Return to Bird Mountain

Tom and Tyler wanted to distract Amber from the battle in the Beast City. They knew Nick would kill the Merman King Gold and the rest of the beast men would finish off the other Mermen. They didn't want her to witness the messy battle.

Tom flew to his old nest on top of the mountain. Tyler followed with Amber and the cubs. Eli got excited when he saw how high they were. He loved to climb to the very top of trees and see the view from up high.

Nate and Raj peeked their heads over the edge of their mothers arms cautiously at first. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw the mountain with huge bird nests and natural hot tubs. Amber laughed at their surprised reaction.

She whispered into their ears, "This is called Bird Mountain. Uncle Tom used to live here. This is where we first met." They nodded their tiny kitten heads. Amber cuddled them closer. Her cubs were too cute!

They landed near Tom's nest and Eli jumped down excited to explore this new area. Amber called to him, "Be careful, don't go too far. There is a river down below with crocodiles. That is how I first met your father. He saved me from drowning and being eaten."

Eli was interested in the story. He had never heard how his parents met before. He came closer to Amber and sat down cross legged like an eager student ready to listen to the story.

Amber laughed and gently climbed down from Tyler's back. Tyler lowered his body to make it easier for Amber to slide off. She thanked him and gently put the cubs down.

Tom and Tyler transformed back into their beast man forms. They all sat around Amber to listen to the story. Beast men were all curious by nature and did not have many forms of entertainment.

Amber laughed at their eager faces and began to reenact the story. She decided to put on an impromptu skit to entertain them and distract the cubs and herself from the battle.

She began quietly and dramatically. "When I first came to this world, I appeared in the middle of the lake. I thought my sister was playing a prank on me. I saw a beautiful but dangerous Cheetah. He approached me and transformed into a beast man. Can you guess who that Cheetah beast man was?"

Eli jumped up and down like a student who knew the answer. He was so excited to answer his mother's question even thought she couldn't understand his monkey noises. Amber still understood his body language.

The Cheetah cubs ear's perked up when they heard about a Cheetah beast man. They guessed it was their father. Amber responded, "That's right, It was Nick. He brought me back to the Cheetah Village down the mountain."

Eli looked proud to have guessed correctly. The cubs were happy that their mother was talking about Cheetah beast men and were curious about the Cheetah Village. Amber reigned in their curiosity with the next part of the story.

"Nick brought me back to his village and introduced me to Dr. Tony. The next day we went to explore the village and I was interested in Bird Mountain. It was only a day for me, but it was an entire year here in the Beast World."

"Every year I go back to my world for a day, but it is an entire year here. If one day Mommy leaves, don't be scared. I will come back for my babies and loved ones." Amber cuddled with her cubs and Eli to comfort them.

Eli nodded to the cubs to let them know that what she said was true. He had experienced it before and wanted to be a good older brother to the cubs. They looked up to him.

Amber continued, " I started to sing as we explored the village and Tom heard my singing." Amber started to sing All I Have to Give by the Backstreet Boys. Tom hummed along since he had heard her sing before.

"But my love is all I have to give;

Without you, I don't think I could live.

I wish I could give the world to you,

but my love is all I have to give."

The rest looked dazed in awe at Amber's beautiful singing voice. Eli had heard his mother sing other songs, but this was the most beautiful song because she was professing her love to them. His heart swelled and received his mother's love.

When Amber finished singing and humming the words she didn't remember Tom repeated the words he spoke to her when they first met. "Forgive me for staring, but I have never seen a female as beautiful as you or heard such a beautiful voice before. I would gladly give my life to stay by your side."

The cubs looked at their Uncle Tom with respect at his beautiful words. They took note how to woo a female in the future. Tyler didn't want to be left out and told Amber, "You are not only the most beautiful female I have ever seen, but you have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. You are the most kind hearted female I have ever met."

The cubs now looked at their Uncle Tyler with respect. No wonder their dad was always jealous of their uncles. They knew the lovely words to woo a mate.

Amber blushed at their praises and continued with the story. "That day, Tom became my beast guardian. We went to his nest and then to the hot springs. That was my first time flying on a flying beast man."

Tom looked proud and puffed up his chest. Tyler looked jealous that Amber had her first flight with him, but them he remembered she just flew with him here. He looked smug at that thought.

"When Nick went to hunt food for us, Tom took me to the river to cool off. We didn't know there were floating beasts in the water. They attacked Tom together. He was busy fighting about 30 crocodiles while I was left alone. I fell into the water and almost drowned.

Luckily, Oliver was near by. He dove into the water and pulled me out. I was unconscious, so he brought me back to the Ape kingdom for the village healer to help me. He saved me with CPR and we became mates. It is when you help someone breathe."

Amber showed them how to perform CPR in case they ever needed to know. She used a pile of leaves as a mannequin with a mango as the head. She showed them how to do chest compressions for 30 seconds and then breathe into the mouth while closing the nostrils. She repeated the actions so they could see.

They were eager to learn this life saving technique. They all saved the information for future use. This could help them save someone even a potential mate for the cubs and Eli.

Amber passed the mango to Eli and the cubs to eat. She continued with her story, "Nick came to the Ape Kingdom with Tom to look for me. They almost got into a fight, but the Ape King stopped him. Eli helped me climb down the tree house and I convinced Nick for us to be a happy family."

Eli looked proud that his mommy was telling the story of how his father saved her. He had more respect for his father now. Tom looked a little sad at the memory of not being able to protect Amber at that time.

Amber noticed his sad expression and expressed, "Don't feel bad, There were 30 crocodiles against one level 3 flying beast man. You helped to save me and my children just now from the battle in the Beast City."

Tom and Tyler perked up at the mention of saving Amber and the children. At the reminder of the battle, Amber checked her beast marks to make sure none of them were glowing. She didn't want to accidentally summon any of the level 5 mates, so she quickly distracted herself.

Amber continued her story, "When we returned to the Cheetah Village, Dr. Tony helped Tom wrap his wounds. He noticed my pulse was faster than normal. That was when I found out I would be having a baby for the first time. Can you guess who that little surprise baby was?"

Eli looked excited to hear his mother mention him in her story. He jumped up and down again raising his hand. Amber laughed and made a motion like she was thinking about who to call on. Eli persisted with his arm raised.

Amber finally conceded and responded, "That's right, Eli was the surprise baby born in the middle of the cold season. We had moved into the Beast City before that. First, we stayed with the Lion King and Queen in their castle while Nick and the others built the Cheetah castle. That is how I was introduced to Barry, Fred and Tyler."

Tyler perked up at the mention of his name. He remembered fondly the first time he met Amber. He would never regret becoming her beast guardian first, and then her mate.