Gennita, my heart and body belong only to my mate. I hope you will be happy at home with your King and merfolk. I will return to my mate."

Although Gold was thrilled at Blue Tang's words, Gennita was not happy that her seduction technique failed. She had never been denied anything she desired before! She didn't know how to handle rejection well.

"Are you denying me, your Queen?"

Blue Tang turned to face her and responded with a straight face. "You are my former Queen. My mate is my new Queen. I will only have her in my heart until I die."

Gennita was enraged at his response. "If I can't have you, no one can. Kill him, and then find his mate and kill this new Queen as well!"

Gold quickly rushed towards Blue Tang along with the other warriors in the tribe. They pushed him out of the cave into the deep water. He was heavily outnumbered, but he was at a higher level than all of them.

He was able to kill many of the lower-level mermen, but he felt bad about killing his former tribe.

The main reason he accepted Amber in the first place was to ensure the survival of his tribe. Now he had to kill his fellow clansmen to protect his mate. The irony was too much to ignore.

Queen Gennita looked at him from inside her bubble wall with disgust. How could he become a traitor to his tribe? She remembered how he used to fight for her attention when he was younger. Now she only felt resentment towards him.

Blue Tang fought fiercely but tried not to kill as many as possible. In his heart, he wanted to return to Amber, but he also felt responsible for his tribe. He held back and was overpowered by the sheer number of mermen. They held him down and King Gold was approaching him to deal the death blow.

Blue Tang stared at Gold with an icy gaze. His lips were bleeding and he had bruises all over his body, but he was still strong. He accepted his death. Even though he wished to return to Amber, his tribe had their King and Queen. He could die in peace knowing they would survive.

Gold was upset that he had to kill his strongest warrior, but glad that he would not compete for his mate's affection. He raised his sharp nails to behead Blue Tang and right before his nails touched Blue Tang's neck he suddenly vanished.

Gold's claws swiped through empty water. He was confused as he searched the nearby area. He couldn't find Blue Tang anywhere around and didn't know where he went. One of the guards who knew about his previous disappearance explained.

"This has happened before after he leveled up past four stripes. The stripes disappeared and then he vanished. He returned a few months later with his mate and her mates."

Gold didn't know this could happen when a beast man advanced past four stripes. They had so many abilities that were still a mystery to him.

Gennita was enraged that Blue Tang vanished before her eyes. "Find him and his mate. Kill them all!" Gold heard his mate's order and assigned a few of his trusted warriors to guard their Queen. He took some of his stronger warriors and set off toward the Beast City to find Blue Tang and his new mate.

He would kill them both and anyone else who got in his way!