Black Archers: Retribution and Planning

Unknown Location

 "Hey Two, I need to tell you something."

 "It better be good, Four. You know I dislike having my target practice interrupted."

 Two steadies its breathing, bow already drawn, takes aim, and just as Two is about to release Four blurts out.

 "Someone is going around impersonating you."

 Two never wavers as it releases; the arrow flies true, heading towards a small bird that's flying towards them six hundred yards up in the air. The arrow passes by the bird, just close enough that the shaft of the arrow ever so slightly grazes the bird. The bird continues on like nothing happened.

 "I think that's the first time I've seen you miss your mark. Maybe try firing off more arrows next time."

 "I wasn't aiming for the bird."

 "Look Two, a miss is a miss. There's no shame in it."

 "Careful now Four, or you'll get hit."

 Before Four can respond an arrow hits the dirt, mere millimeters away from its boot.

 "What the fuck. Who's the fucker the shot this at me?" Four goes off on a long rant.

 Two just stands there. Calmly listening. Several minutes pass.

 "Care to repeat that last part? You know about how you're gonna make the shooter your bitch."

 Four stops talking.

 "Go on, say it."

 "No. It's alright. I'm good."

 "Thought so. Now why are you here?" Asks One.

 "Um… you see… um." Four fumbles over the words.

 "Out with it."

 "Five, overheard three young men talking about ways they are gonna kill this Kino person. And how they'll be full-fledged members of The Black Archers. All because Two saw how exceptional they were."

 "Interesting." Remarks Two. "Where are these three at right now?"

 "According to Five, they're heading for Peach Valley in a few days."

 "Where's Three at?" One asked.

 "Talking with that mage from the other day." Replied Four.

 "Bring them both here, Four."

 Four immediately vanishes.

 "Peach Valley. That's where Dale lives now; after we forced him into early retirement. We'll need to err on the side of caution, or we risk him coming after us."

 "Agreed. Let's go Two."


 In the forest near Peach Valley. Daniel, Shin, and Finn are on their knees before Two and the rest of The Black Archers. The mage stands off to the side quietly waiting.

 "Tell it to me again."

 "Like I've been saying, you approached us, gave us three hundred gold coins just to hear you out." Said Daniel.

 "He's full of shit. Let's just kill all three of them now, and be done with it."

 "Shut it Three. Go on." Encouraged Two.

 "You gave us a job to do in order to prove ourselves worthy of becoming members of The Black Archers." Daniel explained.

 "What was this supposed job that I gave you?"

 "You said to kill Kino Kurosaki; warned us that she was extremely fast. Once the job was done we were to deliver her head to you as proof of death, and you would then pay us each five thousand gold coins."

 "Who is Kino Kurosaki?" Asked One.

 "She's a student from the Assassin School, who supposedly came from another world. That's what she claims anyways."

 "An otherworlder. Sounds interesting."

 "Can we kill them now?" Asked Three. "I'm itching for some live target practice."

 "What was your plan?" Five asked.

 "We used to live here when we were kids." Said Shin. "So my brother Finn and I started attacking the place knowing they would put in a job request at the Adventurers Guild over in Snapdragon Village."

 "It was my job to make sure Kino took the job request." Said Daniel


 "I'm a shapeshifter. I disgusted myself as an employee working at the guild. I knew what Kino looked like from seeing her around the school.

 However, it turns out she has a brother who happened to take the quest that was posted by Peach Valley. After another employee pointed it out to him."

 "You're from the Assassin School? I call bullshit." Remarks Three. "Just let me kill them already."

 "No, not yet." Said One. "I want to see them pull this job off."

 "Are you serious? You still want us to kill Kino." Shin asked.

 "Yes. You'll proceed like we aren't even here."

 "What happens afterwards?"

 "That all depends on how you do."

 "If we succeed will we become members of The Black Archers?" Asked Finn.

 "Not full fledged members, but you'll be under our protection." Replied One.

 "What if we fail?"

 "You die. You also can't refuse this job. After all, going around talking about us is an automatic death sentence. But if you prove capable I don't see the need to kill exceptional talent."

 "Hey One, let's have the mage lend them a hand."

 "Why should I allow that Four?"

 "It would be a great way to test the mages concealment abilities for our job coming up."

 "You make a good point Four. Hey mage, you're helping these three."


 "You do realize if they fail you die with them?" Asked Four.

 "If I failed a different test you had planned for me, you would've killed me anyways. Would you not?"


 "Then we better not fail. You three walk me through your plan." Orders the mage sitting down in front of the boys.

 "We'll leave you to it." Said Two.

 The Black Archers disappear.

 "Light Magic: Clarity Manipulation. There now we can talk in peace without being seen." Said the mage. "What have you done so far?"

 "I met these guys before hand by chance, we went on a killing spree after I killed a classmate because she refused to dump the girl I loved, and now I'm destroying my former love interests reputation by hanging people whilst leaving notes behind that read ' I HAVE TO GET FASTER, I HAVE TO BEAT KINO.' ensuring she is blamed for the killings."

 "And now my brother Finn and I are here attacking our former home." Shin said, picking up from where Daniel left off. "We've been using our earth bear summons to attack at random; making it hard for them to fight back."

 "Not like they could anyways. None of them have ever been adventurers. Just a bunch of useless fucks acting tough." Complained Finn."

 "Ok. Didn't need to know that much." The mage takes a breath then asks. "When is this Kino person supposed to show up?"

 "Right now." Answered Daniel, pointing to the party walking along the road leading into the valley.

 "Daniel, can you shape-shift into someone Kino knows?"


 "Good. Do that and get as close as you can to her. Shin and Finn let's hold off on attacking until we see what they're gonna do."

 "Who the fuck died and made you the boss?"

 "Shut it Finn. We'll do as the mage says."

 The mage quickly lays out a plan. Everyone agrees, and gets ready for another assault on the valley.

 Needless to say the plan fails; Shin and Finn are hanged with chains by Four and Five. Five even leaves a note. The mage tries to make a run for it, but is killed by Three.

 Once Daniel's cover is blown, Two kills him, while the others lay down suppressing fire so they can escape. Not wanting Dale to give chase, or worse Kino coming after them.


 Two days later.

 In a Podunk there is an establishment known as The Hills. It's the only decent bar/inn/restaurant around for miles. It's a place where those who want to eat, drink, fight, fuck, or hide from the law gather.

 Most of its patrons are wanted for something; whether it be murder, rape, thievery, arson, or whatever, they all eventually end up here.

 The sun has barely come up and there's already folks belly up at the bar. Other patrons come sauntering downstairs heading over to the restaurant for breakfast.

 𝐾𝑖𝑦𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑘𝑖. 𝑂ℎ 𝐾𝑖𝑦𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑜, 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡, 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐾𝑖𝑦𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑜, 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒. 𝑂ℎ ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢.

 "You still reading that file on the otherworlders that Odie gave you?"

 "Of course. It's not often you hear about otherworlders. He might be the one that gives me what I've been looking for."

 "You knew about them prior to Peach Valley didn't you?"

 "What do you want, Five?" One asked.

 "I have a personal matter to take care of. So I'll be leaving for a while."

 One remains silent. Rereading the file on the otherworlders. Minutes tick by before One asks. "What about the big job we got coming up? We still have a lot of prep work to do."

 "I'll stay until the prep work is complete. Once it's finished I'll take my leave."

 "No. We need all five of us to pull this off."

 "Hear me out at least."

 "Fine. Go ahead and convince me then."

 Five lays out the plan to One.

 "All right I think that'll work. Now go get the others, it's time to discuss the job."

 "Before we get started I have an announcement." All eyes are on One. "I reached out to Odie about finding us another mage talented at concealment magic. Hopefully this new one won't run at the first sign of trouble, and will actually try to come up with a solution."

 "Who is that bastard anyways? Every time he comes around, and I try to kill him I somehow end up missing him."

 "The only thing you need to know about him Three, is that he's a well connected information broker, whom you'll never kill. So stop trying."

 "Alright, fine. I'll stop trying to kill him."

 "You better."

 "What's this big job about? That requires a mage talented in concealment magic. We've pulled off plenty of jobs without one." Asked Four.

 "It's a two pronged operation we're pulling off simultaneously. Because of how serious this is Five is the only other one I've told. So here's what we're doing."

 The group sits there in stunned silence after hearing about the job they're about to attempt.

 "Can we actually pull it off with only six of us?" Asked Four.

 "That's why I told Five in advance. To start planning ahead of time, and it's why we're going to follow Five's plan. Five if you would."

 "It should come as no surprise that this will be the riskiest job we've ever done. So here's what I came up with.

 Five goes on to explain the plan it came up with.

 "Who exactly is gonna do this?" Asked Three.

 "You and Four will. You do enjoy killing, maybe turn it into a game of some kind."

 "What about adventures? Can we target them as well?"

 "Sure, go for it, Four. Any other questions?"

 "Keep going Five, we can review everything once they hear the full plan." Said One.

 "To ensure they take this seriously you'll need to keep someone alive to bear witness. So once word gets out they'll mobilize immediately."

 "What makes you so sure they'll come after us?" Three asked.

 "They will when you tell them it was us."

 "That'll definitely get them going."

 "You and Four will target the Hunters School, and Healers School, seeing how they're the farthest away. You'll also target as many Templar offices as well."

 "Attacking the schools will be difficult." Said One. "I suggest we recruit those folks out in my bar."

 "You want to use the lawless bunch from The Hills?"

 "Why not? I created this establishment as our cover and our primary base of operations. We don't need to look far for those that have no qualms with killing people for some easy coin."

 "So you're gonna do what, hang up a quest sheet or something?" Joked Four.

 "No, I'll talk to a few information brokers that I trust."

 "Let's say we pull all that off, what about The Netherlands Empire getting involved?"

 "You raise a good point Three. It's an x-factor. There's no guarantee they won't. Just like any job we take on there'll always be an x-factor. We'll just have to plan out everything we can and hope for the best."

 "What's the plan for you three? So far you guys aren't doing shit."

 "If everything goes off without a hitch, both One, Two, and the mage will be in the clear to complete the job.

 "What the fuck are you doing then Five? You just gonna sit back on your ass while the rest of us do this job?"

 "Five is handling something else Three. That's all you guys need to know." Answered One, shutting down any further debate on the matter. "Now it's time we start hashing out every single detail that we can."