
Annie when up to her aunt and greeted her. "Morning Aunt Lana."

"So, you have the guts to sleep wherever you want and come back whenever you want."

"I'm not a child to ask for your permission to go anywhere. "Annie regreted the very moment she yells at her aunt and that very moment her aunt raises her hand and slap her face and said." I will not allow a low life animal like you to insult me if your dead mother Lucy didn't teach you any manners I will."

"This doesn't involve my mother so don't mention her name in that filthy mouth of yours she was something you could never be."

"Don't take to me like that, well I don't blame you I blame myself for raising you up trying to give you and your brother a good life."

"Good life? you have done nothing but to only make our life a living hell sometime I wonder if you are even a human being."

" How dare you say those words to me did your useless mother taught you nothing she was dump enough to follow your father who led her to her grave."

Annie felt her entire body boil up she lost it and slap her aunt across the face her aunt holds her face and spoke. "It Sames like you have found a place to live cause it is not in my house you and your brother leave my house now."

Annie tears up as she kneels down and beg her aunt to let Romeo stay. "Please Aunt please let my brother stay I beg you."

Romeo came out and saw his sister kneeling on the ground begging and ask. "Annie what happen why are you begging aunty for aunty."

"Let me answer that? "Their Aunt's son said. "My mother is kicking the both of you out of her house."

"What that's a lie."