Chapter: 46

As the room got empty Syl grab Annie by the waist and kiss her hard Annie didn't think twice as she drop her gun and wrap her hands around his neck and kiss him back. "OH, Annie you look so hot with the way you fought those guys I felt so arouse I wanted to f***k you the moment you shot the first guy."

"I don't think it's too late."

"It's never too late when it is with you." he said as he grabs her lips and she jump up and wrap her legs around him as he took her into the bathroom.

"Master, don't you think we should go and check on them." Thomas asks Luke who had a cup of coffee in his hands.

"My son is strong that was how I raised him I'm sure he can handle a few assassins and also I want you to check the CV tip and found out who dares attack my son in my house."

"Yes sir."

Syl open the water and pin Annie to the wall as he hurriedly takes off her clothes and as he did so she did the same to him when both had completely naked each other lust and desire for one another fill their eyes. "May God kill me if I ever get tired of this body." he said as he hurriedly grabs one of her breasts with his mouth like an angry beast and Annie let out an instant and erotic moan his hand move to her cave and begin to feel it tension. "Your p***y is sulking wet my queen."

"It is all your fault now you have to take responsibility for it.... ahh." she moan loudly as he slides two of his fingers into her with his lips on hers his finger move electrically in and out of her. " Oh, my d**k can't hold on anymore my queen."

"And... I can't hold it anymore."

He smiles as he went down to her cave with his lip. "Spread your legs a bit." and without any hesitation she did, and she let out an even louder moan when his lips touch her there, she felt a bit embarrass but her body and mind didn't care she place her hand on his hair to encourage him of his doings.