Chapter 67

"My brother...he's here at Sylvester's house?"


"When did he arrived?"

"Not long before you came here, Syl sent for him."

"Come on let's go and see him now." Annie said enthusiastically as she grabs Emily hands and lead her to the car, and they drove away to Sylvester's house on their way Annie felt happy, so Syl brought back her brother but why.

"I Like you, Annie." his past words rang in her ears, and she felt bad cause she was so unclear and unfair to him after their first sex, she kept on ignoring him and acting all up the truth is she don't know what she feels about him clearly, she is sex attracted to him bit to called that love it just feel so out of place in her puzzle.

When the car stop Annie couldn't believe she was so lost in her in her thoughts that she didn't notice that they have arrived. "Annie we are here stop. daydreaming."

Annie rushes out of the car and her eyes got fix on the figure before her it was her tall young and handsome brother and without another thought she ran and hug him hard Emily and Butler Daniel Smile as they watch as the two siblings both never wanting to leave each other arms but all good things don't last forever, Annie Look at him and tears roll down her cheeks. "Don't cry Ann I'm here now' I miss you."

"I miss you too... I really miss you so much." Annie kisses his forehead, and her smile never left her face even when they were sited at the dining table. 

At Logan's hideout

Syl eyes were red, and his presence was extremely cold he didn't hesitate to kill anyone in his way, and it felt like he alone could fight all of Logan's man although Logan men were plenty, Syl's men were Plenty and unbeatable and all the time Syl fought his eyes was on his watch every sec, every now and then, now he has 45 more minutes to save his brother cause Logan give me three hours.